Friday, December 21, 2007

Trinity Blood: Cain Nightroad


The elder twin brother of Abel Nightroad and the main Antagonist of the story, Cain is the oldest of the Test Tube Babies who was once the beloved leader of the Mars Colonization project.

Because of an accident, his younger brother Seth injected him with Crusnik nanomachines, a sort of vaccine that turns normal humans into vampires that feed on the blood of other vampires. This saved Cain’s life, but it also drew him into insanity. His decision to support the Vampire Returners and to murder prototype Lilith Sahl angered Abel and Seth, killing Cain in the process. But it seems even turning Cain’s Crusnik body into ashes is still not enough to stop him, as he is able to regenerate later on in the series.

This is a most impressive cosplay of Cain! It’s rather controversial that Cain looks angelic and Abel looks demonic, when the two of them play opposite roles! But you really have to love the details of his armor!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

D.N.Angel: Dark Mousy

d.n.angel cosplay - dark mousyJesuke really know how to do her cosplays…

This character is Dark Mousy from D.N.Angel. He is the alter ego of Niwa Daisuke, a shy and reserved 14-year-old typical school boy.

Dark is a phantom thief who steals the harmful Hikari Family art pieces. Although he always gives warnings as to when and where a particular robbery will occur, he has never been caught.

There are several different pictures of Jesuke as Dark Mousy in her Deviant Art account. Please have a visit there as well. I had to choose this picture because of the wing details… It’s quite impressive, don’t you think?

Monday, December 17, 2007

Gundam Seed: Natarle Badriguel

gundam seed cosplay - natarle badriguelNatarle Badeiguel, one of the few survivors of ZAFT’s Le Creuset’s raid to seize the new weapons of the colony, is one of Earth Alliance’s most loyal and promising young officers. She is the executive officer of the Archangel, a ship headed by Captain Murrue Ramius. She is a superb tactical analyst, a fine trait that made her a captain of her own ship, Dominion, after her former captain began to question the Earth Alliance’s actions.

Natarle is one of my favorite character in the series. Most people don’t really like her because of her cold nature, but I believe that’s what makes her such a fine officer in the first place. Besides, I respect characters like her better than the Damsel in Distress types.

Sadly, she perished in Archangel’s hands because of her blind loyalty to the Earth Alliance.

Pretty accurate cosplayer though, isn’t she?

Friday, December 14, 2007

Yu Yu Hakusho: Youko Kurama and Hiei

yu yu hakusho cosplay - youko kurama and hiei Oh my… I didn’t think there’ll be more Yu Yu Hakusho cosplays that are being done recently… But according to this picture, it was uploaded December 10, 2007 on High King’s Flickr account.

The demon Youko is good, though I think wearing the wings made of petals and vines he used to fly around the Demon World may be a bit much… What I’m really impressed with is Hiei! The cosplayer’s got the look and attitude just right!

Of course, I was hunting for a Hiei cosplayer especially for Shadow Cat. I didn’t get the particular Hiei look that she requested, but I think she’ll be happy with this anyway…

Hope you like it, Shadow Cat!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Trinity Blood: Dietrich von Lohengrin

trinty bloog cosplay - dietich von lohengrin The sadistic Puppet Master who thinks of people as merely his toys, Dietrich von Lohengrin is described to be a genius with an angelic face and a demonic heart. He is also the only known Terran in the Rosen Kreuz Orden.

As a young child, his father had realized Dietrich’s evil nature and tried to kill him. Dietrich ended up killing his father as well as his entire family at a young age. He joined Rosen Kreuz Orden later at the age of 7 and became a high ranking official in the age of 10.

Such an impressive cosplay! I found this in a website that features a ton of Trinity Blood cosplays! Make sure you guys visit! I’ll post a few more from them soon.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Get Backers: Mido Ban

get backers cosplay - mido ban Speaking of people with dangerous pointy hair, here’s a character who has such messy (and pointy!) hair that he is often nicknamed “urchin head”!

The rude, and often arrogant Mido Ban, if the descendent of the Last Witch of the 20th Century. He is a genius in battle, and a natural born leader. And, though he’ll never admit it, he is very sentimental towards his friends and even those he is rude with.

That is the most awesome looking Mida Ban hair! Another case of abusing hair cement like Kakashi? I heard using raw egg whites will also get you that result.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Music Video

Ivy’s Sonata of Temptation shows an excellent reenactment of a scene from Final Fantasy VII, Advent Children. But from what I hear, Square is suing them for not asking permission to use Final Fantasy Advent Children references.

Well… regardless of the politics, it’s an awesome cosplay! I don’t really care much for the music though… I just like the cosplay…

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mangaweekend at Solvalla

They may not be the best picture, but at least you can see the costumes.
Me in Ariel and my friend in Sakura.

This was just a little mini-con that I went on. It lasted two days and many things happend. There were a manga-teacher (how to draw), animemarathon, karaoke and alot of animetalking.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Ariel - Original - Cosplay

It was so cold that day. I think it was just a few degress over 0. But I still like how the photos turned out.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

More: What Is

Cosplay: simply put, it's when you wear a costume and have fun. Costume playing. It's a subculture originally from Japan. Here in the west it's mostly aimed at anime/manga-characters.

Casual Cosplay
: it's my own term for cosplay you can do everyday, without people staring at you and wondering what planet you are from. I can be hairstyles, clothes and other things that belongs to the character without making it to big.

: one more subculture that comes from Japan. This is not related to the book whatsoever. The style gets it's inspiration from Rococo, baroque and the Victorian time. It should also cover you up. It's not sexy, it's cute.
Lolita has many of it's own sub-looks, but I like to take pieces from different genres and put together my own style. So my style will not look like everyone else's, and that's how I think it should be.

To be filled in more as times passes. :D

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sakura Kinomoto - Cardcaptor Sakura - Cosplay

My first cosplay at KodachiKun 2007 in Lund, Sweden.

More info about the costume is coming.