Sunday, April 17, 2011

Doll Meet at the Queen Elizabeth Park

Unlike last year, we had to wait a bit longer for spring this year. By the beginning of April, it was still not warm enough for the cherry blossoms to bloom. But it was still a nice day to be at a doll meet! We're able to take photos with some of the flowers.

But before we get to the meat of the doll meet (pun intended), let's see the other stuff... Like this bento. Kurohitori made this out of ginger, sesame and beef. The beef are the branches and the ginger are the cherry blossom petals. Very cute ^_^

The cherry blossoms were quite few in the park unfortunately. Not all of them were blooming yet.

Lots of wildlife running about. We had fun with this squirrel. We gave it animal crackers ^^;

We met a few new people as well, so there were a few new dolls in the group for the photos ^_^

The little girls (my little girls) were sitting on the PSP before, but they decided to sit on the big girls' laps... Say... Who's that blonde girl sitting on Aoi?

There's also a new Dollfie Dream owner as well. He owns this Alna. For some reason this DD Dynamite body seem to be bigger in person than the previous ones I saw ^^;

TheCandyman also got his girls back after 4 months of being babysat ^^;

Some new little boys as well ^^

Many yukata wearing dolls... I had a couple, but I had no idea how to put them on for my Azones ^^;

This girl is so VERY cute! Her skin was so very pale that I had to adjust my camera setting so she doesn't look overexposed.

Watch out! Azupyon's got a weapon! Mr. TheCandyMan was gracious enough to lend this to me ^_^

*Yuri filter on*

I was able to take this picture before everyone fell ^^;;; I grabbed one of them just before he fell so the impact wasn't that bad on the picnic table. Always somebody falling at these meets...

Rei gets some fresh air... And I just realized she's wearing the same dress as Saber from the St. Patrick's Doll Meet ^^;;;

Mari and Rei!

And now for the photos in the nature! Here's Suzu and Cammy relaxing on the rock on the stream.

Very cute photo. Everyone seemed to enjoy these shoots.

Wood fairy in the woods ^^

And of course my girls get to have fun. It was hard finding things small enough for them...

So have you figured out who this girl is? :P I really like this angle. One of my favourite photos from this meet.

Here they are hanging out on a tree ^^

This was a bit precarious since it was a bit windy... Her hair was a bit tangled. I also tried to get the blue sky and mountain in the background :)

Aoi looks like she's being very careful trying not to damage the plants here.

This is reaperofleaves' boy whose photo I took at her request... Let me know if you want this one, reaper :)

Candyman's Cammy sitting on a broken branch of the tree.

Gotta have the last picture with the cherry blossoms. It was actually pretty hard to get this picture because Mari and Aoi kept blurring since my camera was focusing on the cherry blossoms instead ^^; When we walked back to the parking lot we met with Puppy52 and Babybluestar :D A bit late, but it was nice to meet up since I wasn't able to go to the meet the next day at Van Dusen Garden.

Afterwards we also had another anime meet up at my house. We sampled lots of anime again, but I didn't take any pictures like last time ^^; I took lots more photos at the park though, so feel free to see more in my Photobucket album.

You can also see other photos from Galamirix's blog and Babybluestar's blog for other photos ;)


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