Alter 1/8 Enma Ai
Confession time... I've never seen Jigoku Shoujo aka Hell Girl at all. I've read the first volume of the manga and was quite bored with it after a few stories. The concept is so easily repetitive. I'm sure ever story is different, but I don't have the time or money for it. With that out of the way let's move on to the figure.
This figure was one of the ones that I bought without knowing the series... but those eyes, that face, those bare feet... I must have her! And I was not disappointed. She looks great.

Her eyes here have a very shoujo manga look at this angle.
Of course since she's 1/8 scale, she's very tiny. I don't mind since that'll save some room. Even her box is quite small. It was well worth it since I wanted this figure at first sight. This was also the first time I'm taking pictures with a tripod... yeah, where have I been? XD It was because my brother got a tripod this Christmas, so I'll try it out for him ^_^ I took lots of photos of her because of this. I would've posted more pictures, but I held back.
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