Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yuri Mania 7

Awww... isn't that cute ^_^

Gokigenyou readers! This week is not a skip week for Yuri Mania even though I haven't been feeling well lately. My cold symptoms started sometime last Sunday, and I wasn't giving it a thought or I could've prevented it... Anyway, enough about me, I'm almost all better now! Time to focus on the girls loving girls genre that is yuri!

Last week I reviewed the anime for Shoujo Sect, after I posted it I found the third episode. I was glad to see it conclude happily... though the anime was just a bit too short to conclude all the loose threads. I mean there were scenes that wasn't in the anime in the promotional video! What's up with that?? Thankfully someone was kind enough to find the manga and I finished that in one night! No wonder I got sick ^^;

The manga and the anime has different scenes, but ends about the same way. I do love the extra epilogue scenes in the manga though. And it doesn't hurt there are more yuri H situtations in the manga... Hekekek.

And finally...

The Melancholy of Saber Lily Part 10

Only one strip this week before I make 4 strips in a row for next 2 weeks. The above is an unused scene... I decided I want Haruhi standing against the wall when Lily has her way with... Umm... you'll see.

The first one is a static image and the second is an animated gif, which I think looks better without the extra Saber face there ^^; ENJOY!


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