Monday, August 9, 2010


I've been making some money lately and it feels good. I don't even want to spend it! It's in the bank now and I feel at ease. I have some in my piggy bank too. I'm really happy people like what I make and want to buy it! I recently sold one of my bags to someone in New York! Maybe this is a way of getting my designs out. I don't know ^-^; I just love design and making things. It's not something I could live off of (not right now anyway) but it's definitely a way to earn money while I don't have a "real job." My family has been helping me too. They give me their clothing to fix (like aunts and uncles..). If I fix my mom's, I don't charge her at all. She's giving me a dang place to live!

Aside from this, I've been growing closer to God again and I feel like myself again. I've been struggling with some anxiety/depression so I went back to my bible reading and encouraging music. It has definitely been helping. I just need to find a home church I feel really good in. You wouldn't believe how different churches can be and how hard it can be finding one! o-o; Ahhh.... I've been missing Robby a whole lot too. Sometimes I wish I had friends around here who were either engaged or in a long distance relationship, like mine..and by "like mine" I mean they've been with the person for quite some time. It gets rather difficult..and it's good to see other people being strong in theirs too.~ I think the only reason, aside from our strong love, is that God has helped Robby and I through our tough times and we've survived! Ahhhhhhhhh how I love Babidee soooooooooooo much and I love God soooooooooo much for blessing me with Robby. (Babidee = Robby XD!).

^___________^ Soooooooooo anyway. Today I already ran some errands. I sent off some stuff, sent off a letter to Japan and then put my money in the bank. I am tempted to buy a wig but I think I'll wait until I get even more money and know I can afford to buy it and some other things. For now I'm going to save my money. :] Meaning---AVOID BURGER KING O___O!! Small meals, and cheap things do this thing we call...ADDING UP..... I had less in the bank than I thought and I looked at why...and it's because I bought food here and there. =__= When I could have waited until I got home!

Okay well. I think I've ranted enough. I'm going to go look at some stuff I could possibly make.



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