Saturday, February 28, 2009

~Sweet Pool

All credits to the cosplayers and photographers

Friday, February 27, 2009


All credits to the cosplayers and photographers


All credits to the cosplayers and photographers


All credits to the cosplayers and photographers

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Yuri Mania 5

Saber Lily's orz ^^;

The Melancholy of Saber Lily Parts 5 & 6

Gokigenyou minna-san! This week's yuri mania is a continuation of my Saber Lily versus Chouyusha Haruhi series, parts 5 and 6. I'd like to post a yuri anime review, but I got a tad busy this week to post lots of screenshots.

Unfortunately the jokes didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped... It looked funny in my mind, but putting it together I felt like I was struggling to find good lines and jokes that fits. Judge for yourself.

I broke my Kyon figma last time, but I replaced his arm with Koizumi's. Can anyone else guess what other part of Koizumi I used? Ok this one is kinda a stolen joke from Haruhi Suzumiya, but I changed the ending a little bit. ^^

Guest starring: Revoltech Fraulein Rin. I actually like this version of Rin than the figma version. People complained about the face, but I love her face. It looks a bit cuter than the figma one. It's also the return of the Lily panel lol. Again I didn't think this joke worked as well, especially since it's a reference to the Fate/stay night adult computer game, not the anime. This was also a last minute addition. I was just scouring my room for figures I can use and saw Rin and I thought I'd use it.

I feel like doing the "orz" pose for doing these 2 strips. They have "fail" written all over them. But fear not, the next few scripts are better! Til next time... Gokigenyou!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The World Ends With You: Joshua

the world ends with you cosplay - joshua aka kiryu yoshiyaWARNING: This review may contain game spoilers. Please do not read the article if you prefer to finish the game and find out the ending yourself.

Joshua, who’s real name is Kiryu Yoshiya partners with Neku on the second part of the game. Unbeknownst to Neku, however, is that Joshua is actually an illegal player of the game.

He is actually Neku’s killer, and even worse, the Composer of the Reaper’s Game.

Not a lot of people can cosplay Joshua well, but this cosplayer really captured his character. I think the background was deleted to focus on the cosplayer, but I think that “acceptable photoshoping”, am I right?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2: C.C.

lelouch of the rebellion r2 cosplay - c.c.My apologies for not updating for a while. I’ve been very busy with a lot of things, mostly personal, but let’s not bore people with that.

Now then, for today’s feature we have C.C. from the second season of Code Geass. Interesting to note that our pizza loving immortal is still… an immortal. I don’t think Lelouch had the chance to actually fulfill his promise to her, and yet she is happy.

The more I read about Code Geass, the more I want to get a copy of this anime.

Beautiful C.C. cosplay! This shared to us by 帝, who had the other C.C. I featured. Now that I think about it, could it be the same cosplayer too?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

♫♪ Carmel Dansen ♫♪

♫♪ Hare Hare Yukai ♫♪

Yuri Mania 4

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tanned Swimsuit Yoko

Wave 1/8 Yoko, Swimwear Ver. - Limited Special Color Version

This would be my second Yoko, from Gurren Lagann, figure ever. Unfortunately I'm a fan of her a bit later when my money's running out... I did get an oppai mouse pad of hers at least. Anyway, this is the special color version of the figure which has tanlines. At first I thought the tanline looked awful on her because of the costume she usually wears. Later on though, I find myself wanting the tanline version after I cancelled my order from Hobby Search. I found that Hobbylink Japan still had the tanline edition, so I took the plunge!

So here you can see the original version on the box, and also the "Limited Special Color Version" label on the box. I really like Wave's packaging, very compact compared to some other 1/8 scale figures. She was shipped along with my Louise swimsuit figure, which had similar size box. The shorts she's holding is just barely peeking out of the box since it's so compact.

I really liked the white swimsuit, it was just a matter whether I wanted Yoko to be tanned or not. I'm surprised that they still have the tanline edition even though I ordered it much later.

Translations plx!

She's very stable even without the base, but her ponytail is sticking out, so better be safe and put on the display base. Oh and the belt is separate too. Unfortunately the belt is soft plastic and it didn't look the same as the one on the box. I'd squish it to put it back into it's shape, but I don't wanna wreck the plastic.

The tanline looks very subtle, which I am glad because of what I mentioned before. Though I thought it might've been TOO subtle. The price difference isn't so bad between the two that I didn't mind paying an extra 500 yen for the special color. It may not look too visible here, but if you look closer it's quite visible.

This is the spot that looked quite odd to me. If you see her hand where her glove is supposed to be. But I guess that's how it's supposed to look like...

Her paint job isn't too good since I see some spots that looked dirty. The seams look pretty good that it's not really visible. Her hair has quite a lot of seams though, but they aren't very noticable.

Low angle shot!

Cute face and cute swimsuit... AND thigh high stockings! I love this Yoko! And the suggestion that she stripped down from her shorts too hehehe. I really love the wrinkles around the swimsuit and her thigh highs as well. Very nice details.

This looks good as a wallpaper! Anyone want it? Just ask me and I'll resize it to your resolution ^_^

Oops, almost forgot to show you the base. Sandy base, very appropriate. Too bad I didn't have an appropriate background... For her size and quality she's quite inexpensive. I think it's because it's Wave. I've been paying attention to Wave's figures quite a lot ever since they released the Evangelion Angels series which used Yoshizaki Mine's art as the design. If I recall correctly, this is the first time Wave is doing something bigger than their usual 1/10 scale... I'm pleased with this Yoko and I'm glad they're doing well. I look forward to see what they'll release next.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi: Nagato Yuki 02

the melancholy of suzumiya haruhi cosplay - nagato yuki 02

Nagato Yuki is no ordinary first year high school student. At first, she is thought to have been an alien from another planet, since Haruhi classifies the 3 types of supernatural beings she wishes to meet as "Aliens", "Espers", and "Time Travelers". As the novel progresses, however, it is revealed that Yuki is an artificial human created by the Integrated Data Entity to investigate Suzumiya Haruhi.

Yuki has the ability to change her surroundings as she sees fit. She also deters any force that wishes to make Haruhi release her true powers in order to keep the universe from falling into nothingness.

Beautiful Yuki! I really love how the cosplayer portrayed her. How do you think she fairs against the first Yuki cosplayer?

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