Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hetalia: Axis Powers: America

hetalia: axis powers cosplay - america

Energetic and headstrong, America was raised by England who later fights for his own independence. He is the self-proclaimed leader of the Allied Forces but his ideas for solving international problems are often absurd. Unfortunately, America also tends to be oblivious to the opinion of others.

Beautiful cosplay! I love the simple yet elegant pose the cosplayer’s done with the American flag around her. Thanks to T.J. for sending this in!

EDIT: Thanks to ~Lsine for finding my blog and letting me know this is her cosplay!

Hetalia: Axis Powers: America

hetalia: axis powers cosplay - america

Energetic and headstrong, America was raised by England who later fights for his own independence. He is the self-proclaimed leader of the Allied Forces but his ideas for solving international problems are often absurd. Unfortunately, America also tends to be oblivious to the opinion of others.

Beautiful cosplay! I love the simple yet elegant pose the cosplayer’s done with the American flag around her. Thanks to T.J. for sending this in!

EDIT: Thanks to ~Lsine for finding my blog and letting me know this is her cosplay!

BLAB! at Asia Cosplay Meet

I like the female host. A lot. I think I'm in love!

Moonshade Cosplay Costume

Final shoots of Moonshade from Elfquest cosplay costume. Some revision was made for this costume project. - The Best Costume Commission Site

Sneak peeking

You know the feeling, when everything is finished and ready to go. It makes you feel satisfied and somehow empty. All your hard work and effort can be now packed and prepared to wear on the big day. For us it is usually a passing feeling. It lasts about two minutes and we usually haven't really packed all our stuff away, because we still need to sew some stitches and glue something to something. The two minutes usually take place between finishing everything and wearing it on the morning of the convention.

But now! Now we have that feeling and it's still two DAYS to the convention. We even took some photos to test our costumes. Wicked! Oh yeah, we needed to take them so that our faces would not be visible, because we didn't have the make-up on.

Finnish cosplayers and other con-goers, see you soon at Tracon!

"Of course it is legal. Trust me!"

Sniff... No sniff! Muddler!

Joxter using his time beneficially.

Styling Ame-Warashi's Wig

To get Ame-Warashi's hairstyle I decided to get a wig. Since I had no idea how to make my own hair that style and the idea of colouring it light blue wasn't that appealing. 

This page is from were Ame-Warashi shows up the second time in the manga, and yes, I am going to make that outfit too since it's so good looking. I love it. Anyway here you can see that her hair is coloured blue in the manga, and not red as in the anime. I wonder why they even did that, it's too different colours, and I think blue fits a rain-maker more than red. But enough of the rambling.

I started and ended my search for a wig at In the end I thought a wig styled for Miku Hatsune would be a good start, so I search out the bluest I could find and tried to make sure that it would be in good quality. The rewiev of the wig can be found here: Charissa-KIDS @

Unfortunate I don't have that many photos of how I styled the wig. But I will try to explain it in words. First I cut the bang, so I could see what I was doing vile wearing the wig. It was done messy so I could get an idea of how long it would be and figure out how much of the wig that was going to be in the side curls. 

This is were it started to get into real styling. I was going to make a straight wig into curls. I started to read on styling wigs on the internet and different forums to get an idea of what to do and decided that the hot-water-styling-method would be easiest and hopefully not damage the whole wig. So I bought myself some curling rollers in plastic and rolled up the fibres on them. Then I boiled some water and prepared a bowl that could handle the hot water. 

Then I placed the part of the wig that was rolled up in the bowl and pour the hot water on it. I had let the water cool a bit, so that the fibres wouldn't be destroyed. After a few minutes I took up the wig and let it cool down and dry over night. It is important that the wig cools down and dry before the rollers are removed, otherwise the fibres can loose it's shape.

In the morning I trimmed the rest of the wig shorter and it looked something like this, note that I was really tired when I took these: 

My friends told me that I looked like France and England's lovechild without the clips, and I kinda agree with them. That is if you have been watching Hetalia Axel Power, then you would maybe agree as well. :D

I got help by a friend to cut of the length of the clips. She first cut of a bit of the length and then trimmed the clips a bit thinner so that they would not be so thick. She also trimmed the rest of the wig a bit better.

And the finished results is here. Photo by David Rhodin

AX Cosplay Preview

So by this time, I should be at the airport and about to board the airplane to fly to Los Angeles for Anime Expo. Hopefully I didn't forget anything... My cosplay is all packed up though. Hopefully the hat doesn't get crushed. It wasn't too hard to find the hat, but had to look around first.

Since this is just a preview, I've kept the pictures black and white... And I won't say who I'm going as. I assume some of you can guess who I'm going as just from the pictures here... Albeit a male version ^^;

The shirt was quite hard to find actually. I found it just a week before I had to leave! It was the most expensive part of the costume since I had to get it from American Apparel. Thankfully there was a 15% off coupon. Also thanks to FatB for trying to help me track this shirt down. :)

I found this felt material at Daiso. I knew they had some materials for these. Good thing I went there. I found another item there as well. When I was cutting this felt, I was wishing there was an undo button...

Then I had to sew the cut out felt on to the shirt... I'm not the greatest at sewing, but it seems to be stuck there, lol.

The pants and jacket was from different Value Village location. Both for $15 each and both are in good condition! I'll be using them not just for cosplay then ^^

Ok, this is the only colour picture of the bunch. I found these wad of cash inside the jacket. I thought I found a fortune! 170 Dominican Republic Pesos! So when I got home I looked it up... It's slightly less than $5 Canadian...

These I found at Daiso. I wasn't sure where I have to find this, but somehow they had it. At first I saw it in a pot, then I found a better one in garland and then I looked again and found these separate ones in the bag XD

Interesting description on the bag. Does it look real enough?

And here I am in full cos... I'll be wearing just an ordinary white pair of shoes just because I can't be bothered by it, lol. So... Have you guessed who I'm going as yet? :) Is this a travesty or a good idea? LOL. Anyway, see you there at AX if you're going!



Honestly…. tell me exactly what’s wrong here xD? Click here to visit the page.




I seriously pity Reiko LOL!!!!! I am highly amused!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

RG Veda: Kendappa-O

rg veda cosplay - queen of kendappa - kendappa-oThe queen of the Kendappa tribe, Kendappa-O serves as the royal musician and is one of the prophesized Six Stars. As the rest of the Stars gathered together to overthrow the treacherous reign of Taishakuten, it is revealed that Kendappa-O is Taishakuten’s shitenno, Jikokuten, the shitenno and bushinsho of the East. She believes that Taishakuten is the strongest person in Heaven and swore herself to his service when she was just a small child.

Beautiful cosplay by ~missdeliri! As usual, photographer *hexlord has done a wonderful job! Thanks to Megan for sending this in!

RG Veda: Kendappa-O

rg veda cosplay - queen of kendappa - kendappa-oThe queen of the Kendappa tribe, Kendappa-O serves as the royal musician and is one of the prophesized Six Stars. As the rest of the Stars gathered together to overthrow the treacherous reign of Taishakuten, it is revealed that Kendappa-O is Taishakuten’s shitenno, Jikokuten, the shitenno and bushinsho of the East. She believes that Taishakuten is the strongest person in Heaven and swore herself to his service when she was just a small child.

Beautiful cosplay by ~missdeliri! As usual, photographer *hexlord has done a wonderful job! Thanks to Megan for sending this in!

Yuri Mania 31

Gokigenyou! Ah it has been quite a while since my last Yuri Mania, eh? Well this time I have something special. Last year I had to do a quick Yuri Mania and Weekly Lily before I went to Anime Boston. Docking mousepads! Well what do I do for a sequel? Why... Docking Dakimakuras, of course :P

By the way, some of these may be NSFW. So you may want to get ready to close your tab/window when your boss comes around your desk. Unless you're the boss, of course. If that's the case then feel free to share this with your employees.

So who are the participants? Well you can see Ryomou from Ikki Tousen up there, but Ryomou isn't really yuri... So we bring one of the greatest yuri seme there is!

Enter, Sousou! She's the yuri seme I look up to. When she wants her girl, she'll do anything to get that girl, especially Kan'u. Oh that scene from the first season of Koihime Musou just spoke to me so clearly.

So here's a close-up of the top half of Sousou. It's a good thing that they're both based on the same Three Kingdom, so this is somewhat appropriate, right? :3

And this is the bottom half of Sousou. Her pantsu almost undone and one of her thigh highs are already off.

Here's a close-up of the logo. I still haven't finished second season of Koihime Musou yet, but I'm gonna try to watch them when I have some downtime at AX. Doubtful though ^^;

So why did I get Sousou dakimakura cover, aside from her being my favourite yuri seme? No other reason...

So now our participants are ready. Hmm... Perhaps this side of Ryomou doesn't fit this situation perfectly...

Ah, much better... Ryomou's hands are now cuffed to her back. Go get her Sousou!

Ooh yeah... HAWT! Look how bouncy their oppai are! Docking at its best!

Ah, but Sousou isn't satisfied with just oppai docking... She goes lower! OM NOM NOM NOM!

What's that you say? You can't see anything? Use your imagination! Oh fine... Let's throw in my stick cushion (or bolster, depending what you call it) from IKEA and make it better!

Oh yes, yes! Docking and perhaps some tribadism there, eh? :D

Close up of the docking...

And here's Sousou rubbing Ryomou with her exposed feet.

Looks like someone's feeling left out and decided to pounce on Ryomou...

Oh and she's frisky at that too!

And here's the docking side view.

Tis a shame to show her only bits... So here's a full pic of Mirai. Love the thigh highs! Beautiful ^.^

This is the risque side. Very smooth looking skin. A perfect 2D skin! XD And I'll be bringing her to AX. Except without the pillow ^^; Until next time! Gokigenyou!

Tanjubi Omedetto Von-aniki!

Moonshade Cosplay Costume Progress Shoots

The first progress shoots of Moonshade from Elfquest cosplay costume. - The Best Costume Commission Site

Pacquaio and Mayweather Showdown

While this is the song that best suits the Pacquiao-Mayweather match, I think it also fits the meeting of Gamertotoy and Gian face to face. Guys, we want to see you fuck each others' faces (and chin) up really badly!

The backstory

Gamertotoy, the people's champ and the Philippine cosplay scene's voice of reason who thinks pervs like Gian and RG deserve to go to jail for their abuse of minors and the English language, finally wants to bring the Chanemperor's face (and chin) on the floor through fist and fury.

Gian "The Chanemperor" Bacuyag, professional pervographer and bullshitter, finally "mans" up
is hellbent on bringing the people's champ to his knees and prove that you can't keep a good man (and his erection for minors and other weak-minded cosplay girls) down.

It's pretty childish, but heck, I think playing dress up while you're 20-something is too.


Worldwide Cosplayer Photo journey: article status update


Just a short update about the status of the Worldwide Cosplayer Photo journey Project.

Sigh, the item is still listed as “ Despatched to overseas”. It has been reflecting the same status since last week.  With such a massive delay in the shipping process, I’m contemplating some changes to the rules and deadline =\

Monday, June 28, 2010

Granado Espada: Leticia

granado espada / sword of the new world cosplay - leticia

Very little is known about the Premium Item Merchant, Leticia, but players of Granado Espada know her very well. She sells in-game items that cost real money, so you can bet players think about her all the time, especially when they’re deciding whether or not to make a purchase.

I think it would be safe to say she’s from a family of merchants though? Or a family who is into the business.

Cute cosplay! I love her dress, but I wonder what she’s looking at? Thanks to Renae for sending this in!

Granado Espada: Leticia

granado espada / sword of the new world cosplay - leticia

Very little is known about the Premium Item Merchant, Leticia, but players of Granado Espada know her very well. She sells in-game items that cost real money, so you can bet players think about her all the time, especially when they’re deciding whether or not to make a purchase.

I think it would be safe to say she’s from a family of merchants though? Or a family who is into the business.

Cute cosplay! I love her dress, but I wonder what she’s looking at? Thanks to Renae for sending this in!

Cosfest Poll!

I'm feeling tired and braindead. So share with me what you guys think I should do at Cosfest!

World Cup 2010 Wallpaper

World Cup 2010 Wallpaper

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