MegaHouse Queen's Blade EX 1/8 Aldra
(2P Colour Ver.)
Well if I haven't offended anyone yet, I might just offend someone with this figure, lol. I don't know why I was so attracted to this figure of Aldra... I mean she's got that... thingy... there. At least that's what people think, but I thought it was unique and everything about her is just so great looking.
WARNING: This review include images not appropriate for children under 18 years old. Nor is it safe for viewing at work. If you are easily offended by such images then turn back now.I've decided to get the 2P colour because the red version doesn't seem to match the figure. I did get the Queen's Blade book but I didn't mind the red in that book. Art and figure are different medium after all. I'll post about the book soon to follow up this figure.
I'm also glad she's actually in the Queen's Blade anime, even though she's mostly in cameo (from what I've seen so far). She's the current Queen in the storyline. Perhaps if not the first season then maybe in the second season in November. Looking at this figure I thought Rie Kugimiya could do her voice, but she's already the voice of Melona.

This is the packaging out of the box... I HAD to take a picture of this. This is probably the only inner plastic packaging of a female figure with an extra protective bubble on her crotch. I'm glad for that extra protection. I could somehow see how my last sentence can be misinterpreted...

She comes with an extra plastic packaging with an extra eyepatch thing, another head/face, extra arm and her "coattails". I forgotten to put on this coattail in the first picture... This coattail is made out of materials different than the rest of the figure. It almost feels like the same material they make plastic spoons/forks out of. Really odd.

By the way, her thingy is actually a moveable object. You can pose it anyway you want... Each sections is connected by a ball peg... I am not kidding you and yes, it does sound strange that you can move this thingy around!

The usual thing with figures is the hair seams. The hair seams are quite obvious because it looks like she's got so many hair styles in her head here. Not too mention you have to remove her front bangs to put on the extra face.

Her left hand is tied at her back apparently. She looks like she's well covered from the back, eh?

Umm... this pose was shown in the original promotion... I'm just imitating it...

The patch is removable and you can see her demonic right eye. The eye covering almost reminds me of Rider. Same with her hair, kinda.

Here she is with the opened eye patch. It's actually transparent plastic. So you can see through it if you shine a light on it. She's giving you the evil eye!

Here she is with her secondary face, which apparently makes her stare downwards when you put the head in the peg. What's she staring at, I wonder?

Here's that pose again... Anyone care to sit down on... with her?

Uhhh... I accidentally brushed my hand in front of her a bit too hard and it fell... So instead of panicking and thought I broke it (I did that anyway), I took a picture of it so you can see how IT moves.

Return of the mirror base! I'll explain later why I used the mirror base.
WARNING: The following pictures contain nudity when you click on them. I've censored them in the thumbnail just so I don't create too much fuss with Do not click on them if you are under age or easily offended with such materials. And that includes the last two pictures.
As usual MegaHouse does not include an instruction how to cast her clothes off. A pet peeve
Blowfish and I and a few other people have with their castoff figures. Thankfully her cast-off options aren't as bad. After the first time I figured out to remove only her left shoulder pad and not the whole arm. The straps on her top actually connects to this shoulder pad.

Her body looks very good, doesn't it? I really like her skin tone and her curves on her back and backside. The other head doesn't really allow her to show her back.

Her left hand still look Flike it's tied. I really like this angle, especially her hair and naked back.

Here's the first of the censored pictures. I've put it on an image hosting that allows this sort of thing. Click on it to see the uncensored picture. The curves seem to be more emphasized without her clothes, if you want to call what she had on "clothes".

Now that her top is off... where do you want to sit?

Yep here she is shocked that her thingy drooped... It's pointing straight down. Perhaps she would like to keep that infamous blue pill on her?

Here are all the pieces of her including the base. I noticed the base reflected a little... but not enough and this is a really boring base.

Thus the mirror base returns... It works wonder for this figure ^^;

I've always like this angle where you can't see her face except the one on the mirror base.
And uhh... I had this silly idea I wanted to do with another figure. I wasn't sure what figure I could use for a yuri scene at first, but I think you'll agree that this figure was the best choice (at least from what I have).

Surprise sex? Their faces are appropriate for it. ^^;

Not to worry... She's nowhere near Shigure's crotch. Not yet at least...
I have a feeling I may be one of the only bloggers to review this figure... Oh well. I hope that gives you some idea what Aldra is about and perhaps even tempt you to get one. It's still in stock at
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