Saturday, August 22, 2009

AKA the hike I had last Saturday. A couple of friends of mine somehow managed to get me to go outside and go hike at Sasamat Lake in Port Moody. Definitely not something I do on a whim let me tell you... I was complaining how tired I was the whole way pretty much XD It really showed me how out of shape I was since I was just taken aback at the amount of uphills there were...

I think the only fun thing I noticed were the amount of slugs I saw along the way! And the downhills... LOVE the downhills! Thus why this is mostly a collected pictures of the slugs I found and asked my brother to take pictures of them since I didn't bring a camera with me ^^;

Ok the next one is kinda gross... so you may not want to click on the pictures, lol! It's a slug eating crap basically XD We passed it and then I was contemplating whether it was blogworthy or not after I passed it. I decided it was something fun to post, so my brother ran back to where the crap eating slug was and took pictures of them for me.

So umm... if you're eating, don't scroll down any further, ok? ^^;

In this one this, another slug was approaching the pile of crap for breakfast!

LOL UBER GROSS! XD I didn't realize how gross it is until I saw the picture... but definitely LOL!

The next one is kinda cool because it's yellow and has black spots. Which makes it look like a banana! Tis cute!

Nyaa! Don't step on it! Hahaha. It's a cool shot and a nice picture for comparison's sake. They were huge but not that big compared to the shoe.

This was a pretty shot of the swamp where we stopped by and took a break at.

"Hurry and get to the choppa! I can't hold these things much longer!"

So that was why I was mostly away last Saturday and was in pain and tired for the next few days afterwards ^^; We had a small picnic after the hike. We had lots of food there. I brought beef jerky, but no one opened it... LUCKY! All for me now XD

At night we had a big dinner planned at Shabusen, an all-you-can-eat sushi & yakiniku restaurant. So much for the weight loss from the hike ^^;;;

The picture above is another slug wrapped in seaweed... No, just kidding ^^ It's negitoro cone and spicy tuna cone. I guess it was because of Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka that I wanted to try this negitoro cone. Negi is leek, which is Miku's special item, while toro is tuna, Luka's special item. Mix them both and you get negitoro! Just like this NSFW picture...


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