Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cosplay Stereotypes...?

These stereotypes are not to be taken seriously. I took these off my friend and she got them off of here --->>> The high lighted part are the stereotypes that people here. My replies will be in normal font. There are more stereotypes but I think these are really the big ones.

"Cosplayers cannot have a normal social life."
I have a very normal social life, in my opinion. Sure, I may not go out as much as some others but cosplay is not the reason, no car is my reason! I've been fine going to college, hanging out with friends, going to family events without even mentioning cosplay.

"Cosplayers never have boyfriends or girlfriends, or are not suitable boyfriend or girlfriend material."
I don't have a boyfriend. I do have a fiance though and I think I'm quite suitable to be a fiancee. So clearly, some cosplayers are suitable?

"If you cosplay, you must have other stereotypically 'nerdy' hobbies like band, theater, Dungeons & Dragons, or Star Trek."
I didn't know DnD was a hobby or Star Trek? :P I was in drama, art and Band in Highschool but if you're smart you know that those are all in the field of art and I am indeed in love with art. If music is geeky, then ditch the ipod dumby! I think it's awesome to have "nerdy" of course I'm going to do all these sort of cool things. They're only uncool in your book!

"Cosplayers are all devil-worshippers."
......................Now I know some people cosplay characters that might somewhat portray the devil or a demon but most of them do it without really thinking about the religion part. I myself am a Christian but I cosplay! I know that there are sometimes gatherings for Christian cosplayers too! I think it's awesome. We are not devil-worshippers. -___________-; Nor do we even worship anime!

"All cosplayers have poor hygiene, are unhealthy & acne-ridden, and live in their mother's basements."
I have some acne (like most human beings) but everything else. No. I live in a room and I like showers. I can kind of see where this would come from because unfortunately at cons I smell a lot of people who don't bathe. I honestly don't know why but a lot of anime/otaku people around here..seem to not shower. I personally don't understand why... but not all cosplayers are this way. =/

"Cosplayers are mentally unstable and think that they are an anime character."
I don't think we think we ARE the character but when you're in costume you just feel like the character so you tend to act like it? It's like drama. Oh and I think it is awesome when people do get into character! Most cosplayers think they are the character? No, but if they portray them well..then they've chosen the right character. It's a compliment.

"Cosplayers are 'weeaboos', want to be Japanese, and use random Japanese words and phrases whenever they can."
I hate, hate, hate the term "weeaboo." On top of being insulting, it's hypocritical. "You're a weeaboo because you use random Japanese words." Isn't that what you just did..? <--- I have to agree with Amber. I though would like to be Japanese only because I love their eyes and language...I love their straight black hair and colorful culture but I know I am not. Nothing is wrong with admiring and wanting to learn a language. People have to learn English! You going to call them names? No you pick on those who don't learn it! Cosplaying does not mean you want to be Japanese, it has nothing to do with race. It's about getting in costume and expressing your love for the character or just playing around~

"Cosplayers are all immature."
If immature is knowing how to sew, make a replica of a weapon, style a wig, spend lots of money on a convention and be responsible about it is immature then yes, I'm immature. But seriously? There's always going to be the immature and mature no matter what kind of group you're talking about.

"Cosplayers must love hentai, and their costumes are part of some sick sexual fetish and they want to dry hump everything they see."
Whoa whoa whoa. Where did this come from? We're just people dressing up in costume.

"Only certain ethnicities can cosplay well."
Not necessarily. Though I do go by looks when finding a character... but there are all sorts of characters that are different ethnicities. Everyone can cosplay and should be able to cosplay!


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