Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Battle Princess Mitsuka Vol 1 - Space Travel Chronicles - ZARD92

Size : 475 MB
Time : 64 min
Format : mp4

Heroine Suppression Vol 55 - TBB55

Size : 668 MB
Time : 70 min
Format : avi

Maya, a beautiful princess of Dinoland, fighting the Gundrular family as Dino Pink of the 'Ancient Regiment Dino Rangers'. The story starts with the torture of Princess Maya. The Gundrulars choke Maya's neck with wire in an attempt to learn the whereabouts of the destruction stone known for its power to destruct everything. During the rigorous torture, Maya's memory goes back a few hours before... Maya, transformed into Dino Pink, is no match for the specters. But the space of different dimensions swallows her up. Separated from her colleagues, Maya is cornered into a fix. Trapped in the space of the different dimensions with no way out, Maya has her reinforced suit ripped off in rugs but never gives up fighting to protect the secret. But, gradually her transformed self wears off and she gets captured to face the rigorous torture. Electrically shocked while bound by an electric belt, choked while wrapped in a choking device, Maya is robbed of her precious weapon Dino Arrow and gets molested in her cunt. Her colleagues send energy to Maya, now exhausted both in body and mind. Transformed once again, she corners Gundrular but her body has already passed the breaking point... Maya passes out with Dino Arrow in hand. Gundrular's fangs pounce upon Princess Maya again. [Bad ending] 


Real Time Twenty Four Vol 2 - OPC016

Size : 1 GB
Time : 94 min
Format : wmv

Real Time Twenty Four 1 - OPC015

Size : 700 MB
Time : 93 min
Format : avi

Angel Star Warrior - JUFD142

Size : 1.3 GB
Time : 120 min
Format : avi

Monday, July 11, 2011

New Stuff from AX 2011

When I wanna be vague when someone asks me what I buy, I say, "stuff". And that's what I bought. Really! So much stuff, lol. I was trying to hold back. I didn't buy any figures either and some of them are freebies and signed stuff. The one up top is one of my favourite things that got signed ^o^

Arakawa Under the Bridge BD/DVD, Katanagatari Vol. 1 BD/DVD, Hidamari Sketch 3rd Season DVD, Gurren Lagann movie 2 DVD (not available in Canada), Haruhi-chan Vol. 2 DVD and K-ON! Vol. 2 Blu-Ray.
The biggest blow to my budget were DVDs and Blu-Rays. NIS America, Bandai and Sentai Filmworks got a chunk of my money! I bought Katanagatari on sale on the last day thankfully, but I paid full price for Arakawa Under the Bridge. That's because if you buy it, you get a priority ticket to get stuff signed from Sawashiro Miyuki ^^

MEIKO shirt! Anime Expo 2011 shirts X 2... One for my brother. And the freebie NicoNico shirt that doesn't fit me... Also goes to my brother ^^;
Shirts, shirts, shirts and more shirts! I think I'm a shirt otaku. I buy so many things with anime things on a shirt and I'd wear'em all XD

2 Mirai shirts
I was glad to see J-List got their big selection of shirts on hand. Wanted to get some of these but didn't want to pay for shipping :P

Would you like to make a contract?
And the picture below is a bit NSFW ^^; Got my hands on a few eroge from JAST USA/J-List... Something I've been wanting to get a hard copy of and not a download copy... Kinda wary about bringing it back, but got in safely :)

Deus Machina Demonbane, Escalation Yukkuri Panic, Tokimeki Check in!, Blazing Souls Accelate
Yah, I got mostly eroge, but one PSP game from Aksys for $10 was irresistible. And it was good dropping by Aksys' booth because I didn't go to their panel, but I found out that they are translating Fate/Extra! It was nice talking to the guy who was doing the translations too :) Will look forward to it in December! The 2 on the top is what I was planning to get when I got to AX. Tokimeki was given for free when I bought both games ^^

I only bought one CD, Kalafina's Magia, and that's mostly because of the DVD packed in. The other 2 CDs were freebies when I bought from NIS America booth.

It was fun talking to the folks at Obitsu. I bought 2 of the Obitsu 11cm bodies so I can use them for Nendoroids :P They also gave me the catalogue and flyers at purchase.

This Itazura Bank with the cat is something I got from J-List. It was just too adorable not to get. But I didn't get it for myself ^^

This Eva Tokyo-3 Base set is from Yakuri! She posted this a while ago, and I was eyeing it, but mostly just for Rei ^^;

Little do I know that she was going to give it to me XD It was like Christmas in July!

I've yet to open it to build it, but soon. It just looks really cool!

I also encountered Kurot while I was there :D I instantly recognized the artwork when I passed by. I had a brief chat with her, but she seemed really quiet, so I didn't disturb her much ^^; All her prints were a bit large for me to bring back home in my luggage, so I just bought this one of Homura. :D

And and and! I also got around to meeting Lene and getting some of her stuff for sale! Kinda random stuff, lol. She was teasing on Twitter about having a MEIKO sticker, so I tried to look for her booth asap! Got Lily (Yuri, teehee!), MEIKO (of course), TakoLuka, Homura (popular item according to Lene... Good thing I got one!), Madoka, Haruka, Mirai and Kanata... And looks like my Tomoe Mami is missing... Darnit Charlotte! Oh wait, no, I gave it to someone who claims her as a waifu :P

Someone from Artist Alley were selling this Tabloid size poster for $1. I couldn't bring it home unfortunately, so I took a photo instead :P I gave it to Tsubasa before I left.

Mostly cuz of MEIKO. The other posters didn't have MEIKO on'em.

These are the concerts I went to... They were a bit short unfortunately... Overpriced tickets at AX, imo. Other cons would have these for free...

And here are the signed loots! Different circumstances for each item, lol.

The first one is a signed AFA09 card. I actually got it with Danny's signature already. This came from Singapore last year, probably Kodomut sent it to Chun and then to me ^^ Then I just needed Takanori Aki's autograph ^^

This one was a fun one to get. Sawashiro Miyuki was signing at the NIS America booth and when my turn came up, I showed up with Puchiko's hat in my hand and she was a little bit shy seeing it. "Bikkurishita", she says as she covers up her face. ^o^ Then she asks 3 or 4 other people to stretch out the fabric and then she signed on it. I asked her to write "nyu" as well, hehehe. I had this hat for a while too... I wore it back in the first Anime Boston I attended in 2007.

Next is Momoi Haruko's autograph! Ah, well... She wasn't really there, lol. Yakuri attended Fanime in May and got this for me! Oh you're so kind Yaku-chan ^o^ Thank you very much! I've been a big fan of Halko for a long time now, ever since Nakahara Komugi. I hope I get to meet her one day ^_^

Lastly is my Demonbane copy signed by Kosaka Taiki-san. I kinda wished I brought my copy of Phantom of Inferno instead ^^; Oh well... Time to play this game soon :3

Errr... Well this is from 2009 when Kalafina attended AB, lol. So this isn't recent, but I can still show it off, right? :P I didn't get their autograph this year unfortunately...

The next few batch of new stuff I got will be presented by my imouto, Helen. Here she is with a new nekomimi hat that she got from the Artist Alley... Oh I wish I took a card or remembered whose booth it was ^^;

She also got a new usamimi hat, since it's the year of the rabbit after all. They came in different sizes, but Helen's head is the size of a MSD, so I got those with a cheaper price too than a DD or SD size. :P

Errr... I got this for free when I bought Katanagatari... I thought it was some kind of pouch, but when I opened it...

Helen: "Oniichan ecchi..." Ah! I didn't know it was a pair of pantsu! Maybe I can wear it as a new hat...

This is Jonathan from Kaleido Star. A friend told me to pick something for free when he got something from buying over $50 at the Sentai Filmworks booth. I've been wanting a Jonathan plushie for a while too.

And here's the last new stuff... Another plushie with a cute baby blue ribbon! Helen seems to like it...

Ah shoot... I forgot to take the label off! Helen don't read that! Helen: "Silly oniichan, what's the harm of reading the label?"

"Baka ecchi oniichan..."

Madam Heroine - Madam Glorious - GXXD31

Size : 972 MB
Time : 82 min
Format : wmv


Making of

Super Heroine Saves the Crisis vol 4 - ZHPD05

Size : 578 MB
Time : 90 min
Format : wmv

Heroine Suppression Vol 53 - TBB53

Size : 814 MB
Time : 88 min
Format : avi

A member of the Galaxy Special Investigator, Lily is a girl who has ability of Psychometry which can gets memory from living things and objects, and one day she gets to know that a petty thief named Kurokawa(means black river), whom accidentally she encountered, stole the special mineral called Lonsdaleite. At that time, a space arms merchant named Thehell is deserving Lonsdaleite which is harder than diamonds, in order to adopt it as parts of new style guns. But since it's been stolen by Kurokawa, Thehell begins diamond bandito instead of Lonsdaleite. Thanks to activity of Lily who rushes in the spot, Thehell is cornered till a place of another one more step, and with her Psychometry she also finds out that he has been searching for a criminal who has taken Lonsdaleite. But her unguarded moment is taken, and her body is restricted by gravity-belt which is set up by the enemy, being tortured by the enemy's huge pliers. Now, Thehell totally captures Lily and interrogates her about a location of Kurokawa, but she never breaks her mouth due to her pride and obligation of the investigator. Then, Thehell calls a female alien named Simone who is his lover and also a professional of torture. By Simone's damp and obstinate torture, Lily's strengthening suit is destroyed, and Lily is also mentally cornered. Well, is it possible for Lily to continue keeping the secret against the space offenders? And what's about her life? [BAD END]


Heroine Insult Vol.32 - Princess wonder - TRE32

Size : 1.1 GB
Time : 97 min
Format : avi


Otome no Senritsu Kinjirareta Asobi - NGD011

Size : 858 MB
Time : 60 min
Format : avi

Former International Flight Stewardess - SDMS506

Size : 1.29 GB
Time : 120 min
Format : wmv

Pokemon: Takeshi, Kasumi, Satoshi, and Okido Shigeru

pokemon cosplay - taskeshi / brock, kasumi / misty, satoshi / ash ketchum, and okido shigeru / gary oak

A trainer from the Kanto Region, Satoshi (Ash Ketchum) started his Pokemon trainer days with Pikachu as his starter Pokemon. Satoshi and his childhood rival, Okido Shigeru (Gary Oak) race to become the Pokemon League Champion as well as becoming one of the best Pokemon Trainers in the world.

Incidentally, Satoshi accidentally destroys Kasumi’s (Misty’s) bike, and she begins following him to get her bike back. The two eventually became friends, and Kasumi helps him out in training for his battle against Pewter Gym Leader, Takeshi (Brock).

This is so many levels of awesome that I don’t even know where to begin! First found on Kurage-chan's Tumblr!

Cosplay Event organizer for JPmorgan family gathering

We have been chosen as a cosplay costume organizer for an event for family gathering that has been held at Mercure Hotel Jakarta. We make a perform there with 5 of our kamen rider cosplayer for 30 minutes.

All plans were perfect and all Jpmorgan children s and families enjoy our cosplay costume show
for that day. Love to have the chance for filling any performance for family gathering, birthday party and product launching. Our cosplay group will attend your show surely.
Please enjoy some of our cosplay photos taken in that occasion.

For contact, Please sent us your request to info@cosplay1.com
Please visit our main cosplay site at www.cosplay1.com

Team Love Energy Fans Thanks Giving - IELE006

Size : 1.2 GB
Time : 170 min
Format : avi


Big Breasts Princess Cosplay - MDS663

Size : 928 MB
Time : 120 min
Format : avi

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