One of my favourite characters from early 2000's is Komugi Nakahara. She is originally a side character from Soul Taker, but either the fans or the staff members liked her so much that they made a spinoff OVAs that focused on her. Thus the Nurse Witch Komugi-chan Magicarte was born!
So it definitely gives me a reason to get this figure of Komugi. Her line of figures aren't exactly all over the place, so this is a nice get even though I didn't find out about her until she was released already.
Wave 1/10 Komugi Nakahara

I got her from a free shipping sale at Hobbylink Japan. She was at a regular price but at a free EMS shipping, it's quite a deal compared to buying her in store. I'm pretty sure it's kinda hard to find her in stores here since not a lot of people know Komugi...

The Tatsunoko Pro holographic sticker indicates that this is authentic. Speaking of Tatsunoko... Soul Taker nor Komugi didn't show up in the Tatsunoko vs Capcom game... They weren't that popular?? It's unfortunate. I'm on the fence at the moment but I would've definitely get the game if either was there.

Here are all the parts out of the box. Komugi can't stand without her base, but Mugimaru (the rabbit-like animal on the left of her feet) can. I did not understand why they had to separate the wings off her back and feet though. Why can't they just add it on?

Her magical wand is basically a gigantic thermometer. Don't ask which hole it goes... I worry about the wings because parts that can be detached from figures tend to get loose after a while, especially in extreme cold and hot temperatures like Vancouver.

Here's the front view, with everything attached on her. Really cute wings and face on her ^_^

One of my favourite things about Komugi are the cute animal smileys all over her clothes, including her boots. I really love the boots ^w^

There's also the smiley on her wand too. Was experimenting with this shot trying to get an out of focus shot, still not used to using the camera.

She's got a name tag on her bag there... which doesn't make sense because if she's a magical girl, wouldn't she want to keep her identity secret? ^^; Anyway, the anime is not one to care about that stuff since it's all gag anyway. I really wished there were more of them though.
Her pendant is quite odd since it actually sticks out and floating in midair. It's not like she's bending over that much... I'm kinda hung up on this strange quirk...

Yay! Thigh highs! I loves'em! Especially purple... Ooooh I love purple... Ack sorry, had a Batman's Vicki Vale moment there. The smiling crescent moon and star is a cute touch.

Oh ya, you can tilt her head around so you can have her face towards the camera no matter which (front) angle you want of her.

Now we get to her backside... The head doesn't tilts or turn to the back... or I'd be scared 0.o I really love her hairstyle.

She's also got a bunny tail behind her, which is similar to Mugimaru's tail.

And now... Ecchi-man CHECK! (Sorry, was watching Cardcaptor Sakura recently...) Her striped pantsu are easily visible with her pose and really short skirt! I have heard some discussions about shimapan (striped pantsu) recently and my opinion on them is... I like white pantsu but I also like light blue pantsu, why can't I have both? Oh! Striped white and light blue pantsu! The best of both worlds. Unfortunately her
knee pits aren't very detailed =/

Oh but if you look closer to her butt then you'll see where all the details went ^^;;;

This one is a pretty nice angle too. It gives you a nice angle of the wings on her boots and I like wing designs on anything, lol.

A real "Kero-chan CHECK!" usually focuses on her medical bag like this...

I mentioned before how I like her hairstyle. She's got side twin tails, a braided pony tail and an ahoge, plus it's pink! Very nice! Not many anime characters have this Komugi hairstyle anymore.
So in conclusion, even though some of the paints on the figure don't look that great and the quirk about the pendant, Komugi is a nice figure to have especially since not many are available. For me as a fan, I have to have it, even though I did get it late ^^;
I really do miss a lot of Komugi's shenanigans, so I may watch the show again after this. I miss Haruko Momoi's voice as well. She doesn't have a lot of anime roles these days. I'll have to fish out my UNDER17 CDs soon then. Oh and that reminds me that the group isn't around anymore either. Come back Halko! Come back Komugi T-T I really wished I could've gone to her Fanime appearance this year at Fanime Con... Apparently it took place at the same time as AnimeBoston.

Anyhoot... dwelling on the past aside, if they ever make a figure of Komugi with the above costume then you bet I'll be the first to preorder it! This one's my favourite costume!

And for no reason I'm posting this picture of Ketchup flavoured potato chips... I asked people around if there are ketchup flavours in their countries or not, but only one confirmed location has it in Pennsylvania. I have heard that ketchup flavour is only available in Canada. Ketchup flavour potato chips in your region?
EDITS: OMG there's a lot of people who don't know Komugi or Soul Taker! They're onlly from 2001-2003, lol. Out of all the older anime out there, these are the ones that make me feel old!
For your reference...
One of the coolest anisong ever, especially done by JAM Project of Super Robot Wars fame.
Komugi gets her own spinoff with different openings in the later OVAs.
One of the funniest gags I saw in the Komugi OVA run. Tokyo Big Site Robo!
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