Saturday, October 2, 2010

How did you enjoy Cosplay Mania?

How does it feel that the happiest day of the year for you is when you admit you're socially retarded and meet up with a bunch of like-minded losers?

How does it feel that the most exciting day in your life is not when you finally graduate from studying or achieve a huge promotion, but instead when you strut your lousy costume in the mall only to be laughed at?

How does it feel to pretend strangers in outlandish outfits are your friends?

How does it feel to prepare months for the big day yet get no recognition because your cameltoe ain't showing?

How does it feel to climb on stage to perform some silly skit only to get cold stares because you're not a gay couple making out or a hulking cardboard mecha that can barely walk?

How does it feel as a female cosplayer to know that if you're remotely attractive (only if), at least a dozen perverts took pictures of you so they could come home and stare at you in high resolution as they wank their dicks while imagining you screaming in pleasure as they pound your virgin pussy?

How does it feel as a guy cosplayer to know that you will only ever get laid with a fellow cosplayer who is as awkward in bed as she is with normal people?

How does it feel to go back down to your feet once everything is done and face the reality that outside conventions, you will always be the laughing stock in town for your pathetic hobby?


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