Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Naruto: Tenten

naruto cosplay - tenten by zhyrheTenten is the only female member of Team Guy, and she longs to prove that a female ninja can be just as skilled as any male ninja. Of all of the protagonists in the series, Tenten receives the least amount of screen time. However, series creator Kishimoto Masashi favors her design more than any other female characters he created. Her Japanese Seiyuu is Tamura Yukari and her English voice actor is Danielle Judovits.

Beautiful cosplay by Zhyrhe! This is a pretty popular photo on the net, but I wish people would link her back to her Deviant Art account. Thanks again to Yukino for sending this in!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Blood+: Otonashi Saya

blood+ cosplay - otonashi saya by lenneth

Born in 1833 from one of two cocoon-like objects taken from the belly of a chiropteran mummy, Saya was adopted by Joel Goldschmidt and treated as his daughter, while her sister Diva, who was initially left nameless, was locked in tower. Saya did not know about Diva’s existence until 1863, when she heard Diva singing and gave her a name. During a birthday party for Joel, however, Diva’s true nature emerges, as she was released to sing in the party but ended up slaughtering everyone in the Goldschmidt household. Saya then spent her periods of activity hunting Diva, trying to kill her, her chevaliants, and any chiropterans they have created.

It’s a bit scary and disturbing, but I’m hoping that’s fake blood on Lenneth’s hands. Thanks to Katrina for sending this and to Razin for the awesome photography!

Touhou Proyect - Another Hot Reimu Hakurei

160 PICS / 2 VIDEOS / 141 MB





Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tiny takes from the weekend

While I sewed Yoki’s costume she worked on her belt buckle. Sadly we didn’t take any photos from the process, but maybe next week Yoki will make a post about her accessories.

After some minor hood problems I finished Barriss' cape. The fastening is still missing and I need to do a separate collar piece. The print looks great!

I tried Luminara's make-up. I’m really happy how the lips turned out, but the diamond markings still need attention. And I think I bought eye shadow with too subtle golden tint.

Yoki looked grumpy. “Get out of my lawn”, she yelled.

Cosplay - To Love Ru

360 PICS / 308 MB






Vocaloid 2: Megurine Luki and Megurine Luka

vocaloid 2 cosplay - megurine luki and megurine luka by astellecia and hiyukiNow here is a Megurine Luka cosplay you don’t get to see everyday.

I thought they were two Lukas at first, but apparently, he is actually Luki, the genderbent version of Luka. Luki sings one or two octaves lower than Luka, giving her a male voice despite using the same voice configuration. Among the Japanese fandom, voice configuration is often the way Genderbent Vocaloids are created.

In any case, great cosplay by Astellecia and Hiyuki! Please be sure to visit their galleries too!

Hitsuzen Summer of 2011


Because all cosplay without summer fun makes us dull.


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Card Captor Sakura: The Flower

card captor sakura cosplay - the flower by bellatrix aiden

The Flower card was first introduced in the 10th episode of Card Captor Sakura. It appeared during a sport’s day festival at Sakura’s school because it likes happy occasions. She then proceeded to make tons of flowers rain down and almost buried everyone in the school. When Sakura found her, she danced with her before allowing the new card captor to seal her away.

Beautiful cosplay by Bellatrix Aiden! The way she interpreted the Flower card is absolutely stunning! Thanks to Alyssa for sending this in!

Cosplay - Hot To Heart

240 PICS / 82 MB






Angel Beats!: Yui 02

angel beats! cosplay - yui 2Despite being hyperactive and sometimes childish, Yui can also be “jokingly” rude to her colleagues, and even throw trash talk to Hinata and the others. Her upbeat personality may have stemmed from her being paralyzed from the neck down due to a car accident when she was still alive. Although it is unknown how she died, it can be assumed that her body somehow broke down in some way.

Very cute Yui! Even her pose seems to scream hyperactivity, but she’s missing her signature shackle bracelets! Thanks to anon for sending this!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion: Euphemia li Britannia

code geass: lelouch of the rebellion cosplay - euphemia li britanniaLelouch Lamperouge's half-sister and the Third Princess of the Holy Britannia Empire, Euphemia li Britannia is a kindhearted and open-minded woman who despises conflict of any form. She joins her older sister, Conelia, in governing Area 11, thus becoming the Sub-Viceroy. She develops a relationship with Kururugi Suzaku as they share the same views, and eventually appoints him as her personal knight.

Beautiful Euphemia! I’m wondering if the initials “K.L.” are the cosplayer’s or the photographer’s. I hope someone here can tell me! Thanks to Katrina for sending this in!

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion: Lelouch Lamperouge 07

code geass: lelouch of the rebellion cosplay - lelouch lamperouge 7 by sui082Even without the power of his Geass, Lelouch proves to be a formidable opponent. He is highly intelligent, possessing a genius-level intellect, and is capable of devising and executing strategies with incredible speed and precision. At one point, Rollo notes that operating the Absolute Defense Field of the Shinkiro requires complex calculations which he cannot perform, while Lelouch almost makes it look easy. He is also very charismatic and persuasive.

Absolutely stunning cosplay by Sui082! She has a ton of cosplays that are all very impressive in her gallery. Thanks to 莉磨 for sharing this!

Touhou Proyect - Hot Reimu Hakurei

429 PICS / 217 MB






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