Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mini Chocolate & Custard Pies

Yes, I left that Orange Pocky in the picture on purpose :P

The annual potluck at my workplace always make me want to make something of my own, even though I'm awful at cooking... Well not awful, I just don't know how to. I have to read the recipes or directions all the time.

So this year I tried making mini pudding pies. One was banana cream pie and the other chocolate pudding pie. They're both Jell-O brand pudding, which did not have gelatin or eggs in them since one of my co-workers does not eat either.

I had to start late on Monday night because some family friends were visiting and brought kids with them. The Wii and I were babysitting for a couple of hours. So I didn't get started til 10 pm. Then found out we don't have enough milk to make the puddings! What a day, so I drove to Superstore to get some milk, my fourth time driving by the way.

Unfortunately it was all for naught since I burnt the banana cream one... I've put it on too high and didn't stir it well enough. The pot was almost full so I was worried about spilling it. I tried tasting it after it cooled. It did have the banana taste, but it also has the burnt aftertaste... YUCK!

So my mom volunteered her custard filling as I was making the chocolate pudding. This time it was successful. Once it was cooled I started filling in the tart shells that I bought frozen from Superstore. Oh half the shells were also burnt by the way... Black was the enemy.

Then my mom made the custard filling, which I found out had egg yolk powders in it. I did the filling on the shells again and started to look for containers where I can bring 38 tarts in total. The filling were too squishy so I couldn't stack them. We found 4 separate containers to bring them all thankfully. By this time it was already 2 AM... so I couldn't do anything else... Thankfully Tuesday was also the last day of work for the year.


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