Sunday, July 11, 2010

GamerTotoy Soapbox: Piggy boy fat boy

The most disgusting thing I saw at I Ai Anime wasn't the squatter cosplayers or the swarm of pervographers. What literally made me sick (caught a slight fever for the rest of the event) was this crybaby fat boy, a.k.a. the ex-boyfriend of the nymph I used to go out with.

That hulking abomination, standing around 5'9" and weighing roughly 250-300 lbs was hitting on a little girl half his size - a petite little kid who looks 14 or 15 (16 is pushing it). Barely over five feet tall, she sounds 12 yet he had no qualms about working his nasty magic. Their conversation went something like "Hey, you know my younger sister? (As far as I know he's an only child.) You're blahblah's sister, right? Blahblahblah I don't date sisters." I wasn't really paying attention so spare me the details.

I don't know about you, but I find it appalling for that sorry excuse of a man to intrude into the booth the little girl was watching over just so he could talk to her about dating little sisters. If you think cosplay gem's appearance precedes her age, the girl in question is lagging behind way more.

Come to think of it, nymph did tell me that she broke up with her ex because he cheated on her with a "loli-like" character. Also, he has gigabytes (or less) of loli porn on his laptop that he lets people borrow. I once played porn from that laptop with his friends around. I was denied by nymph but that was awesome!

It doesn't help that I know what kind of person that whiny piece of mommy's boy is - at 22, he literally cries in front of his mommy, he goes berserk over petty things like nymph not letting him cook for dinner, and he's a total pussy. Word went around that he wanted to hit me. I've tried several times to set us up for that kind of encounter but he never did anything. Last time he had a chance, he instead opted to ask security for help. And he's nearly twice my size!

Why do good-for-nothing people exist? He's nice to his friends, but that's only for people who haven't seen his true color. For everyone who's seen enough of him, he's a sick fat fuck who watches too much porn and anime and is desperate for attention because, as nymph puts it, he doesn't have a father. Well damn, I know a lot of bastard kids who are far less messed up.

The saddest part is since the falling out of me and nymph, she once again has no choice but to rely on him a lot. She only has a handful of other friends and her current boyfriend can only do so much. He's a nice and reliable guy but I don't think he's able to take heat. He's on his first girlfriend at 19 (I think) so there's still a lot of exploration to do before he can handle a neurotic nymphomaniac. Of course, as far as exploring the sack is concerned, I'm sure he's having the time of his life.


There's not much to say about I Ai Anime. Less than 70 cosplayers walked the ramped but I saw some quality peppered all over. Some notable performances include that cut-down-the-cardboard-robot act and a few others I can't remember right now. I love how retarded the Disgaea cosplayer was when he jumped (fell?) down the stage and thought what he just did was cool. I guess after all these years they finally figure out that simply walking across the stage is boring. Thumbs up to whoever thought of forcing cosplayers to stay in Megatrade 1 instead of loitering all over the place which bothers sane mall-goers.

Oh, that arrogant prick who claims to be the reputable Francis M.'s descendant or something? I saw him perform and he's utter shit. Too tacky, but even that doesn't compensate for his poor vocals. He can sing but there's nothing attractive about it. I can name a dozen of blind hobos who sound better. He was anal about the mic's volume level yet he still messes up. I like when he said he's Francis M.'s cousin, and a girl shouted in reply, "Eh ano ngayoooo~n?" Next time you talk smack, make sure you have something to back it up. It's a good thing you're saying goodbye to the "anime community".


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