Friday, November 19, 2010

Featured on MTV, fighting bronchitis & Harry @ midnight

Imagine my delight and surprise when I was contacted by MTV requesting permission to feature my Hermione Granger cosplay pictures on their Blog! You can check out the article here:

OMG I am THRILLED to be on MTV's site (FUCK YEAH! Score another one for me! lol) especially because it's Harry Potter related (I'm a HUGE fan) and this article was written to tie in with the release of the Deathly Hallows. My friends and family were so proud, especially my mom and dad!

I went to a midnight showing last night (preordered my tickets two weeks ago) and the film was beautifully done! Really, it was brilliant how they transfered the story to the screen and they choose a good spot to stop the film. Loved how the Tale of the Three Brothers was done in CG. I'm sure I'll head to the theatre at least one more time to see it. Can't wait for the second half in July! I asked my exhusband to go see the film with me. Despite everything we are still great friends and enormous HP fans! I think I'll cosplay for the final film.

I've been battling a nasty case of bronchitis but I wasn't going to let that stop me from seeing the film! I'm starting to feel better. A few weeks ago I shot two days in a row for three different photographers. The first was with my bestfriend Nikki who is AMAZING! We did a faiy tale theme and Lara Croft.

^This shot is superb! This may be my favorite Lara shot yet! Rest of the pics are here:

^The fairy tale shots KILL ME! They came out so damn good! Nikki has such a great eye and artistic vision! Rest of the shots are here:

^This shot was taken by Theresa whom I had a ball working with. Should have the CD with the rest of the images soon.

By now everyone has seen the trailer for the Green Lantern film. I loved everything I saw except for the suit; it looks like Hal got it at Toon Town.

My Slave Master Jamin sent me a shot from the Slave Gathering I haven't seen yet that I LOVE of Adrianne Curry and I sitting back to back. SO HOT!

Adrianne said I'm her favorite little Leia! I can't wait for next's year's show!

And in closing, several people have pulled me aside and said how different I've been lately. Everyone from family to friends to coworkers. They say I have my glow back and I seem happy again. Didn't realize I was truly coming across as miserable but I definately feel like a whole new person.
Ok, I lied! The last thing I want to say is Dan looks SO HOT in the new film! *sigh* My future husband....


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