Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Black Rock Shooter: Black Rock Shooter, Dead Master, and Black Gold Saw

black rock shooter cosplay - black rock shooter, dead master, and black gold saw

I thought the previous posts of Black Gold Saw, Black Rock Shooter and Dead Master looked similar. In a good way, because apparently, the three cosplayers were shooting in the same studio! Absolutely breath-taking work!

If only we knew who the cosplayers were. Thanks to Fillet’s Minion for sending this in!

EDIT: Thanks to Anon for letting me know Black Rock Shooter's cosplayer is Tasha from Cure!

EDIT2: Thanks to Fang Shinobi for adding the other cosplayers' names as Tomia and Eki!

Black Rock Shooter: Black Rock Shooter, Dead Master, and Black Gold Saw

black rock shooter cosplay - black rock shooter, dead master, and black gold saw

I thought the previous posts of Black Gold Saw, Black Rock Shooter and Dead Master looked similar. In a good way, because apparently, the three cosplayers were shooting in the same studio! Absolutely breath-taking work!

If only we knew who the cosplayers were. Thanks to Fillet’s Minion for sending this in!

EDIT: Thanks to Anon for letting me know Black Rock Shooter's cosplayer is Tasha from Cure!

High Waisted Skirt in Velvet

Yes, I couldn't make myself not post this. This is how the skirt turned out, but this is only one of many versions of the skirt that can be made. I will include some in the tutorial and that is one of the reason it takes time. 

It is made in cotton velvet and has shirring in the back and zipper in the side. It is a bit longer than the regular lolita-skirt but I like that, it won't be so cold in the winter then. I added a ruffle at the hem, cause I felt it needed that. 

And I have changed the system for the comments. I think it is much easier now. ^^

Back and sewing!

I'm back! I didn't mean to take such long time on me to get this blog back in order or just making everything that I needed to do.

<--- Here is a preview of one of the things that I have been doing the lasted weeks. It is my 14th century dress that I made this summer for the medieval fair that I attended this last weekend. More of that comes soon.

So this weekend I will finally get my high waisted skirt tutorial up and running here on the blog. I have some tiny things to correct but that means it is almost done. To make up for the delay I will also include a give away. But what it contains is so far a secret.

So until the weekend comes I will work to get the tutorial and my give away done. Bye!

On September 4, we turn 1!

A year of friendship.

A year of bloopers.

A year of nonstop cosplay.

Hail Hitsuzen Inc!

Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian

Cosplayers: Ban and Kai



SEE YA...OCTOBER 15, 2010!


Blahs and More

by Stein Vivero, Segunda Espada

It was an awesome August for this year!

Full of fun, excitement, thrill and what-not.

Hitsuzen VIP Kai as Ciel PhantomhiveI accompanied Kai in Davao in representing Bacolod for the SM Cyberzone Cosplay Tournament Finals. He cosplayed Ciel Phantomhive from the anime series Black Butler. He did an awesome job and I did saw a great improvement from him. I didn't regret to say YES when he asked me to come w/ him as his cosplay duo for the finals. We supposed tp have a short musical skit for his act, but little did we know that human props are not allowed (which we thought that it wouldn't be an issue since it wasn't disclosed on their general guidelines or EVEN in the waiver).

Anyways! It's fun to meet new people! new cosplayers! and new friends! We first met CDO cosplayer Lexter : Optimus Prime followed by the lovely ladies during Kai's rehearsals (Zhel, Yuki and Maki). Cool.

Congratulations to Optimus Prime! Oyeah! We weren't able to see him after the event,just in case you happen to read this, I do congratulate you for winning and for being so kind and friendly!

Yuki! you're such a great Suguinto! Maki, my co-PA, thanks for the companionship and photo tips! and ofcourse! Zhel! Thank you very much for showing us Davao's hospitable nature and also to your friends, Dennis, En, Ms. Joy (Ambox) and the rest of the guys, thanks for showing us around.

EMI! dance goddess.♥ haha hope to see you guys next time. And of course! I love Hiro's Place, i love their onigiris ♥

VisMin contestants
We failed to eat durian, but we'll take the challenge next time.
If we only had a spare day.. gee. Anyways! let's just keep our fingers crossed.

and YES! We are already ending August and the FUN doesn't stop there!.
Hitsuzen Inc will be celebrating it's first birthday! :) To my fellow Hitsuzen, Let's celebrate life, companionship and victory! YATTA!
and Animotion is really in motion! I'm already registered! WAAA! Just wake me up when September ends! haha

See ya!

Naruto Shippuden 167 Subbed

Naruto Shipuden 168, Naruto Shipuden 169, Naruto Shipuden 167, Naruto Shipuden 166, Naruto Shipuden Episodes, Naruto Shipuden 165, Naruto Shipuden 170, Naruto Shipuden Episode 168, Naruto Shipuden 163, Naruto Shipuden 164

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Tag : Naruto Shippuden 167 English Sub, Naruto Shippuden 167 Torrent, Naruto Shippuden 167 Dota, Naruto Shippuden 167 Raw, Naruto Shippuden 167 Subbed, Naruto Shippuden 167 Download, Naruto Shippuden 167 Review, Naruto Shippuden 167 Online, Naruto Shippuden 167 Animation, Naruto Shippuden 167 Discussion

Hanabusa Aidou

Cosplayer: Pollen
Photo by Elechi

Naruto Shippuden 168 English Sub Torrent Download

Naruto Shipuden 168, Naruto Shipuden 169, Naruto Shipuden 167, Naruto Shipuden 166, Naruto Shipuden Episodes, Naruto Shipuden 165, Naruto Shipuden 170, Naruto Shipuden Episode 168, Naruto Shipuden 163, Naruto Shipuden 164

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Tag : Naruto Shippuden 168 English Sub Torrent, Naruto Shippuden 168 English Sub Part 1, Naruto Shippuden 168 English Sub Download, Naruto Shippuden 168 English Sub Preview, Naruto Shippuden 168 English Sub Online, Naruto Shippuden 168 English Sub Release Date, Naruto Shippuden 168 English Sub Release, Naruto Shippuden 168 English Sub Full Episodes, Naruto Shippuden 168 English Sub Part 1 2, Naruto Shippuden 168 English Sub Streaming

Sheik Got the Job!

Yes I did. I got the job! I'm super happy to be working now. I will be earnin' my money and earning experience working with children.. eep!
It's going to be an adventure but I definitely need to grow up.

So on the topic of cosplay since this IS suppose to be my "nerdism" blog... I have been really leaning toward cosplay OOT Sheik again. I mean I never let the dream go. I just really think I am ready to make it. I have avoided spandex for a few reasons but I might...just might..cheat and work off an already made zentai suit. I don't know. It depends. I won't work with shiney. At least I'm hoping I can avoid it. :[ Any thoughts on this?

I really love Sheik. Obviously. So I want everything accurate. I will look for the perfect wig and I will get my eyes checked eventually for good contacts so that I can have the red eyes.
I even want to start stretching and perfecting cartwheels so I can do some awesome photo posin'.
I LOVE SHEIK. YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND. It must be perfect. Or close to that. ;__; She is just an awesome character. Yes, I refer to Sheik as a female. :P

On another note, I started playing Spirit tracks again. It's pretty fun and cute. Kind of annoying dealing with that..tower thing but uh aside from sneaking around bad guys, it's fun. :] I haven't been playing Harvest Moon as much but I'm in Winter of the first year and Julius has NOT asked me out. =__= How will I ever get married at this rate? I've given him soooo many presents and he only has 3 hears meaning we're just friends. This game made becoming more than friends way harder than it really is. Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree...seeing as he loves perfume, roses and pumpkins but I dunno. I might have a chance! AHEM.

But ah..yeah. I posted a new video on my youtube today. You can check it out if you'd like. I think I will go now though. My tummy hurts. ;___;


Monday, August 30, 2010

Mononoke: Kusuriuri 02

mononoke cosplay - kusuriuri 02 the medicine sellerA wandering Medicine Seller, the Kusuriuri uses an enchanted sword to slay the “mononoke”, a type of ayakashi or unnatural spirits that linger in the human world. In order to successfully perform the exorcism, the Medicine Seller must find the Katachi (shape), Mokoto (truth), and the Kotowari (reasoning) of the mononoke. Once the sword is unsheathed, he transforms into a demon-like creature.

I’m guessing this is what the Medicine Seller looks like right before his transformation. Another impressive cosplay by Federkiel of Deviant Art! Thanks to *Des-Henkers-Braut, her photographer and Syaza for sending this in!

Mononoke: Kusuriuri 02

mononoke cosplay - kusuriuri 02 the medicine sellerA wandering Medicine Seller, the Kusuriuri uses an enchanted sword to slay the “mononoke”, a type of ayakashi or unnatural spirits that linger in the human world. In order to successfully perform the exorcism, the Medicine Seller must find the Katachi (shape), Mokoto (truth), and the Kotowari (reasoning) of the mononoke. Once the sword is unsheathed, he transforms into a demon-like creature.

I’m guessing this is what the Medicine Seller looks like right before his transformation. Another impressive cosplay by Federkiel of Deviant Art! Thanks to *Des-Henkers-Braut, her photographer and Syaza for sending this in!

Soul Eater Maka Albarn Uncanny Sword and The Soul that Persisted

Uncanny Sword
Maka is seen with Soul, Shinigami, Stein, Death the Kid, Liz and Patti in the Death Room, welcoming Black Star and Tsubaki back from their successful mission against Masamune. Maka congratulates the two and is seen watching as Black Star attempts to use Tsubaki's new Uncanny Sword form, but fails as it is still too powerful for him.

The Soul that Persisted
Maka, witnessing Stein give Black Star a way to make his soul stronger in order for him to wield Tsubaki's Uncanny Sword form, tells Stein to give her training as well. She is told by Stein to find a way to make herself stronger in her own unique way like Black Star does. Afterward, she goes to visit Soul to remind him of the party being thrown for Black Star and Tsubaki's first soul as well as Soul coming out of the hospital. She shows signs of distress upon seeing Soul's scar that he obtained from protecting her, and continues to blame herself.
During the party, Maka senses Witches in Death City, which are Eruka and Mizune fighting against Medusa. Maka reaches the spot at the same time Dr. Stein did and both see Medusa, who is disguised as the school's nurse. After the three talk about the possible culprit, Soul appears, worried about Maka since she just ran off. The worried Soul makes Maka realize that she must accept what had happened to Soul and work hard not to get him hurt again. Maka then places her hand on Soul's chest, much to his surprise, and tells Stein she has found a way to make her soul stronger.


When I received a right leg in the mail, I knew it was time for me to give Azunyan a proper photoshoot...

I'm being very cryptic, aren't I? =P

So here is the unblurred photo I took during the unboxing. And yes it is a K-ON Azone doll, Azunyan to be specific, as Ninjovee, Wolfheinrich and Q have guessed. Can't get past anything by you guys ^^; So if I do giveaways, I know that it won't be enough to just blur the photos XD

Also as I've mentioned before, she did not arrive in one piece... I was very excited when I unpacked her and then notice her feet were dangling... Oh no! I checked her left feet. It's just not inside the peg; perhaps it's the same with her right feet... Unfortunately not the same situation. Her ankle joint broke inside the leg. I panicked.

I wasn't aiming for a panchira... Honest!
I quickly took photos of the broken joints and send an email to Hobby Search, where I ordered her from, and explained the situation. Unfortunately it was the Obon holiday by the time my package arrive and they would be off for several days... They responded quickly after the holidays, however, and assured me I will get a new "right foot" in the mail.

Uh-oh... Just the right foot? Does that mean I have to take out the broken peg from her leg?? I don't know how to do that! I asked around and many people (Fat B, Flawless Exa, Eidrag, Yunamon, Soundwav2010, MarxTaichou) answered my call. At the time I was also in communication with Chun regarding dolls in general, so I also told her about this problem and I'm grateful for her support and answers for any questions and other concerns I had. Thank you Chun!

All that worry about removing the broken peg disappeared the instant I opened this package from Hobby Search. Which brings us back to my first sentence... The right leg that came in a box that was way too big for its content. What they sent to me was the lower leg, which means I just need to replace this leg, with ease, might I add.

The obligatory box photo... It splits in half revealing window view to the items inside.
So here we go again with the real beginning of the actual photoshoot and "review". ^^

The legendary moe item, the nekomimi!
Multiple outfit change for Azunyan! One of the selling points for me.
Multiple hands and... Not sure what that is on the bottom left...
Instructions on how to take care of Azunyan... Unfortunately I can't read any of it... HELP! I wonder if it's online anywhere... I'm very new to this Azone doll thing, so if anyone's got advice about this particular line of dolls, don't be afraid to chime in the comments!

Here's Azunyan showing off Muttan, her guitar.
I couldn't wait to put on her nekomimi right away! It was actually pretty difficult because it kept getting stuck to other parts of her hair.

Azunyaaa~n! Don't fiddle with it! It was so hard to put it on you!
And now Azunyan will strip for you! No, just kidding. Her thumb actually got stuck in some of the loose threads on her blazer, so I had no choice but to strip her... of her blazer. It created a nice opportunity for this photo!

She relaxed a little while I fixed her blazer. It also gave me an opportunity to see how her arms and elbows bend. It was hard to see because of the blazer and I did not want to break another joint...

Awww Azunyan's being cute putting her hands inside and letting her sleeve loose ^_^  Uh... not really... When I was trying to replace her hands her arm kept coming off from the elbow joint. Both left and right! I had to keep rolling up her sleeves to join them at the elbows again.

Ultra cute pose!
I've yet to learn about proper lighting for photoshoots, lol, so I apologize for the light being too shiny on her eyes.

Ok, this panchira's on purpose, unlike the one near the top...
I was able to balance this pose (even though it looks a bit strange) for a moment, enough to take a photo of it. anonymous_object mentioned in his recent review that it was hard for Azunyan to do other pose than just standing there. So I thought I'd try it out, lol. A stand is coming though ^^;

And now la piece de resistance! Two Azunyan with Azunyan's mug cup! Die! Die from all this cuteness!!! Umm... I don't mean that literally ^^;

I had to do a close up of Azunyan Nendo by herself. Too cute!

"I'm gonna have you for dinner, Azunyan Unit 2!" *OM NOM NOM NOM*
Sisterly love. No, wait, they're not sisters...
For some reason I thought Azone Azunyan would have a bigger nekomimi than the Nendoroid... How wrong I was.

Sitting in the cup, showing off her shoes ^^
Yes, there are "L" and "R" on her shoes :D
Reminiscent of the GO! GO! MANIAC! opening video? :D

Dipping her foot in the bath ^^
"Nya... Nyaaa"
That's it for now. I mean that's a lot of photos already, isn't it? I went nuts with Azunyan here despite having to deal with the elbows that keep coming off from her joints. This is just the beginning though... I've waited many moons for Azunyan and I already gotten quite a lot of outfits for her already even before I got her ^^; Not to mention she hasn't interacted with her "older sisters" yet... ^_^ Look forward to some more Azunyan!

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