Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thanks for all the Visits!

ども ありがとう ございます! 

Ever since Danny made that Kira Trooper picture, I've been dying to play around with it to the above result (Apologies to Danny Choo, Lucasfilm & Marvel Comics ^^;). To commemorate a milestone on my blog, I thought I'd do a little Photoshop project I've been meaning to do. ^_^

I didn't think I would make a big deal out of over 10,000 visits and over 20,000 page views (since January), but I think a very big thank you to all the regular readers and visitors just dropping by is something that needs to be done. Especially this silly little blog that some people found interesting enough to read and view. ^^;

It's also thanks to Danny's hijack of my AnimeBoston loot post that finally gave it the push to these numbers. Somehow that hijack attracted the attention of a Japanese site called that was translating his news to Japanese readers... I'm not quite sure what the name of the site is unfortunately. I guess Japan was interested in what Rin and I, the foreign otaku, buy from anime conventions ^^;

You might be asking why "since January"? Well apparently I forgot to put on a site counter when I first started this blog... I finally added one courtesy of SiteMeter. So technically I should be around 11,000 visits and 23,000 page views (more or less) if I added it right at the beginning...

So here are the current numbers as of June 2nd, 2009. Over 10,000 visits, almost 11,000 with over 22,000 page views.

June 2nd was also the most visits and page views I've ever had ever since I started this blog! The 2nd most visits were the time when I won the "Your Room" giveaway.

This pie chart shows that 76% of the readers on June 2nd were Japanese... Time to make a Japanese version of my blog? ^^;

Of course I don't wanna bore people with just silly stats... so that's why I made the Spider-Trooper to make it more fun ^_^

Your friendly neighbourhood, Spider-Trooper shooting a webline!

I also collected some of my older Photoshop manipulations I did on You've seen here in some of my comics, The Melancholy of Saber Lily, and some that were made before this blog was even started.

Hwang Mi-Rai Hee

fun little project after someone found a potential model for Mirai,'s mascot, in the form of a Korean model named Hwang Mi Hee. Someone suggested that a Photoshop should be done to make her look like Mirai... I figured I'll take that challenge ^^

Now here's a before picture of Kanu Unchou in Goth Loli dress. I used to run this little series called, "Guess that Thigh High", showing only peeks of the figure's thigh high. It was way too easy, so it wasn't too much fun. This one time I used Kanu's stripey thigh high and everyone was guessing Ronald McDonald XD

I disappointed everyone when I revealed that it was Kanu... but that didn't stop me from making a Ronald McDonald version of Kanu :P

Behold! Kanu McDonald!

Which Photoshop manipulation do you like best?

By the way... two of the most visited pages are the ones that hardly have any comments... The most visited page is Yuri Mania 6 where I talk about Shoujo Sect, a yuri hentai; and the second most visited page is The Lunamaria Hawke Shrine. Very interesting tidbit, eh? What's your favourite page?

Once again thank you everyone for visiting, reading, viewing and commenting on this blog! Hopefully one day, before I reach 20,000 visits, I'll put up an actual header with pictures on it instead of just the text, lol. Here's to more shenanigans!


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