Watch out for glass doors...... D:
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
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Blog Archive
- Tofu Contest!
- Final Fantasy VII Advent Children: Tifa Lockhart 03
- cosplay shopping! (^_^)
- AFA 2009: Photo Stream !
- Paying to shoot Cosplays. Right or Wrong?
- Bleach: Neliel Tu Oderschvank 05
- Bleach: Neliel Tu Oderschvank 05
- Steampunk Teaser Video
- Epilogue
- Silent Hill: Homecoming: Siam
- Silent Hill: Homecoming: Siam
- Meh..Black Friday...
- shopping!
- La Verdadera Kipi = The Real Kipi
- AFA 09: interview with the regional Cosplay Winners!
- Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles: Jill Valentine
- Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles: Jill Valentine
- kuroshitsuji book
- BioShock: Big Daddy and Little Sister
- BioShock: Big Daddy and Little Sister
- AFA Day One !
- Do you like waffles...?
- Witchblade: Amaha Masane and Shiori Tsuzuki
- Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..............
- Fate/Unlimited Codes: Saber Lily
- Fate/Unlimited Codes: Saber Lily
- Ayame & Shigure FOREVER. XD
- Unknown Entry 039
- Unknown Entry 039
- I know I just posted something like two seconds ag...
- AOD 2nd cosplay!
- Guilty Gear X: Dizzy
- Guilty Gear X: Dizzy
- D: New Blogger...
- COUNTING DOWN TO AFA 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
- AFA @ Singapore
- Kuroishitsuji Cosplay, Eye candy Splash!
- first blog!
- Re-post: R.I.P. Beeb.
- Choosing characters- Casualty Cosplay edition
- Back to Black.
- We fail at making up our minds. (-__-);
- Gyakuten Saiban 3: Auchi Takefumi
- Gyakuten Saiban 3: Auchi Takefumi
- AFA 2009 Schedule out!
- "Because I'll make a maaan out of YOU!"
- Auuughh..Less Harvest Moon more cosplay? :[
- Gundam Seed Destiny: Kira Yamato and Lacus Clyne
- Gundam Seed Destiny: Kira Yamato and Lacus Clyne
- Dissiiiidia (smooooch parody)
- CosplayDNA = Love
- Cosplay x KickBox. Who’d thought of that?!
- Dead or Alive: Lei Fang
- Dead or Alive: Lei Fang
- Otaku Consumerism & Dubs
- Anime Kigurumi
- Black Rock Shooter: Black Rock Shooter 02
- Black Rock Shooter: Black Rock Shooter 02
- Surprise Kay-chan!
- Weekly- Pick a pic
- Crossplay Decision Making... :(
- New wig, new storage problem, new ideas
- Opposites Attract
- ~Rozen Maiden ローゼンメイデン
- Gempak Starz 2009 Cosplay Competition @ Malaysia
- The Storm Warriors Art Contest @ Malaysia
- Princess Tutu: Princess Tutu 02
- Princess Tutu: Princess Tutu 02
- Closing of AFA Cosplayer Pre-Reg
- Sailor Moon S: Sailor Chibi Moon
- Cosplay Competition ? Never a fair game ?
- Xenosaga: KOS-MOS 02
- Xenosaga: KOS-MOS 02
- Bleach: Kurosaki Ichigo 02
- Bleach: Kurosaki Ichigo 02
- Weekly - pick a pic
- Omake
- The Prince of Tennis: Niou Masaharu
- Ayame & the Tree of Tranquility....
- Tick mark for Snufkin
- Hellsing: Sir Integral Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing
- Hellsing: Sir Integral Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing
- Oh my.
- Louis Armstrong & his Chest Bumping Journey
- >> Lenneth <<
- ~Trinity Blood トリニティ・ブラッド
- Heartfelt Award!
- Nekomimi Kanu Unchou ~Pink Ver.
- Ouran High School Host Club: Fujioka Haruhi and Oo...
- Ouran High School Host Club: Fujioka Haruhi and Oo...
- Animal Crossing: Halloween
- MSN interview with Clive
- World of Warcraft: Valeera Sanguinar
- World of Warcraft: Valeera Sanguinar
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