Saturday, October 16, 2010

PinoyCosplay Presents: Erskine Part 2

And so we got ourselves another Noel entry, let us start by doing a little background check on Erskine Noel.

The name Erskine came from a Foreskin, his late mother used to enjoy his late father's foreskin so much that she had to name her son after it. The Catholic church being strict kill-joys that they are didn't allow it and so they had to change Foreskin to Erskine. As for the Noel, rumor has it that there was a Christmas eve when Noel's mother had a one night stand, which resulted Noel with Santa Claus.

Anyways... On with the Tales of Erskine.

After stealing all these guns from some military base, Noel became the most powerful online stalker around.
Now that he has power, he wants to prove GamerTotoy wrong. He wants to show the world that he is no longer alone. And so he threatened women to pose with him, so he can pretend that he has a girlfriend.

And with his online stalking skills, he searched for women online and harassed them to the point that they would spread his name and call him "Pogi". (he really can't get a girlfriend and so he makes the girls jot down his name to mark them as his property)

Indeed all these actions made it seem that Noel is no longer alone. He thinks that he has proven GamerTotoy wrong and he has won. This made him very happy and fulfilled on the outside. 
But deep inside, he knows that he hasn't accomplished a thing, GamerTotoy is still at large and all he shot was a piece of paper. It was driving him insane. 
After having a big reality slap and thrown out of his dreamworld, paranoia grew, but his sanity shrank and started hearing voices in his head.

His inner girl got the best of him and so he started acting like a female GamerTotoy Hunter. But unfortunately, he kept failing and with his failure he obtained more personas. But despite having multiple personalities, he is still all alone. And he know it. So he decided to think really hard and use most of his remaining brain cells to create an imaginary friend. Half geek, half Storm Trooper.

With this newly found imaginary friend, Noel gained confidence and went back to stalking and molesting women. Just take a look at his snake-like hands, just where could they be going? 

He was on top of his game, but now that he touched the "goddess". He felt empty again. He consulted a watermelon about his problems and finally he got an answer.
Why stop with young girls when he can go on molest and stalk older women? And so he did... 

With all these achievements, all that is left is to take down GamerTotoy. And in order to do that, he used all that he has learned from stalking and molesting women and evolved himself into a half bear photographer that can be seen in wandering around in conventions. 

So that is all that is Noel for now... Now you guys keep off the drugs and don't be like Noel... (by the way, why the hell is he censoring his eyes?) 


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