Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snow Day at 2-4 AM

Al Azif gazing towards the falling snow in the sky

I took this picture to show some people how the snow looked in Vancouver at this time... but uh I kinda focused on the Al Azif nendoroid instead ^^; I'll try to take a picture of how thick it is when light is out.

I had extra things to do when I dug out my Al Azif. My manga pile was just out of control and somehow the nendoroid box was holding them up. So I had to rearrange some piles. Lots of bending over and straining in the legs especially in the enclosed space. Sigh... I really need to clean up.

I got really dizzy after taking the above picture because either I was crouching too much and stood up too quickly or I was outside the door without extra coat on. I'm not sure which.

4 AM UPDATE: Now with landscape pictures! You can see how thick the snow is from looking at the garbage bins. Ok granted we didn't clean off the last snow pack from it last time, but you can get an idea of how thick it is for the week. Sorry for the awful pictures... I was kinda shivering from the cold ^^;

I also made a wallpaper out of the picture I took of Al... kinda grainy, but I still like it.

1280 x 1024
Let me know if you want one and I'll make it to your resolution

Bonus Picture: Me comfortably warm inside the house with my new Wing Gundam Zero shirt by the Christmas tree ^_^


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