Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Having Too Much Fun at

Ok, so is the above picture sad or an incredible feat? I'm gonna say sad... At the rate I'm going I'll probably overtake the amount of Danny's comments in a couple of weeks, lol. I mean I don't even comment on every post, but I guess I do reply a lot to people's comments.

Am I just trying to get attention or just chatty? I don't know... I comment whatever I feel like, it just happen that I've had this much. The only DC member that is close in the amount of comments to me seems to be gordon, but still far away. Time for me to get a life perhaps? Ah but I am working already...

I guess after quitting World of Warcraft, I just wanted to fill a void, and seems like having fun at is the way to go. I truly am having fun courtesy of Mr. Choo and I'm grateful I found his site and the folks who resides in it ^_^

I contribute 10% of this:
Danny Average comment count went up to an average of 1200 per day on Should I keep the half a million comments in a single DB?via Twitter - 10:33pm [PST].
~Danny's Facebook status on March 10, 2009

Now I wonder if the site will self-destruct if I comment more than Danny...


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