Thursday, March 31, 2011

Suzuki Hayate SPG uniform 2011

Today is the launching day, We make the official SPG uniform for Suzuki newest automatic motorcycle at La Piaza Jakarta. After a rough forward and backward process we finanly make this uniform. Please check our previous post about this SPG uniform

Using the black jacket Irfan Bachdim the Suzuki Hayate brand ambassador looks perfect beside this nice and beautiful young lady.

One progress photo from back of our SPG costume workshop

For more info on how your compay can use our service as SPG Uniform creator please visit our main SPG Uniform main site .

Making new suzuki matic line up SPG uniform

This not the first time that cosplay1 has been trusted to handle launching product from Suzuki. We make some concept for this time, approximately 3 of our SPG uniform design was received by Suzuki Indomobil Indonesia. The last design was approved to be the one will be wear by Suzuki ladies.

We have to loose the glove design and make neck thing instead.

We responsible to produce some Spg Uniform held in 31 of march today. It was for Suzuki Matic line up called Suzuki Hayate. For more info on how to order your company SPG uniform please visit our cosplay and costume main site

Vocaloid 2: Hatsune Miku 16

vocaloid 2 cosplay - hatsune mike 16 by kirana

Saken de mita MEGAPHONE wa kowareteta no
The megaphone I tried shouting in, was broken

Dore dake senobi shitatte
How hard I try to overreach myself,

Kimi no shikai ni hairanai
I would fail to get into your sight.

And those would be the lyrics from Hatsune Miku’s “Love is War”! I have to say, I'm really impressed with how she was able to get her wig to fly like that! Awesome cosplay by Kirana and photography by Kira Winter! Thanks again to Cherry for sending this!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March progress and March progress

I had planned to be in good standing with my projects this week, but then my job totally crashed everything. Past few weeks have been pretty unstable. I've had to spend extra hours at work, which had an effect on my costumes. And it seems that the uncertainty is going to continue few more. I pushed our Jedi costumes in the back of the closet and tried to spend free hours I had finishing the backpacks for Snowtroopers. To be honest, they are really killing me. Tampere Kuplii is just weeks away and some parts that I thought would work on them didn't live up to expectations. Now I need to come up with a plan B and at the moment I have no idea what it could be... Nyaaa!

But something I was able to do considering Snowtroopers and their first public appearance. That thing was a flag. We are not going to have rifles or any sort of weaponry what so ever with us. The blasters we left to be nice crafting project for lazy summer days. Instead we are going to roll with Empire emblem on a stick. The base of the flag is just regular cotton and the paint is basic white wall paint. I tried to make the logo look worn out and messy, but didn't quite achieve the look I was going after. I need to wear out the emblem maybe by scraping it with something and washing the color out. Easily portable stick has been found and is waiting for minor alterations. I'm going to paint collapsible fissing rod black and make some security attachments.

Somehow I squeezed sewing in my schedule, so I was able to do something with March also. The jacket is fully appliquéd and the pants are finally done. Last year I already worked with the accessories; the pendant and the “bell” on the tip of the hood. Even if they are almost done, I think I’ll redo the pendant. I don’t know what I was thinking back then, but now that I compare the proportions of the jacket to the pendant, it’s just way too small! Gladly it’s pretty fast to build, so that is least of my worries. Bigger one is the hood, for which I have made nothing more than a trial pattern.

I still need to check that the tips of the silhouettes are sharp.

Super-skinny pants. I haven't had courage to test if I can sit on them or not...

I think that it will be safest to leave the hood construction after Tampere Kuplii, if we anyhow manage to survive it. I was happy to notice that the weather could be quite nice! We might not look like we actually have crawled through a slushy battlefield afterwards.

Edit: Things happen, so I'm back to business with the backpacks! Esa took the parts I was hesitant about and made them work. Now I'm sure there is a chance that the costumes will be ready in time, hopefully even before the eve of Kuplii!

Durarara!!: Heiwajima Shizuo 02

durarara!! cosplay - heiwajima shizuo 2 cosplay by amori-chanQuiet and nondescript when not angered, Heiwajima Shizuo has a very short fuse and, although he claims to hate violence, has incredible strength when fighting. Despite his unrefined fighting skills with road signs, trash cans, and vending machines as his weapons of choice, he is considered to be the strongest fighter in the series. He is also capable of often superhuman parkour moves, a skill he obtained naturally from years of hunting down Orihara Izaya.

Stunning cosplay by Amori-chan! I’m thinking those “keep out” tapes were added through photoshop, but it does add a nice touch to the photo! Thanks again to Cherry for suggesting this!

Birthday of Ayanami 2011

It's almost like an annual tradition now that every year I post up an Ayanami Rei related post on her birthday on March 30th. This year isn't as grand as last year's posts... I've only got two things to show you here ^^;

First up is the 1/7 scale Ballerina Rei by Kotobukiya. I've been going back and forth about getting this one when she was first announced sometime last year. She looks really good, and I like her face, but I was slowly running out of room in the Rei Shrine ^^;

But eventually she won me over... At a sale on Play Asia, hahaha. I was actually expecting to get her locally, but the chance never came up. So here she is finally in my grasp! And she is very pretty!

It's also good timing since I watched Black Swan within a month or two months ago, so I was still on the ballerina high. Her ballet slipper here looks good... I like the straps.

Her tutu and her headpiece (?) are semi-transparent material, so they add a nice effect. I'm not too thrilled about the base though. A very strange looking base. Maybe it's supposed to connect to Asuka's ballerina version?

Her bare back and the ribbon around her neck is a nice addition to the outfit.

Panty shot? ^^; It almost looks like Rei is glaring at me too for taking a picture of her at this angle, lol.

From the top... There's a nice view from this angle :3

But in the end, it's her face that got me... After buying so many Rei figures, I've gotten choosy about faces on figures. And this applies to every figure out there that I want to get. It's all about the face. If the face doesn't win me over, the whole figure doesn't get added to my collection.

This is just bonus ^^;;; Um... She was doing a mid-air twirl? XD This is what I like about Kotobokiya. Even if their figure is lying down or sitting down, the bottoms of their figures aren't flat, but fully fleshed out. I've seen ones that are completely flat. They're convenient to place on flat surfaces, but can look ugly.

And another from Kotobukiya! A pair of chopsticks in the shape of Rei's entry plug... And no, you're not seeing double. I do have 2 sets. With cheaper items like these, I'm starting to buy like Konata ^^; I only bought two though. One to use, and one to keep. I have actually used it a few times on California rolls... Very slippery... No grip at all!

Maybe they weren't meant to be used after all ^^; Anyway, here's a close up of the small Rei inside the entry plug. Looks quite detailed for something so small!

From the front side... I think her eyes are actually painted red too! Such detailing!

And now, the changing of the guards... Enma Ai has been in front of my monitor for the longest time... Now it's time for Rei to take reign over, especially since it's her birthday... And the shrine is basically spilling over ^^;;;

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion: C.C. 03

code geass: lelouch of the rebellion cosplay - c.c. by lucia

Often called "Pizza Girl" by Lelouch and Kallen, C.C. has a strong penchant for pizza, especially Pizza Hut’s, who sponsored the show in Japan. She constantly orders pizzas to Lelouch’s house using his credit card to pay for it. She also carries around a stuff toy of “Cheese-kun”, the company’s mascot in Japan.

Impressive C.C. by Lucia! Simple, yet effective, and it’s making me crave for pizzas. Thanks to Cherry for suggesting this!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Get your self an exclusive t-shirt from

This is the second post regarding our exclusive gift for our clients. Every one that make a succesfull transaction will be having this limited t-shirt from

Waiting for your order :)

Final Approach: Masuda Shizuka

final approach cosplay - masuda shizuka by kipiFiancée of Mizuhara Ryo, Masuda Shizuka is a 10th grader who used her “political power” to transfer herself into the same class as Ryo’s. Shizuka mostly became Ryo’s fiancée because of the Japanese government’s secret childbirth program, but it was later revealed that her grandfather also played a role in the matter. It was fortunate, however, that Shizuka really did fall in love with Ryo as he did with her.

Beautiful cosplay by Kipi! It surprises me how many characters she’s already taken on and each of them looks spot on! Thanks to the contributor, who wishes to remain anonymous in this post!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica: Tomoe Mami

mahou shoujo madoka magica cosplay - tomoe mamiA Puella Magi contracted by Kyubey, Tomoe Mami is a third year student at Madoka’s school who lives alone in a penthouse after her parents’ deaths. She has the ability to produce an almost-infinite amount of flintlock rifles which appears to be similar to Tanegashima. She also uses ribbons to suspend her enemies and is able to perform healing magic.

So cute! I really love how she styled her wig for this cosplay. Thanks to Ange for sending this!

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Post #201: The Making of Post #200

Making the stop motion version of The World God Only Knows opening is no easy task, but ever since I saw the first episode, I was touched. It's such a great episode and the rest of the show were great too! So I really wanted to do something for it.

The first task was making a replica of the first picture of this post. Getting all of the figma I had wasn't really enough. I tried not to put the same character variation in this picture, but Saber was different enough to be placed twice :P There were even a few figma I haven't even opened yet and opened for the first time. A total of 23 figma were used in this picture. The figma's weren't enough though, so I used a couple of Revoltech Fraulein from Queen's Blade to fill in the empty spots.

This is the print-out I used to put the figmas and Revoltech in the right poses. I had to put the sticky notes to make sure I remember which figure goes in which position ^^;

So then the next part was deciding who would be Elsie. The first choice was a figma with a broom. So that would be Reimu or Marisa, and I have neither. I was going to get a Reimu from Mandarake, but was sold out when I got the order in. So who? Who can I use for Elsie?? And then I realized I have a Yoko Revoltech Fraulein... But why Yoko?

Well, let Yakuri's drawing show you why! And no, I didn't force her to draw this against her will....... Umm... Yeah, I did request this drawing with Elsie and Yoko to show their similarities, but really, I didn't force it on her ^^;; Ok, maybe a little... But anyway, the result looks great! Elsie looks uber cute! And Yoko got her big oppai XD Hehe and Yaku got them pointing at their skull hair accessories! Not only that, but they both have ponytails and each have pink thigh highs. Thank you very much Yaku!

Unfortunately Yoko doesn't have a broom... But she's got big guns! Umm... I mean, a big rifle. Y'know, her big rifle that she uses? Ah never mind, you see it in the picture anyway.

One of the hardest thing to do for me with stop motion would be the spinning part... Thankfully the newly bought Lightning Base I got is able to rotate Yoko in place for the camera!

Speaking of the Lightning Base, I used it as the central piece of the multiple figma picture. The original picture was similar to this, so I bought one. Plus I like blue!

As for Ayumi, Mio, Kanon and Shiori, I used these 4... Haruhi is Ayumi, Kagami is Mio, Cute is Kanon and uhh... Mio is Shiori. Yeah, well, the Mio figma doesn't have twin tails to be the actual Mio, ok? I had to use Cute because she is actually designed by Watanabe Akio, who is also the designer for The World God Only Knows.

Miku is mami'd... Mostly just because I need her hand for the 4 girls' hands. The other ones were Ritsu, waitress Mikuru and Sun Seto.

The next part was to do a rotation of the PSP... This was a challenge because I've put the original KamiNomi opening in the PSP for a reference, especially to see how the PSP rotates in the opening. So I took a few angles of the PSP and compiled it in Photoshop and hopefully I can cheat the rotation and spinning of the original PFP ^^; The end product didn't look too bad, I thought.

I've picked Kyon to replace Keima because... well, he's one of the only male figma I have. He also has similar hairstyles and at least he's wearing a uniform. Oh and this scene I added the Revoltech and figma logo as well. If you've seen the original, this part would say three-dimension and two-dimension in the street signs. I wanted to have that kind of similarities on mine. But for some reason I couldn't center the logos properly ^^;

When I redo this video, I'll replace Kyon with someone else ;)

Other backgrounds in the video includes this really nice front yard of a house in my neighbourhood. I wouldn't have noticed this house if I wasn't looking around to find backgrounds for this project.

This is a park near my house. Not all the trees have their leaves yet since it's still early March and still pretty cold outside.

This is one of my favourite anime/manga stores in Vancouver, SakuraMedia. There was that one part in the opening where a manga/book store was a background, so I asked the manager (whom I knew quite well) if I can take a picture. It's a very generic shot, but I just wanted the bookshelves, so he lets me ^^

Here are some stats for the record:
  • About 24 hours of photo editing, if I did it all without stopping, distractions, sleep, work...
  • About 2-3 hours of video editing... Easier than I thought.
  • 247 individual frames
  • The first 35 seconds were from the original opening
  • The title at the end is from Windows Live Movie Maker
  • Total of 29 figmas, 3 Fraulein Revoltechs, 1 Bandai Lightning Base and 1 PSP were used
And yes, I did mention that I will redo this with different variations. Hopefully an actual stop motion in the beginning instead of using the original clip and improved animation for some of them. Below are the original video and my video if you'd like to see a comparison. Thank you for reading/watching/viewing my 200th & 201st post! A special thank you to Yaku for that Elsie & Yoko art!

Oh, and I apologize for the cryptic 200th post ^^; I was posting the lyrics to the full version of the opening song. The bold text was something I felt when I was making this project.

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