This news is almost a week old, but I didn't hear a lot of rumbling about this. I found this news through AnimeNation News which was sourced from AltJapan, but it's originally a survey that was taken from an otaku matching service in Japan called Otakuma.

As you've noticed there are several robot/mech titles on the list for females whereas some of those robot/mech titles don't even appear in the list for males. The world is changing. I am a part of this changing world as well because I have a lot of anime with a female lead or all female cast as some of my favourite anime.Females:
1. Gundam (all series)
2. K-ON!
3. Code Geass
4. Macross Frontier
5. Shin Seiki Evangelion / Toradora! (tie)
6. Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu
7. Lucky Star
9. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
10. Minami-ke
1. K-ON!
2. Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu
3. Lucky Star
4. Gundam (all series)
5. Saki
6. Shin Seiki Evangelion
7. Mahou Shoujo Lyrical nanoha
8. Hetalia
10. Toradora!
Perhaps because this is a type of matching/dating service and a lot of people's tastes change drastically when they grow up. I know I liked a lot of giant super robots when I was young and when I was in Jakarta. When I moved to Vancouver a lot of anime that were prominent at the time were either romance comedy or female oriented, such as Ranma 1/2 and Sailor Moon. I was looking for more robot shows when I first moved here, but each culture have different tastes in anime. Well, Canada hardly had any anime or people who liked anime back then... So because of age and culture, my taste in anime has changed quite drastically as well.
However, this survey result is quite drastic and completely the opposite of what traditional anime audience usually watch. I think anime producers are also part of this revolution. They know that their giant robot anime will attract the boys to watch the action, but they want to attract the other market as well. Thus Gundam Seed, Gundam Wing and Code Geass were born with designs that attracted the female audience. Whereas it's so much easier to grab the male audience with nothing but girls, cute girls and sexy girls that definitely attract the boys to their anime.
So how to sum this up? Well they sure know how to attract the opposite sex... Is this true for you?
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