Sunday, August 15, 2010

Soul Eater Maka Albarn Abilities

Maka's active weapon gene.

Physical Fitness: Although not in league with the likes of Black Star, Maka has shown great physical fitness throughout the series. She is able to swing a scythe, an uncommon weapon used in battle, with enough force to cut through a body and her melee attacks are quite strong. Aside from her strength, she has shown great flexibility and reflex. This is seen during her battle against Sid. During this battle, she was able to quickly maneuver around Sid's Living End and deliver a strong leg drop with little space--once again touching upon her strength. Her athleticism is noted amongst the females, as Patti's close-combat abilities were compared to that of Maka's. In the anime, she presents good speed and stamina, as she is shown to run up walls, jump from tree to tree, and run for incredibly long distances. Despite her renowned athleticism, she can be incompetent in sports such as basketball as she has no idea how to play them. Her skills in handling a scythe are called into question while in the Envy chapter of the Book of Eibon.

Soul Perception: This unique ability allows a person to 'perceive' the souls of living people. Maka first activated this ability during her battle against Stein. As the series progressed, she was able to use the ability at will, being able to quickly detect multiple souls and from a distance also. When compared to most Soul Perception users, Maka's Soul Perception is especially sensitive, and she is among the first to recognize a person or a Witch's presence. She reacts immediately to a Witch's Soul Wavelength and can sense people around her even when they are hiding. It has progressed to the point where she can distinguish between a normal, human soul and a Witch Soul. She can also identify a person she knows by only looking at their soul, up until the point that in the anime, she recognizes Medusa's soul, even when she is using Soul Protect. In the manga, she is yet to gain the ability to see through a Witch's Soul Protect, but her Soul Perception is very powerful, being able to spread over a great distance and making her more efficient in combat as she can sense her enemy's presence. In one case, she was able to realize that Enrique was a monkey without seeing him. In another case, she was able to distinguish that Gopher had a Grigori soul. Because her Soul Perception will probably reach the level of Joe Buttataki's where she can identify a Witch with Soul Protect on, she is currently targeted by evil forces. Justin Law once attempted to assassinate Maka but was stopped by Stein and Marie.

Anti-Demon Wavelength: Maka's soul carries an Anti-Demon Wavelength. This Wavelength acts a powerful barrier against insanity and darkness. This Wavelength is also carried over to her attacks, which serve to be very effective against Witches or any individual harboring madness or dark powers. Using the purification effect of her Anti-Demon Wavelength in her attacks, she can even take on an Immortal. This Anti-Demon Wavelength, coupled with her sensitive Soul Perception ability, makes Maka a huge threat to the Kishin and Witches. Attempts to kill her were from both Medusa, in the name of Witches, and Justin, in the name of Asura. In the English dub of the anime, it is called an Excorcism Wavelength.

Black Blood: Through Soul, Maka was infected with Black Blood, an insanity facilitator. Under the effects of the Black Blood, Maka forgoes previous personality in lieu of a more crazed, bloodthirsty persona. Due to the Black Blood hardening within her body, she was able to gain an immunity against slash and crush attacks and also acquired superior strength. Later on in the series, when Soul and Maka perform Soul Resonance, Soul inadvertently activated the Black Blood. This time, however, he had more control over this and, instead of Maka becoming a lunatic, she donned a dress made a Black Blood. The only service this dress has given is acting as a durable armor towards attacks. The Black Blood however cannot seem to permanently infect her like with Soul because of her Anti-Demon Wavelength.

Grigori: Maka has the Grigori Soul, a rare type of soul that only one in fifty-million people possess. Grigori Souls have wings, which gives the person the ability to fly. Maka does this by creating wings on her partner, Soul, while he is in weapon form. It is unclear whether it possesses any other ability beside flying. The strength of her Grigori Soul may differ from Gopher's, since she needs Soul to create her wings, whilst Gopher can create his wings on his person without a partner.

Weapon Gene: In the anime only, it is shown that Maka inherited the Weapon blood from her father, Spirit. In the last episode of the anime, Maka's dormant "Weapon blood" from her father was awakened while unconscious, producing blades from various limbs and proving to be a very intimidating opponent in battle.


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