Monday, May 31, 2010
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion: Lelouch Lamperouge and Kururugi Suzaku
Lelouch of Britannia and Suzaku of Japan first met when Lelouch and his sister, Nunally moved to the Kururugi residence as a diplomatic peace trade. Suzaku initially thought Lelouch was a prince who did not care for anyone other than himself, but as he came to know him better, they became the best of friends. They were separated from one another when Britannia invaded Japan, but were reunited once more in the Shinjuku Ghetto.
Beautiful cosplay! I can see a smirk in Lelouch’s face which is actually how I picture him to be. Suzaku looks very charming as well. Thanks to Tamina for sending this in!
EDIT: Thanks to anon for crediting this photo to Kansaiii and Lenneth XVII!
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion: Lelouch Lamperouge and Kururugi Suzaku
Lelouch of Britannia and Suzaku of Japan first met when Lelouch and his sister, Nunally moved to the Kururugi residence as a diplomatic peace trade. Suzaku initially thought Lelouch was a prince who did not care for anyone other than himself, but as he came to know him better, they became the best of friends. They were separated from one another when Britannia invaded Japan, but were reunited once more in the Shinjuku Ghetto.
Beautiful cosplay! I can see a smirk in Lelouch’s face which is actually how I picture him to be. Suzaku looks very charming as well. Thanks to Tamina for sending this in!
EDIT: Thanks to anon for crediting this photo to Kansaiii and Lenneth XVII!
Hall of Shame Rejects 2 Ren Kazama: Remade

Bucky O'Hare Cosplay Costume Progress Shoots
This is first progress shoots of Bucky O'Hare from Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Menace Cosplay costume.
Cosplay1.com - The Best Costume Commission Site
GamerTotoy Soapbox: When enough is enough
This story may be so ridiculous that you will find it material stolen from an erotica website. I dared her to tell people our story if it was just a meaningless affair, she said she would but I'm sure it'll be a watered-down PG13 version and she thinks no one will believe the real deal. Here I am testing her theory.

It all started as just another of my "chane" endeavors. She was this random girl online who expressed interest in GT, I started hitting on her, and soon enough she was showing herself on webcam in just her undies. She did this once after my expert convincing. She said it was a pay-per-view thing and I was indebted to her with lunch. Our first chance of meeting didn't push through because I wasn't too interested at the time. Even in her undies, she wasn't hot or anything. The kind of girl who looks plain and attractive only with good make up on.
However, she insisted that I owe her. So this one time when I was on my way to somewhere, she was near the area so I thought I'd drop by and give her that stupid lunch (even if it was afternoon already).
For some odd reason (or maybe I knew I could get an easy lay out of her), the meeting didn't stop at lunch. We found ourselves in Mall of Asia, watched a movie (it was a shitty one about guinea pigs in 3D), and had dinner. Before we realized it was already late, and she said she had no means of going home. It was pretty obvious then that she just wanted me to invite her over to my place, which would be troublesome at the time. I know this because prior to our engagement we talked about drinking at my place (of course I offered sex first, but they always go this route).
She seemed serious about not being able to go home. I stalled her for a bit trying to figure out if she's actually able to go home, and the chances of that seemed slim. So I thought, the hell with it, I'll just spend the rest of the night with her. I really wanted to have sex in that torn down mosque near MOA so I kept on asking her to go there, but we couldn't find it and ended up walking all the way to CCP where I figured I could bone her on a bench somewhere.

I think I signed the deal with the devil that night when, after she kept on checking her phone and saying nobody loves her, I texted her "wer n u" even when she was right in front of me. I didn't think much of it then, but apparently she kept it in her phone for quite some time.
Anyway, when morning came I took her back to her place. It was just the two of us there, and to no one's surprise, we were on top of each other faster than you can say one-night stand. Who would've thought the price to pay for a simple lay was 8 months of unbearable drama and agony?
Since then we met up more frequently, in our newly found love temple of course. We had so much sex that it came to a point that I would get a boner just by knocking at her door. She said she had sex with her ex five times a week, one to three times a day and is a fan of Cosmopolitan magazine. True enough, she was more sexually profound than the kama sutra. Tip to you, mister boyfriend: she gets wet really fast when you caress her spine or tickle her feet.

1. Friend-boy (just friends)
2. Friend-boy + unwanted crush (just friends but boy likes you. It's highly annoying)
3. Friend-boy plus crush (you have crush on boy. You're prolly being annoying)
4. Hopeless crush (he doesn't know you exist)
5. Friend-boy plus mutual attraction
6. Flirtation (but you are not friends)
7. Scamming mate (you fool around, you don't hang out or go out. Ever. Usually a one time thing.)
8. Friends with benefits (you fool around, you hang out but don't go out)
9. Boyfriend (you are going out!)
10. Serious boyfriend (you can see a future. You get horizontal on a regular basis)
As far as I can tell we were stuck in number 8 because whenever the "relationship" thing turned up, it's either she wants it but I don't or I want it but she doesn't (usually because I just did something bad before asking). However, she did say we were "going out" and we did get horizontal on a regular basis so I don't know what to believe in this list anymore.
Let's just look at item number 7. When we began learning about each other, she told me about her very dark past. Well it's no biggie these days when 15-year-old virgins are increasingly uncommon, but when she revealed her history at the time I wasn't quite sure how to take it. It turns out that back in her teens, starting when she was 15 until late 18, she was very sexually active.
She may look nerdy at first, but that's what makes her an easy target. And as prey, she knows how to oblige. She admitted she had her "scamming adventures", where in she would make out or have sex with random guys she barely knows and ditch them right after. Heck, she showed me this huge pack of birth control pills that was half-full (half-empty?). I feared for my Johnny who until now is STD-free.

You know how she lost her virginity? She slept over at a friend's house, and out of curiosity, had sex with her friend's older brother. She also had episodes of meeting online buddies from online games so she could let them finger her in the movies and occasionally satisfy their cocks. For me this marked a long-time dilemma, because one thing I am not comfortable with is finger-fucking girls in the movies. Making out is great, but fingering in a public place is too much of an exhibitionist maneuver for me. There is also the off-chance that I didn't want her to relive that kind of memories with me, but let's not talk about that.
Another interesting story is how she got together with her most recent boyfriend at the time. Turns out he was a friend of her ex who she also met online. One time he took her home, she led him to a place where they could make out, the next morning the guy asks if they're officially going out after making out and all and she reluctantly said yes. That product of scamming netted her with a long-time companion of an incompetent pussy fuck who could never show his face to me whenever the tough gets going.
They were in the middle of their on-off affair when I met her, and thus I was on the receiving end whenever she needs someone to listen to her whining. Back then she cried a hell lot, all because of that guy who wants them to get together again by stalking her everywhere and acting like he's her dad.
Whenever she cried, I was there. Granted that I probably made her cry more often than helped her out of it, I was still always there. Whenever her ex threatened her, I was there. When she cried in class just because her professor asked her about her life and didn't know how to respond, I was there. Once I even hurried over 1am because she was troubled by the overwhelming tasks she had to finish.
Guess what? Now she's all buddy-buddy with that hated ex again and I'm enemy number one.

Such condition bugged the hell out of me during our 6-month stint together. Not only does she have a crazy past, but she's also nearly literally crazy. Apparently the reason why she cried so much, sometimes even when there's nothing to cry about (she says a sad memory suddenly comes into her head, causing her to cry) is because she's a neurotic.
What is a neurotic, you ask? To quote Wikipedia:
"Neurosis is a class of functional mental disorders involving distress but neither delusions nor hallucinations, whereby behavior is not outside socially acceptable norms. It is also known as psychoneurosis or neurotic disorder, and thus those suffering from it are said to be neurotic. Once a common psychiatric diagnosis, the term is no longer part of mainstream psychiatric terminology in the United States, though it continues to be employed in psychoanalytic theory and practice, and in various other theoretical disciplines.
There are many different specific forms of neurosis: pyromania, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety neurosis, hysteria (in which anxiety may be discharged through a physical symptom), and a nearly endless variety of phobias."
For me who's had firsthand experience with an alleged neurotic, I can define it in two words: psycho bitch.

Aside from her disturbing past, what really gave me hell while with her was this neurosis. Her behavior is simply painfully unpredictable most of the time. She calls herself an unpredictable storm, I call her fucked up. However, I put up with all of it. With all her mental quirks that took a toll on my health at some point.
It was tough. I came close to giving up on her so many times. Whenever it felt like I hit a brick wall, I asked good 'ol Squatting Dog for advice. Thankfully, his brilliance always had something for my sticky situations. His words made so much sense that it saved my ass plenty of times.
Only later on did I stop talking to SD about this, when shit was really going down the drain and it seemed I was struggling towards a helpless cause. I knew all he would tell me was that, "Dude, ditch that psycho bitch." I wasn't yet ready to give up.
I must admit, though, that many problems between me and psycho nymph were of my own fault. We always argued about her ex because I was getting tired of being her sink when they fight yet she still won't leave him alone and even asks him to drive her around, bring her lunch, etc. Her defense - he's not going away soon so might as well make the most out of him. True enough, they're bestest buddies again. I don't know if they still fight but I don't give a damn anymore.

Apparently she got the message instantly, and despite her stance that men are naturally polygamous and it would be weird if they didn't sleep with multiple women, she was angered without me knowing. The day we last talked she seemed fine and I was the one upset she wouldn't come with me, but little did I know she was already filled with rage inside.
To take revenge on me, she asked this guy out for lunch to "confess" to him who would end up being her current boyfriend. At the time it was a well-known fact that she had a crush on him because she kinda told someone about it two years prior, but she told me she wasn't really interested anymore and just hooked up to get back at me.
It was a week long (or two) of fighting that could be likened to what could possibly be the same intensity as World War 3. In the end, she admitted what she's done and apologized. Unfortunately, it didn't mean the end of her deals with him.
Come Valentine's Day, we were already out when I learned she met up with the guy that morning, allegedly just to "hang out" but she had a rose with her and everyone who knew about it considered it a date. I was understandably pissed, but of course I was discrete about it. By discrete I mean I teased her all night and even brought up her pornographic past.

There were lots of good and memorable moments. I spent a few nights in their dorm that she shared with her younger sister and those were the days!
I loved it when we fooled around while her sister was in the same room, blocked from our view only by a few clothes hanging on the bed. They had this bunk bed, and the best part was whenever we had sex on the bottom bunk while her sister was sleeping on top. There's something about the risk of spoiling someone's innocence by letting her find out that her sister is riding some guy literally beneath her as she sleeps.
Of course, the nights she spent at my place were also gold. This one time, I had other friends around and we got drunk. Because other guys slept with us in my room, we couldn't do anything. The morning after, however, she blew me right under the sheets while a friend of mine was still sleeping on the floor. Funny thing is he started groaning in his sleep while we were trying to be as quiet as could be with our business. Epic! I thought.
Sadly, all good things must come to an end. The suckiest part is that I know I'm the one who messed up, and somehow you cannot forgive me and then suddenly tell me two months later that everything was nothing to you and that you regret it.

I took her for granted. There was no way she would choose her shitty life over me. But I was wrong. And ultimately disappointed. Frustrated. Everything seemed to fall apart. The situation was becoming grave. Soon I would no longer be able to see her. I don't think she was worried about this, because she was still sweet and all. Yet I turned into the biggest jerk.
Given that I'm already a jerk, I guess my jerk level multiplied to at least 20. One wrong move from her (got in touch with her first boyfriend who she supposedly hates to the bone and has caused at least 50 liters of tears to drop out of her, deliberately made me jealous with some other guy) and I retaliated with a force that can wipe Russia off the map overnight.
For a neurotic like her, very harsh words from me were catalysts enough of unbearable pain. I didn't realize that at the time, I thought I was just getting back at her for what she did.

She left her old dorm so I had absolutely no means of seeing her in person. It doesn't help that I was also tied up with other problems, and during the first month I wasn't taking her too seriously because I thought we'd eventually make up. We fought a lot but made up soon after. This time, however, I couldn't catch her.
When I finally got a chance to see her, she went out with this guy. The same guy who she said meant nothing to her, the guy she merely used as a tool for revenge against me. Also, I found out that she was best friends with her ex again, and she's been rolling with the crowd that she used to resent for being Wapanese asshats.
At first I was fine when she told me she wants me out of her life. I've been gone for too long, I did so many bad things that at some point she thought I was deliberately hurting her, but I swear I was just trying to help. Usually these fights are about her past, her ex, and that guy she cheated on me with. But telling her off for not joining me in my unreasonable venture was unfounded, that I'm guilty of.
I didn't treat her like I would cosplayers, no. The things I say to cosplayers are just the tip of the iceberg. I told her (well, insinuated) stuff like she might get AIDS in her new environment (she decided to work in a call center for the summer), that going out with other girls is much more fun than going with her, that sort of thing that would crush a woman's ego to smithereens. Hey, I admit I was being a total insensitive asshole. But do realize that I wasn't in the right mind at the time. I was severely disappointed and gravely frustrated. To hell with her, I thought
It took some time before it sinked in that I was really, really bad to her. And when I heard what she's been up to, I felt horrible. My two months of absence has brought her so low as to suck up to people that used to make her life miserable, in efforts of abating her loneliness. Her bf? They weren't even talking anymore last time I checked. Her ex? A total spoiled brat douchebag who physically abuses women and literally cries in front of his mom and her friends at 21. A pussy who says he wants to hurt me, but when we meet face to face, rushes over to security guards. To think he's over twice my size.

To other people she's this nice girl-next-door who's secretly a whore, to me she was the grumpy Mama-san. We couldn't talk about anything of substance because she was like "I don't care" all the time so I just gave her a birthday gift and the toothbrush she left at my place which was my most prized possession for the longest time. Right after our heated conversation (me being all nice and apologetic with a couple of jerk remarks here and there because I couldn't help it, her acting like there were a dozen dildos in her pussy), she put back up this nice girl smile in front of her boyfriend.
The finale was today. After doing all I can just to get to talk to her, she demanded that I shell out around 15,000 pesos worth of goods before she'll talk to me for an hour, wherein she would "not accept" anything I say and just talk. Desperate that I am, I was ready to give her what she wanted. I was certain that the things we went through were for real, and that once we sit down and talk properly I can settle things and get them back on track.
A good friend of mine tipped though that she's not gonna take the peace offerings after all and just wanted to piss me off enough to leave her alone. I told her that, tried talking to her to no avail. She called her (once most hated person) ex to save her after a minute or two of walking around with me chasing her asking her why she can't talk about it like a civilized person and her slapping me in the face (total of three times, one missed and another she pulled back).

Now I still don't know if she has feelings for me and that's why she's deeply hurt about what I did and wouldn't even talk about it to settle things, or she's just being her usual psycho bitch neurotic self. One thing's for sure - I have taken enough humiliation. I don't take shit from anyone. I gave you the privilege to treat me like shit because I'm guilty of my sins and I felt bad for abandoning you, but even that has its threshold.
When I said it was the most enjoyable 6 months of my life, I meant it. Not just when we did the nookie, but also the simple things like making out in the bus. Or just strolling around the streets all night, you asking if you could hold my hand, hanging out at the convenience store where the workers were having a gang-bang session, watching crappy movies, everything! That's why I call foul after you tell me that whatever we did was just out of your boredom.
I wasn't lying when I said I loved you. That I wanted to make you happy. But when I go to great lengths of lowering my steep pride to near zilch and apologizing for everything wrong I've done as if you were flawless yourself, you don't slap me in the face three times and talk on the phone while I'm trying to reason with you, as if I don't exist. I know you hate your parents for not giving you enough credit but you should've listened when they taught you about manners. Or maybe they never did.

(If you want proof, you can ask her sister for witness accounts or her girl friends who she may have told about me. Otherwise, go fuck yourselves. Also, the stories about her ex and scamming adventures are from her. If she denies them, she'll probably deny everything.)
P.S. I know this is probably the worst thing I can do, but I think it is necessary for me to get over the entire hoopla and just let go of everything ravaging my head right now.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Hunter x Hunter: Kuroro Lucifer and Feitan
Originating from Meteor City, a junkyard inhabited by outcasts, Chrollo Lucifer is the leader of the gang of thieves known as the Phantom Troupe. Feitan is one of his members, but after his victory over Zazan, he has been granted temporary control over the group. Feitan is one of the original 6 members of the Phantom Troupe, until it was later expanded to a total of 13 members.
Beautiful cosplay! It’s been a while since I’ve seen cosplays from this series. I heard that the manga was still ongoing, is that true? Thanks to Fumiki for sending this in!
Hunter x Hunter: Kuroro Lucifer and Feitan
Originating from Meteor City, a junkyard inhabited by outcasts, Chrollo Lucifer is the leader of the gang of thieves known as the Phantom Troupe. Feitan is one of his members, but after his victory over Zazan, he has been granted temporary control over the group. Feitan is one of the original 6 members of the Phantom Troupe, until it was later expanded to a total of 13 members.
Beautiful cosplay! It’s been a while since I’ve seen cosplays from this series. I heard that the manga was still ongoing, is that true? Thanks to Fumiki for sending this in!
湾岸ミッドナイト Wangan Midnight
Was linked from a Kiddy Grade AMV to this video because of the awesome song. Anyway, this song is making me want to pick up initial D. I'm lazy to research but I think Wangan Midnight is NOT Initial D right? Okay, my last sentence confuses people but nevermind.
Back to question, anyone has any recommendation or comments? Should I pick it up or should I forgo this classic title?
And many apologies on my part. I really should stop doing 'Anime to watch' entries like these @_@ But I feel like this is the easiest way to share and get minna's comment before I waste my time on a lousy title. I watch anime and manga at a snail's pace because I like taking my own sweet time to savour every frame and story plot. Which is the reason why I have limited Anima/Manga intake.
BTW, I'm onto like episode 8 of Kaichou Wa Maido sama. Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan still 0%. Code Geass 0% (yesss I have not taken this up yet @_@) So much series to follow up and so much things to do but so little time!
And my videos! and tutorials! I think cows can do faster than me T^T Please bear with me while I get my drive and motivations back. I've been pretty distracted lately.
One convention confirmed!
Needless to say, we are going as Joxter and Muddler from Moomin. Next few weeks we are far away from our costume projects and it doesn’t help that we had a small hiatus this month, because of my commissions and Yoki's entrance exam. The finishing of the costumes is pushed back near to the convention. As always. I’m so happy, that they are in good shape compared to some other late constructions. But what would cosplay be without few frustrating, long nights.
Tracon is a Finnish roleplaying and anime convention held in Tampere, Finland. It has worked its way from a year starting, one day winter con to two day summer con. As a hobbyist from both of the genres, we just can't miss it. And as on our previous cosplay excursion we are accompanied by Karan. This year, we keep snacks with us as a first aid. No more collapsing cosplayers.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The Twelve Kingdoms: Renrin
I had to skip last week's Unknown Cosplay Section because I didn't have any more unknowns until today.
I found this photo in my old hard drive. I didn't even know I still had cosplay photos in there! This is quite possibly very old already, so anyone's guess with who this girl is cosplaying is as good as mine.
Yes, I have absolutely no idea who the character is, so feel free to discuss this over at the comments section!
Also, we have the final results in Cosplay Holic's Poll! 168 votes total in only 30 days! You guys are amazing! Thanks for taking the time to vote! The winning vote is for me to update twice a day with 42%, and the runner up is the regular update of once a day at 36%!
I honestly don't know if I have enough cosplays from you guys to maintain a twice a day update, but I promise I will work very hard to reach this goal! For now, though, I may need to stick to once a day. That twice a day option was suppose to be a joke, but I guess the joke's on me now!
Thanks again to everyone who voted and especially to those who send me cosplay photos! Until the next update!
EDIT: Thanks to Reichan for commenting this character is Renrin also known as Ren Taiho from the series "The Twelve Kingdoms"!
The Twelve Kingdoms: Renrin
I had to skip last week's Unknown Cosplay Section because I didn't have any more unknowns until today.
I found this photo in my old hard drive. I didn't even know I still had cosplay photos in there! This is quite possibly very old already, so anyone's guess with who this girl is cosplaying is as good as mine.
Yes, I have absolutely no idea who the character is, so feel free to discuss this over at the comments section!
Also, we have the final results in Cosplay Holic's Poll! 168 votes total in only 30 days! You guys are amazing! Thanks for taking the time to vote! The winning vote is for me to update twice a day with 42%, and the runner up is the regular update of once a day at 36%!
I honestly don't know if I have enough cosplays from you guys to maintain a twice a day update, but I promise I will work very hard to reach this goal! For now, though, I may need to stick to once a day. That twice a day option was suppose to be a joke, but I guess the joke's on me now!
Thanks again to everyone who voted and especially to those who send me cosplay photos! Until the next update!
EDIT: Thanks to Reichan for commenting this character is Renrin also known as Ren Taiho from the series "The Twelve Kingdoms"!
I'm Sorry Japan...
So I imagine you've guessed why I'm not going to Japan anytime soon, right? Is it the picture (that I "borrowed" from Flickr) of the banner of Anime Expo that gave it away?
Yes, I'm heading down to Los Angeles for Anime Expo 2010. It costs about 1/3 of what I would spend to travel to Japan (maybe less depending on how crazy I spend my money in Japan). Months ago, AX wasn't even in the plans, not even considered in my radar since I didn't think I could scrape enough money due to my shortened hours at work. Things change... I got a new position and now I'm actually working overtime! Still not considering AX yet... But then...
...May'n and Megumi Nakajima were announced as Guests of Honor... OMGWTFBBQ!!!11!!eleventy-one!! WHOA WHOA WHOA! This is big news! And they're gonna perform a concert too! *faints* Not to mention that there will be a special surprise guest coming as well on stage! (I'm thinking it might be Mari "Lynn Minmay" Iijima. Just a guess).
Again, I apologize Japan, that I'm not going to your country because there will be lots of guests that I won't see there that I'll see at AX. At least not in the same place, right? ^^; (Unless of course there are some big event that I go to in Japan). Anyway...
Yuu Asakawa was already announced as a guest of honor when I found out she has a Twitter account (thanks to Seizya for that head's up). She's one of my favourite previous anime generation voice actress. She had the lead role for some of the anime she was in and she's got that cool voice. Sakaki was my favourite character (tied with Osaka) from Azumanga Daioh, but I don't think I have a Sakaki-related item to sign... I wonder what I should get signed by her... a Rider figure or Nendoroid Luka? What do you think? I'm leaning towards Luka.
And recently announced are Yui Horie and Eri Kitamura. Both are guests of NIS America who are releasing the Toradora anime here. I'm hoping to get a copy of the first volume from AX. If I can't then I'll get Yui to sign a Tohru Honda related item and get Eri to sign either a Queen's Blade Alleyne figure or Tatiana Wisla (from Last Exile) art ^_^
I'm quite excited about seeing MELL live in concert. She sings some Engrish songs that we can sorta understand but not comprehend. Nonetheless her songs are some of my favourites! I plan on getting my Sky Girls Virgin's High single signed. That's one of my favourite songs by MELL.
MELL also sang Red Fraction, the opening to Black Lagoon anime... Whose creator, Rei Hiroe, will also be in attendance! I really like his art. I think I have an artbook of his somewhere... If not I guess I'll get one of my Black Lagoon manga signed.
And yep, Danny will be there too. Will he bring his trooper outfit? I think that's a must, especially for an LA outing! I assume I'll meet lots of other DC/Figure.FM members in his panel, yes?
All pictures, except the first one, are from the official Anime Expo site.
It's gonna be one crazy four days! And really one of the main reasons I'm going is to meet the person who sent me the omiyage ^_^ So hopefully I won't be going around the con by myself ^^;;;
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- Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion: Lelouch Lamp...
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- Bucky O'Hare Cosplay Costume Progress Shoots
- Ronaldinho Wallpaper
- GamerTotoy Soapbox: When enough is enough
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- Hunter x Hunter: Kuroro Lucifer and Feitan
- Hunter x Hunter: Kuroro Lucifer and Feitan
- 湾岸ミッドナイト Wangan Midnight
- One convention confirmed!
- Your Soul is Mine!
- Pink!
- The Twelve Kingdoms: Renrin
- The Twelve Kingdoms: Renrin
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- I'm Sorry Japan...
- Ouran High School Host Club: Kurakano Momoka
- Ouran High School Host Club: Kurakano Momoka
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- Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories: Axel
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- Rozen Maiden: Hinaichigo 02
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- Gundam Seed Destiny: Meer Campbell 04
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- Vampire Knight: Kiryuu Zero 06
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- Cosplay1.com cosplay costume client review : Agito...
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- Final Fantasy X-2: Rikku 09
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- Rate this cosplayer #5 results
- Bon Voyage Team Singapore!
- Embroidery pattern and art sketches : Final Fantas...
- Embroidery Pattern and art sketches : Catherina Sf...
- Kingdom Hearts: Kairi 02
- Kingdom Hearts: Kairi 02
- Cosplay1.com cosplay costume client review : Ramune
- Cosplay1.com cosplay costume client review
- Hiiro no Kakera Cosplay (GCA 2009)
- hope estheim costume
- Avatar: The Last Airbender: Aang
- Avatar: The Last Airbender: Aang
- Kaka Real Madrid
- Sexy no Jutsu Iruka Cosplay Costume Accessories
- Random Picture of the Day
- Gamertotoy apologizes to cosplay community