Sunday, February 27, 2011

Azunyan: A Snow Nyan

So I woke up Saturday morning not even looking outside... Around 1 pm I finally took a look outside and it was blanketed in white! I was really ignorant ^^; But it gave me the opportunity since Azunyan has been wanting to go play in the snow...

Okay Azunyan, don't be out too long... It's cold for both you and me you know...
Azunyan: "Not really. It's quite fun out here oniichan!"

Are you sure you're warm enough with just that school blaz... Err... Are you taking it off? And how come it looks like you've got nothing underneath?

Azunyan (after throwing her blazer off): "Teehee, come and catch me!"

Azunyan: "Awww, you caught me... As a reward I'll take my skirt off."
EH!? What?? You're taking off more!?

To be honest, I've been waiting for this opportunity for some snow. I kinda wanted to make this kinds of photoshoots ^^; When I was young I was quite intrigued by this kinds of photoshoots where the women were barely clothed in this kind of weather. I thought it was quite beautiful, but still considering what I went through at this time of the night in this temperature, I have quite the respect for them. This is not easy for me who's covered up... But the subject must be quite good at hanging in there for the shoot. Go go Azunyan!

In the end though, my lack of knowledge of cameras was my downfall... I couldn't get good shots unless I used the flash. Plus it was that cold! Not too mention Azunyan fell a few times... Good thing it was snow, but still, her clothes got quite wet...

Azunyan: "It's ok oniichan. It was very fun in the very short time I was outside." As she looks back through her tracks...

And when I got back inside for some reason this wet hair look on her just looks so sexy that I tried to take a picture of it with a bad setting... Oh well... You can sorta see it ^^;

And here she is drying off from the wet snow...


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