Friday, August 14, 2009

New Layout and Header

It's about freaking time I have a header on my blog... Granted it's not looking the best right now... I couldn't figure out what I wanted, so for now this will have to do.

This header is based on my favourites from the present, starting from the left to the past towards the right. I used Yakuri's art that she gave me for the first picture. I hope she doesn't mind, but I can always change it later. Rei and Saber are my two favourite at the moment. Lunamaria Hawke comes next. Although her popularity has waned she's still the reason why I like Gundam and started to make Gunpla again. Beside her is Selphie because I wanted a video game character up there. From my recent Selphie blog post, you ought to know why :P While Ranma 1/2 is the first anime I've watched in Vancouver, so they deserve to be up there. They finally filled the void I was missing ever since I moved here. And finally, Voltes V, which HAS to be there because it's the first anime I've seen! Along with Voltes robot is Megumi Ouka, the only female member on the Voltes team. She's the reason why I like the name "Megumi" and why I like a lot of Megumi Hayashibara's works. ^^;

I also wanted something simple for a layout so I can easily modify the width of the blog. I managed to make it slightly wider for both the content and the sidebar. Curse my inability to mess with HTML!

I wanted to make this header for my blog because I was making a header that Danny was requesting. I thought to myself, "why am I making someone else's header when I don't even have one on my blog??" So that's good enough reason. The above is the header and I wanted to make it into a 4koma comic like what I usually do with Saber Lily & Haruhi figma. I dunno if he'll use it or not, but I want to post it here because I want to keep my 4koma comics together :)

Ok, one more blog header to go... and then maybe modify this header again... sigh...

EDIT: As you can see I redid the colours for the layout compared to the last one. Is it better to read? I made the background lighter and the text less brighter. Let me know if it reads ok ;)


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