Sunday, January 31, 2010

Amane Misa

Cosplayer: Razel
Photo by Julz
Hitsuzen Inc Halloween Photoshoot
November 30, 2009

AOD o_o

Okay so I took some of my friends (who happen to be in my cosplay group) with me to AOD. I had lots of fun and I know its said to be a small con, but there were a lot more people there then I thought there would a lot more. I had lots of fun and strangely never really got bored at all. Except when I was changing into my fubuki cosplay. It took me and Ne-Chan hours to get all those pieces on! (btw thanks again Ne-Chan) any-who I cosplayed shigure for most of Saturday until the masquerade judging. Okay,I have never really been in a masquerade, so when I went to sign up the lady said she needed to see me in my cosplay I was wearing for the masquerade before 4:00. I thought "hmmmmmm wonder why" I didn't really think to much about it and went to my fruits basket photo shoot with Sheik-chan and Callisto (sp) it was mucho fun! After a bit I looked at the time and noticed it was 3:00. Ne-Chan and I booked it to the room ( I was sad to leave (T.T) but know how it goes) we tried to hurry but didn't have time to finish all the details. We thought...oh there just gonna see that we have one or...IDK! I'm an idiot I didn't know that was the judging! I had no make up (his thick eye liner) and some small pieces were missing. they asked me for a reference pic because they didn't know my character. so I asked if I could also have a bit more time to finish putting on my costume. They said that the line for judging would be down by then and that we could just come back in a lil bit. so we did that and we were juged.....I know, I know, I'm stupid.

So then we went back to the room till we had to meet up at the main events place again. While we were leaving the room we realized we had lost the room key and locked Ne-chan's staff in the room :( ...*sigh* -_-;.....then we had to get a new key.

ANYWAY!!!!!!! After that we went to the masquerade. When it was our turn they played the audio for the people behind us on accident and I did a lil bit of "stall" dancing (I DONT KNOW! MY MIND WENT BLANK!) It was fun over all and we didnt expect to win anything. There were some GREAT cosplayers there! But we ended up winning best of show! I was so excited. Maybe a little too excited but at that point I didnt care. I was just happy.

Oh! Did I mention I also meet Koi cosplay!?! It was sooooo awesome they were soooo nice! The next day I went from shigure in the morning to fubuki in the afternoon for some photo shoots and then to normal clothes and then we went home. :) yup! I left a lot of the secound day out but I wrote too much about the first day so I dont think you'd wanna here more :) but yeah that was my AOD experianc not to mention i turned 18 today wooohooo! ups (sorry for the novel!) sooooooo thanks for reading bye peopleS!

AOD = Epic? Possibly...I SUPPOSE?

AOD, con wise---ehhh, it was small (which was a known fact), the place was nice, but there wasn't that much to do...really. We mostly walked around and looked at either art or dealer hall stuff. When that got boring (which is sort of did...EVEN THOUGH there were tons of talented artist, I just didn't have cash on me the whole trip so I didn't buy anything at the con :P) we left to Japantown and chilled there. Ate at a nice Japanese restaurant and checked out some of the shops. I love Japantown, it's so nice and pretty *~*;

Ahem..back to AOD. So I only brought my Ayame costume right? It was simple and kind of boring after a while....when I wasn't with Momiji and Shigure I felt like I blended in everywhere. Then I wore a tie with my shirt unbutton the next day but people started to mistake me for Squalo Superbi from Reborn! lol.. WHICH in fact I love Squalo--and had to admit after I looked in the mirror that I did look like I was cosplaying him. XD Later on I changed (both days actually) because the long wig bugged the crap out of me. It tangles SO easily. I'm buying my wig from CosplayDNA(ebay store) next time because those wigs are gorgeous and around the same freakin' price! They're also heat resistant and de-tangle very easily :D But yeah....I kind of regretted not bringing my Chelsea cosplay (e_e); I would have entered it in the costume contest with Keika as Leon (Since he's from TOD too). My other friends entered though. Kay-chan and Ne-chan entered their Disgaea II costumes and won..BEST OF SHOW!!!!! I was SOOO happy and I was very happy to hear they went by "PaperSwordPart" because that's our cosplay group! At first I wasn't sure if they'd win. There were A LOT of awesome costumes!! Some of the ones that won though I was kind of like , "Ehh.." but I mean...the judges saw something in those ones so whatever, it's cool :) Everyone deserves to win sometimes!

I'm happy they won, not just because they are my friends but because a lot of money and work went into those freakin' costumes...@_@ They went for every detail! It was crazy...and to think I almost brought Flonne too, meaning I would have been up there with them too. XP Oh well, it's fine..... My other two friends won some Hall cosplay stuff, I was happy for them as well. I was the only one who didn't win anything..because I only brought my Ayame one which I'm sure they thought I bought or something. I don't know. It's totally fine ^___^;;; (I SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT KAI, DANG'IT....XD Naaaaah). Oh yeah! I met my friend "Rose"(Not sure if that's your real name or what you just go by..sorry T__T) on here too! She had an awesome Amaterasu cosplay, she won second runner up for it too. I was happy for her, she worked hard with that dang fur lol. :)

Ahh, but yaaaaaaah. Looooong post. I think I'll make a video right now. I don't know. I really want to but I feel tired!! Ehhhgheheheheh.

I was so happy to see PikminLink again! She's so sweet and awesome..of course. :D

I didn't make her stand up because she was tired, so I just sat down too. XP

Nightfall Cosplay Costume

One of our costume made for a lovable client and friend of ours. Nightfall from Elfquest cosplay costume revision shoots, some parts were updated by request by our client. - The Best Costume Commission Site

Nightfall Cosplay Costume Progress Shoots

The first progress shoots of Nightfall from Elfquest cosplay costume. - The Best Costume Commission Site

Kanon: Tsukimiya Ayu

kanon cosplay - tsukimiya ayu 02Energetic, spontaneous, and a bit of an airhead, Ayu tends to say "ugu" when she is frustrated, angry, or afraid. In the beginning of the series, she is trying to find something she had lost, but cannot even remember what that is. She enjoys eating taiyaki, a Japanese fish-shaped cake filled with red bean paste, and is seen eating the confectionary throughout the series.

Wow, I can’t believe the number of awesome cosplayers I’m getting from Winter Comiket! Thanks to everyone for sending them in! And this was sent in by Mika-Mi, who also emailed me Kagamine Rin from Vocaloid 2! Thanks for taking the time to email me!

Kanon: Tsukimiya Ayu 02

kanon cosplay - tsukimiya ayu 02Energetic, spontaneous, and a bit of an airhead, Ayu tends to say "ugu" when she is frustrated, angry, or afraid. In the beginning of the series, she is trying to find something she had lost, but cannot even remember what hat it is. She enjoys eating taiyaki, a Japanese fish-shaped cake filled with red bean paste, and is seen eating the confectionary throughout the series.

Wow, I can’t believe the number of awesome cosplayers I’m getting from Winter Comiket! Thanks to everyone for sending them in! And this was sent in by Mika-Mi, who also emailed me Kagamine Rin from Vocaloid 2! Thanks for taking the time to email me!

Soy’B 2010! Photo Spammage!

Wheee! Soy’B is over before I realise!

Had to reach earlier due to my joining the Karaoke Competition, more talk about that in my next post perhaps. The day was very cursed for me. Not only did I left my home without my wallet (and thus having to waste time walking back for it) , I also forgot my extra camera batteries,SD Card and fake lashes. *palms forehead* I can’t even start describing how big a blunder that was. No wonder my make up case felt so light u_U Felt really awful without my fake lashes and had to literally cake my lids with black eyeliner and dark eyeshadows.

I’ll stop blabbering for now and go on to the photos!

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Recognise them xD? They were cosplaying Shugo Chara from AFA last year!

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Another Kagamine Len =)

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Songster and Richard cosplaying SWAT !!!! Kudos to photographer turned cosplayers XD!!

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Yuffie from Final Fantasy 7!!

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Dynasty Warrior?? A pity I didn’t managed to get any pics of her with her props/weapons. Apparently she had been holding them for a long time and was very exhaustedXD

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Kuroshitsuji! Makes me feel like picking up the series sia…

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Vampire Knights!

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Lovely posing and expression!

If I were a man , I’d gladly go to the depths of flames and ocean for this damsel in distress xD

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There’s so manyyyy vocaloids that day! Here’s a cute miku with foam leeks for you ^^

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Glad to see the fandom is still burninggggg. To the Haruhi cosplayer, thanks for following this blog too T_T!

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Black rock shooter Miku and Kaito (shit can’t get the habit out)

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Kuroshitsuji group!

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The Convention centre had a nice moat thingy surrounding it. Some how this structure makes the place feels so un-Singapore-ish.

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Kawaii girls are kawaii :D

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MOE goes extreme when the character starts brandishing knifes xD30jan10_SOYB 052

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Rubya s Asuka from Evangelion ^_^

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Hetalia ! Italia and Japan?

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Kyubi and partner cosplayign as somethign I have no freakin idea what but…. THEY LOOK SO FREAKIN CUTE LAH AGHHHH!!! *kidnaps home*

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Tenjo Tenge!

(Will pass you girls the high res soon!)

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Zone 00 !
I love her sweet smile…so heart meltingly cute ;D


Alright, this marks the end of Photo Spammage Part One! Will be back with moarrrrrr. But for now, I’m off to KTV with my friends. Tata!!!!

Actual projects and a lot of expanding foam!

I'm still working on my three costumes: Aion, World of Warcraft and Bayonetta. The Armor of Aion is almost done and there are only a few armor parts missing. I'm very bad in sewing, so I dodge the parts which require seewing skills. So, here are some pictures and step by step making of's:

This was my ankle armor. Someone asked me for some more pictures, so I hope here you see better, how I built it.

For this knee armor I used almost the same technique, but just with a bit more single parts. One armor part consist of 54 parts! Oh, this was a long, hard job!

After covering the armor with some layers of Gesso, I started to paint it. The left picture shows my job. The right one shows the result after my boyfriend helped me. I'm very happy to have him, because he sets some nice highlights for me and redoes my work a bit. In the last years the did the entire painting job, but this year it's just too much for one person. So I do the basic painting and he sets the details. It's great to have such a good assistant!
Now, we both are almost done with our university exams, so we can start to paint together.

This was my basic painting job. I'm happy to be able to manage the colour gradient. Then I just have to add some simple details like the patterns on the bladed and my boyfriend have to do the rest! 

Here I also had to stop, because the sample is full of details. I cannot wait to see the finished work and I'm sure that he will do a great job!

Yeah, and every part here needs a paint... This will be long, hard work... (And there are some parts missing...)

Uhm... and I still have to finish this sword. But I have only 3 months left for this project. I'm very afraid that I will fail to get it finished in time, so I have to hurry a lot! 

Here is a little making of. You see here a lot of expanding foam. I LOVE expanding foam and it's awesome, how much you can create with it. I used just a bit of greyboard for the base and covered everything with this stuff. The last steps just consisted of a lot of carving. This step makes a lot of fun, but much more dirt, he he!
 But this was the dirt of the following project:

I've got a commision to do two gigantic hands for a commercial.

 He he, this was a lot of fun and it was an awesome experience to carve something of such a great size!

I also carved a lot for my World of Warcraft project:

I just have to finish the paper machè layer, polish it and can paint it afterwards. You see, expanding foam gives the chance to create every form you need!

I also started with my shoulder armor and my robe for this costume:

In the first steps I just cut a styrofoam ball and put some grey board parts with hot glue on it. Some soft foam stripes helped my to build the right form.
Then I used the same technique that I formed Journey's End antlers for the twines. I covered the top with a bit of expanding foam, carved the twines and the base out. For a solid base I added a layer of crepe tape, newspaper and papermaché. Now I just have to finish the twines and add some details. 

And my robe? It's just standing in my cosplay room. I'm happy, that I managed the hardest part of this costume for me: The seewing. And now it have to wait, until I cannot run away anymoreuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuj, he he!

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