Friday, March 28, 2008
Bleach-hair - Casual Cosplay

Lucky Star: Izumi Konata
The stereotypical otaku (anime lover) character in the series Lucky Star, Izumi Konata is fun loving, athletic girl who prefers her hobbies over studies and sports. Since she needs a lot of money to keep up with the latest anime and manga series, she works part time in a cosplay cafe.
Parodies of The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi can be seen in this anime while Kona-chan works in the cafe. In one episode, Konata cosplayed Haruhi and danced the signature ending theme song. Ironic, considering Konata and Haruhi have the same seiyuu (voice actress), Hirano Aya, and yet you wouldn’t have noticed if you don’t read the end credits.
Cute cosplay! She got Kona-chan’s expression perfectly. Even that one strand of hair sticking out on top. Nicely done!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Air Gear: Simca
Simca is the leader of the Genesis group from Air Gear. She wants to gather all the Kings and their Regalia in order to conquer the Trophaeum Tower and acquire the Sky Regalia. It is also perhaps because of this that she has taken a great (somewhat romantic) interest in Minami “Ikki” Itsuki because she believes he is destined to become the legendary Sky King. She was able to convince him to take the lead on Genesis after Kogarasumaru’s triumph over Behemoth.
This is a very convincing cosplay of Simca the Swallow. Love the costume and the attitude. Great cosplay!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Rurouni Kenshin: Takani Megumi
Megumi is well known among Rurouni Kenshin fans as the “Fox Lady”, meaning both literally a vixen for being cunning and “foxy” or beautiful lady. She is assumed to be the last of the Takani clan, a high class level family of well renowned doctors who specialize in Western and Eastern medicine. Her father died in the battlefield in Nagasaki, while her mother and two brothers disappeared. She was working as the apprentice of a prominent doctor when she was forced to create the “Spider’s Web” opium.
This girl looking convincingly like Megumi, though she probably needs to comb her hair a bit. It’s still a really great cosplay though! Awesome job!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Bleach: Kuchiki Byakuya
One of the most popular Shinigami captains of the Bleach Universe, Kuchiki Byakuya is born of noble blood… the 28th head of one of the four noble families.
He is very calm and apathetic, and believes in Law and Order. He sets himself as an example to others by following the rules of Soul Society without question, even if it causes him personal conflicts.
As a noble, he wears a kenseikan headpiece which symbolizes his rank as the head of the Kuchiki family and a scarf made by Master Weaver Tsujishiro Kuroemon III. The scarf is a family heirloom and is said to have the same worth as 10 large houses.
Beautiful cosplay! Though I think this Byakuya is a girl. The pink flowers in the background looks like sakura too! I wonder how she was able to do her hair?
Monday, March 24, 2008
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children: Yuffie Kisaragi
The skilled kleptomaniac of a ninja, Yuffie Kisaragi is a self proclaimed “Materia Hunter” who joins parties in order to steal their Materia, small spheres of crystallized spiritual energy. She steals with the intentions of restoring her country, Wutai, to its former glory.
Isn’t she a cute little thief? Looks like she really can’t get her hands of the Materia, since she’s holding one in the photograph. Nice cosplay!
Technorati tags: nanao, research, final fantasy, 7, vii, advent children, yuffie kisaragi, materia, hunter, kleptomania, spiritual energy, wutai, ninja, thief
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Yami no Matsuei: Kazutaka Muraki
Yami no Matsuei or the Descendants of Darkness’ main antagonist, Kazutaka Muraki is a brilliant doctor who laments over losing the lives of his patients… as a cover to the fact that he’s actually a psychotic serial killer who plays with spirits, curses, and the dead.
Do you realize now why I’m so fascinated with him?
And what a brilliant photo this is! With the roses, it looks like he is meeting with Tsuzuki, his “prey”. I love the hair and his trench coat too! Fantastic cosplay!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Gyakuten Saiban: Mitsurugi Reiji
Many people regard as the first bishounen (rough translation would be “pretty boy”, no pun intended!) of the Gyakuten Saiban series. Reiji is more commonly known as Miles Edgeworth, but since I’m loyal to the Japanese version, I’ll call him Reiji in my blog.
I can’t give much information about him unless I want to spoil the game play. All I can say is he’s a really good prosecutor with a kind heart, no matter how cold-hearted he may seem. The perfect rival for Naruhodo Ryuichi, aka Phoenix Wright!
I’m quite impressed with this cosplay. Though bitter disappointed to his fangirls since this cosplayer looks like a girl to me. But I’m assuming this. We all know I’ve been wrong before.
Technorati tags: nanao, research, gyakuten saiban, phoenix wright, ace attorney, reiji, mitsurugi, miles, edgeworth, bishounen, cosplay, cosplayer, fangirls, prosecutor, defense attorney, pretty boy
Monday, March 17, 2008
Trinity Blood: Augusta Vradica aka Seth Nightroad
The youngest of the Nightroad siblings, Seth became the Empress Augusta Vradica of the New Human Empire. 800 years ago, she led the Methuselah to safety and helped restore natural life to the land where the Empire eventually rose. Her people see her as their mother, and she does them as her children. No one’s actually seen what she looks like though, because of the heavy veils she puts on when she speaks to them and she uses a voice modifier as well. Because of this, she can easily move around the city without being noticed.
Awesome cosplay! The details on the costume is quite stunning and impressive! Oh, did I mention that the character looks like a little girl but she’s actually 900 years old? Comes with being a crusnik I guess!
Friday, March 14, 2008
The Legend of Zelda: Link
…or rather, 2 Links! But wait. why are they in red and blue? Isn’t Link suppose to be in green?
Anyway… Link is the protagonist of the classic video game series, “The Legend of Zelda”! He is a young Hylian boy known for his great swordsmanship and fighting skill. He is a humble fellow, and bears a Triforce mark on his left hand, showing that he will be the one to find the Triforce of Courage.
Thanks to Wonderland for sharing this awesome cosplay picture!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Chobits: Motosuwa Hideki and Chi
Aww… this is just too cute! Too bad we can’t see Chi’s face…
I am wondering why they’re in a girl’s room though. In the anime, Hideki and Chi live in an apartment, and it’s not a girl’s room, but rather, a guy’s room. Chi is, after all, Hideki’s persocom, and so she is the one living with Hideki.
And this picture makes it look like the exact opposite!
I’m not complaining though. It’s a really good picture, and I like it very much! Don’t you think it’s really cute they’re sharing one pajama?
Monday, March 10, 2008
Rozen Maiden Träumend: Barasuishou and Kirakishou
The fake and the real Rozen Maiden… The girl with the siver hair and purple dress is Barasuishou, an apprentice’s attempt to surpass his Master’s work, namely the seventh Rozen Maiden, Kirakishou.
Unfortunately, the anime doesn’t reveal much about the Kirakishou. Rozen Maiden Träumend focused more on the apprentice, and sadly, even though Barasuishou was able to attain all the Rosae Mysticae, her body could not contain them. She died in her “father’s” arms, the apprentice of the Master known as Enju.
Beautiful cosplay and a brilliant shot! Thanks to Project GEOFRONT 9 for sharing the image!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Pangya: Kooh
This cosplay was first posted by Kooh, and no, I don’t mean the Kooh from Pangya, but rather the Kooh of Sanriotown.
…ok, I think Kooh is claiming to be the Kooh of Pangya, so I’m a little confused myself.
Anyway, speaking of the character the cosplayer is portraying, she is a young pirate in search of her father who has vanished since the battle with the Demon King. Her father was a captain of a pirate ship and because of his disappearance, his crew thought he abandoned them. To prevent a mass rebellion, Kooh stepped up and became the captain (not without proving she is worthy, mind you!). She now sails the seven seas in search of her father whom she believes to still be alive.
Beautiful cosplay! Probably the best Kooh I’ve seen so far. Thanks to Cosplay.co.kr for the image!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Naruto: Mitarashi Anko
Mitarashi Anko, a former student of Orochimaru and bearer of one of his “cursed seals” (Orochimaru’s jutsu). After learning that Orochimaru was merely using her as a tool, Anko left Orochimaru and allowed him to erase her memories of her time together with her teacher. She is now the proctor of the second phase of the chunin exams and hates Orochimaru with a passion.
Really love the simplicity of this cosplay. She really caught Anko’s character. Her pose and the composition of the photograph is nice too. Wish I could see more of the costume though…
Technorati tags: nanao, research, mitarashi, anko, naruto, cosplay, anime, manga, orochimaru, jutsu, cursed seal, tool, proctor, chunin, exams, character, photography
~Vampire Knight

☆ Black Order Members ☆
=Exorcists =
Allen Walker アレン・ウォーカー

Yu Kanda 神田 ユウ ,

Lenalee Lee リナリー・リー

Lavi ラビ

Hevlaska ヘブラスカ

Miranda Lotto ミランダ・ロットー

Bookman ブックマン

Arystar Krory The Third アレイスター・クロウリー三世

Daisya Barry デイシャ・バリー

Noise Marie ノイズ・マリ

Suman Dark スーマン・ダーク

Chaoji Han チャオジー・ハン

Timothy Hearst ティモシー・ハースト

Cross Marian クロス・マリアン

Kevin Yeegar ケビン・イェーガー

Froi Tiedoll フロワ・ティエドール

Cloud Nyne クラウド・ナイン

Winters Zokalo ウィンターズ・ソカロ

Komui Lee コムイ・リー

Reever Wenham リーバー・ウェンハム

Malcolm C. Leverrier マルコム·C·ルベリエ

Howard Link ハワード・リンク

Johnny Gill ジョニー

=Asia Branch=
Bak Chan バク・チャン

Fou フォー

Samo Han Wong サモ・ハン・ウォン

Loufa 蝋花

Likei 李佳
Shifu シィフ
☆ Millennium Earl's Followers ☆

The Millennium Earl 千年伯爵

= The Noah Family =

Road Kamelot ロード・キャメロット

Tyki Mikk ティキ・ミック ,

Jasdevi ジャスデビ

Jasdero ジャスデロ ,

Debitto デビット

Skin Bolic スキン・ボリック

Lulu Bell ルル・ベル

Cyril Kamelot シェリル・キャメロット

The 14th 14番目


Blog Archive
- Bleach-hair - Casual Cosplay
- Lucky Star: Izumi Konata
- Air Gear: Simca
- Rurouni Kenshin: Takani Megumi
- Bleach: Kuchiki Byakuya
- Final Fantasy VII Advent Children: Yuffie Kisaragi
- Yami no Matsuei: Kazutaka Muraki
- Gyakuten Saiban: Mitsurugi Reiji
- Trinity Blood: Augusta Vradica aka Seth Nightroad
- The Legend of Zelda: Link
- Chobits: Motosuwa Hideki and Chi
- Rozen Maiden Träumend: Barasuishou and Kirakishou
- Pangya: Kooh
- Naruto: Mitarashi Anko
- ~Vampire Knight
- ~D.Gray-man
- ~Code Geass
- ~Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
- ~Naruto
- ~Death Note
- ~Bleach
- Lets Cosplay!~