Sunday, August 8, 2010

Why you should visit Singapore

NOTE: Insanely long post ahead!
Singapore celebrates her 45th Anniversary this year and as a very proud Singaporean, I feel obliged to do up something special as a tribute to this hardworking little nation also known as my homeland.
JIM_7368 copy

So this is my little entry to share with my foreign cosplay friends why they should visit Singapore.

Of course, this will be a slightlyyyy bias entry but I’ll try to not let my patriotisms get in the way of an accurate and fair entry.

This entry is targeted towards non asian (because I think most Asians have already visited Singapore but if you haven’t please read on too!) and English reading readers of this blog.

Reason 1: Diverse food extravaganza
As an island that begun as a trading hub, Singapore sees a diverse range of race, culture and religion. What the immigrants brought along with them other than their goods,was of course, their homeland cuisine.


P/S: OMFG, this entry is a torture! Its 3am now and I’m freaking hungry!!!

Good food in Singapore are generally cheap. If you stay away from the expensive town and high-end restaurants, SGD 20 (I increased it from 15 to 20 because I realise some people have big appetites ^^;) per day for food is more than enough to spare.

Reason 2: No Language barrier
English is our official and first language here. Every student who goes to school HAS to learn English and another of the 3 official Mother Tongue (Mandarin, Malay, Tamil).  Meaning to say, most Singaporeans are bilingual !!

Granted, yesss , we speak with a different accent but still audible and understandable =) 

Also, as Singapore is such an urbanised place, everything is well labeled and directions are usually clearly written in English. So don’t be afraid that you’ll come here and be lost without any help.  Because everything is in English and our public transport is so well connected, visiting all the island attractions is a breeze!

If you’re lost, just approach any Singaporeans and ask for help in English =)!

Reason 3: Awesome Public Transport
This is the part where one will really start to appreciate Singapore’s minute scale because it really makes for easy travel.  Singaporean’s (or maybe just the government) innate nature to have everything neat, tidy and systematical is also evident here. Because everything is nicely labeled and categorized.

Easy and affordable public transport makes for free & easy itinerary!!!

There’s also a Tourist Pass that cost SGD8/day and allows for unlimited usage.  Though I wouldn’t really recommend this card if you don’t intend to travel a lot within a day.

Reason 4: Diverse cultural experience
Singapore may not be big, but I guess this is the only place on earth (in my bias opinion xD) where you can find such drastically different cultures existing harmoniously side by side.

Experience the culture of the Chinese at Chinatown, marvel the colourful life of the Indians in Little India and feast on the mouth watering cuisines of the Malays at Kampong Glam.

Reason 5: Big Scale Cosplay/Animanga/Games Event!
We have many big scale and FREE admission events. Alright, not all are free but most are fun :D

The main event in Singapore that holds the World Cosplay Summit Singapore rounds! Free entrance!
The upcoming event of the year. Previous years they managed to invite many awesome Japanese celebrity such as May’n, Ichirou Mizuki, Yoshiki Fukuyama and Kaname (Famous Cloud cosplayer)
Because this is an awesomely fun funfun event. Its is an event made for true fans and hardcore animanga people!  SERIOUSLY!!!!
There is also the Singapore Toy, Games & Comics Convention , CosCon, etc!

Reason 6: Awesome attractions!

Some people like to debate that tourist attractions are boring and too touristy and refuses to visit them because they think its just a facade created by the government/nation. But I kinda disagree.

Granted that its true, attractions are usually fake. But that doesn’t necessarily takes the fun away.  Anyway, its usually the official attractions that are most iconic :D. Below are some nice attractions I think you guys should totally check out if you ever come to Singapore.

1) Singapore Zoo & Night Safari
Set in a rainforest environment, Singapore Zoo's world famous "Open Concept” offers the opportunity to experience and be inspired by the wonders of nature. Home to over 2,500 specimens from 315 species, 16% of which are threatened, the Zoo has attained a strong reputation internationally for its conservation initiatives and breeding programmes.
I haven’t had the chance to visit many Zoological Gardens oversea but I’ve heard a lot. Even as an adult, the Singapore Zoo still amazes me. Mostly because of just how beautiful and well maintained everything is. And the famous “Open Concept” is really not a joke.

Because you very rarely see any metal cages in Singapore’s Zoo and the whole place is setup to make you feel like you are in the animal’s natural habitat.

See how close she was to the Leopard?? I remember looking at the same leopard (i think) at the same place before and feeling darn astonished at the sheer size of the beast.

2) Underwater World

Underwater World Singapore, situated on Sentosa Island of Singapore, is a unique and well-known oceanarium showcasing some 2500 marine life from 250 species from around the regions and is extremely popular with all our visitors for providing fun, leisure and educational experiences.

he last time I went with Gin, we were both very amazed by the sea creatures. I never knew Jellyfish were so beautiful. And the way the aquariums were set up really helped illuminate these beautiful creatures.

3) National Museum
With a rich history dating back to its inception in 1887, the National Museum of Singapore is Singapore's oldest museum with the youngest and most innovative soul. Designed to be the people's museum, the National Museum is a custodian of the 11 National Treasures, and its Singapore History and Living Galleries adopt cutting-edge and varied ways of presenting history and culture to redefine conventional museum experience.

Ever since it’s reopening in 2007, I’ve been there twice. And I honestly think it’s a wonderful place! The sheer beauty of the colonel building and the spick and span cleanliness just blows your mind away. And I’m not saying this just because I'm  Singaporean.

P1000162  19thmay07_nationalMuseum 058 19thmay07_nationalMuseum 066 19thmay07_nationalMuseum 036

I especially loved the “Singapore History Gallery” portion of the museum. It is paid entry but it’s worth the money. The visual spectacle and media entertainment more than makes up for the cash!

Of course, this is also where the above Cosplay PV was shot xD

4) Botanic Gardens
The Singapore Botanic Gardens  is a 63.7-hectare (157-acre) botanical garden in Singapore. It is half the size of the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew or around one-fifth the size of Central Park in New York. It is the only botanic garden in the world that opens from 5 a.m. to 12 midnight every single day of the year, and does not charge an admission fee, except for the National Orchid Garden.
I have a soft spot for the Singapore Botanic garden. Mainly because its so vast and beautiful, plus its rare to find such gardens in Singapore. And partly because its an awesome place for photography and Cosplay! Let the pictures prove it to you!
Photo from: Kaika 
Photo from Kanasaii
Left photo from: Inuran
Right Photo from: Lenneth

5) Chinese Gardens
Chinese Garden also commonly known as Jurong Gardens, is a park in Jurong East, Singapore. The garden was built in 1975 and designed by Prof. Yuen-chen Yu, a well-known architect from Taiwan, the Chinese Garden’s concept is based on Chinese gardening art. The main characteristic is the integration of splendid architectural features with the natural environment. The Chinese Garden is modeled along the northern Chinese imperial style of architecture and landscaping. It is located next to Chinese Garden MRT Station and connected to the adjacent Japanese Garden by a bridge.

This is like, the token place Singapore cosplayers go to for any Japanese or Chinese related series. Not only is it free admission, its also vast and beautiful. There are usually some sort of pretty events during the Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn season .

Photo by: Cvy 

Photo from: Lenneth

Okay…somewhere along the line here, I realise I got over zealous and scoured too many photographs. But I don’t have enough time and energy to continue talking about it. Plus I’m sure you guys are getting tired so I shall leave you guys with these awesome Singaporean cosplay photos. Photos were chosen based on the location =)

6) Resort World Singapore
Resorts World Sentosa is an integrated resort on the island of Sentosa, off the southern coast of Singapore. The key attractions include one of Singapore's two casinos, a Universal Studios theme park and Marine Life Park, which includes the world's largest oceanarium.

Because it is big, has casinos, oceanarium , super high end boutiques and UNIVERSAL STUDIO SINGAPORE!!!!!!!

5) Place: Helix Bridge 



   Photo from: Inuran

7) Place: Marina Barrage

  Photo from: Reiko 
Photo from: Inuran
  Photo from: Kaika

Photo from: RainerTachibana
  Photo from: Inuran
Photo from: Lenneth                    


*Palms forehead* I realise all the locations I selected were…….Photoshoot locations and not exactly ATTRACTIONS except for the first 4 oTL. I am so sorry! Check out this website for the REAL Attractions!!!!


So I’ve stated some big and simple rules as to why you should like/travel to Singapore. For more travel details, check out the following websites!
Are you still reading?

Well, I hope you guys liked this entry and it will hopefully trigger some desire to come to Singapore!. It took me forever to consolidate T_T.

On a slightly different note, I really hate it when people disown or in anyway, express shame in being who they are. Especially when they express being ashamed of being born in this beautiful little island. I know there are many controversies regarding the “Disneyland” façade of Singapore to the other nations outside. But mind you, Singapore is a nation so young she isn’t even half a century old! In fact, my dad is older than her!


But despite her youth, she has already achieved so much. For this alone, I am immensely proud of her. In fact, I often feel unworthy of Singapore. And being born here has got to be one of the best things to happen in my life.

I’m sorry if this blog entry went a little off tangle and too long. But I just have so much about my country that I want to share xD

It is now officially 5am over here and I’m dead tired. oTL


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