Saturday, July 3, 2010

Wigs, wigs the magical fruit, the---wait, whaaat?

Hehe. I love wigs. I REALLY do. I believe they chan either make or break a cosplay. Seriously. Investing in wigs is a REALLY good thing. Even though they may cost a lot, there are sites that offer very good prices such assss.......---> & . They have awesome wigs for prices that definitely are cheap considering the QUALITY you are getting. Sooooooo, I definitely recommend them. Anyway. Wigs can make you look so different, thus...making cosplay so much better when you own them. I agree, contacts can really help a costume out but the wigs definitely take the cake. They are what people might see first. Now I'm not saying you suck if you don't have one, I'm just merely sharing some cosplay advice for all you cosplayers who read this or just happen to read this. ^___^; If you have any questions on wigs, please ask me. I will be happy to answer your questions.

I'd really like to get more into styling wigs but it can be quite frustrating. Ahhh....anyway. That's it for my random tip-blog thing. :3 I don't normally do this but I find it fun!!


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