Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Yata (.hack)

Yata (.hack) character according wikipedia

Yata first appeared in Roots disguised as the PC Naobi. Following his successful capture of Ovan he abandoned that PC and returned to his form as the Administrator Yata. He began studying the data inside of Ovan, but when he tried to unlock Ovan's left arm there was a system malfunction which gave Ovan the opportunity to escape. Wanting to keep tabs on all those close to Ovan, Yata had his assistant Pi use some of her agents to pursue leads related to him. The most notable of which were the PCs Haseo and Tabby. Yata himself began pursuing those who had been close to Ovan, including Phyllo but met with little success.

He encountered a small problem when his old friend Tawaraya returned to The World as the character Tohta. But rather then seeking revenge, Tohta only asked that Yata help him remove some RMT (real money traders) from the game. Yata helped Tohta with his plan, and told him that any debts owed to Tawaraya by Naobi were now paid.

Yata (.hack) cosplay costume final shoots by cosplay1.com

Yata (.hack) front

Yata (.hack) side shoot

Yata (.hack) back shoot


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