Monday, April 11, 2011

St. Pat's Doll Meet - 03.19.2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Now give me your wallet...
 Another backlog set of photos... The meet was close to St. Patrick's Day, so we made it into a St. Patrick's Day theme. So we were all trying to get our dolls to wear green ^^ We met at Nikkoffee again since we liked it so much last time. Not to mention it's pretty quiet in the mornings, so we get the cafe to ourselves :D

Luckily I found a couple of green coloured outfits for my girls from Re-Ment. Unfortunately they were all too big for Azunyan, so she gets to wear her puppydog knit dress ^w^

Saber gets to wear this summer-like green dress. She's borrowing the nekomimi because Azunyan was wearing a green hat :D

While Yui is wearing another kind of hat ^^;

Yui meets a new friend and gave the "hat" to him ^^ Yui also got her new body by now... I'll try to make a post on the new body soon ;)

Azunyan gets a turn with the Zaku crest ^^;

We also get to meet a new Dollfie Dream owner, Galamirix on Twitter. His DDs are the one in the center, Aoi, and on the right, Mari. Visit his blog too :D

This is the organizer's Puki. As the organizer, hers must match the occasion, yes?

The Zaku is kidnapping a loli!

Shy little ducky. I also get to meet a new girl... Don't know her name though ^^;

She's got very cute stocking and nice shoes as well... *tempted to steal* ^^;

Tis a ducky dragon!

Since it's in Richmond, and her Japanese class was delayed, bluestarbaby was able to drop by :)

And you must've seen a few of these buttons on some dolls in these photos and wondering what they are... They're all from Chun ^^ Check out her post on the buttons. I got one blue and one pink and one extra :D Not sure if I'm supposed to say what the extra one is ^^;

And yes, we did order food as well, lol. I had the ham egg benedict. Pretty good. The hash brown was a bit dry/cold though. After this food photo the shenanigans begin!

Pretty simple shenanigan to start... Yui gets a hold of the Gundam shield.

While Azunyan gets a hold of the Zaku axe... Watch out Azunyan Nendo!

Funny... I didn't realize Himitsu was a plumber XD

Beargguy likes to hang around these days, especially with the same size girls.

Candymanhandling begins! That's what Chun calls it, lol. Definitely awesome with everyone dancing here :D


The suplex from a different angle... Hope Kurohitori, her owner, doesn't mind me trying to take a panchira shot here ^^;

After the meet, we all went to Aberdeen Centre and did some shopping around. TheCandyMan got the mini PSP and I dropped by his house and took a picture of Yui with it. I spent quite a lot there actually ^^; I have one thing that I got from there that I haven't even opened yet! Yipes, I hope I can find it, lol.

You can see more photos in my Photobucket album :)


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