Wednesday, June 30, 2010

AX Cosplay Preview

So by this time, I should be at the airport and about to board the airplane to fly to Los Angeles for Anime Expo. Hopefully I didn't forget anything... My cosplay is all packed up though. Hopefully the hat doesn't get crushed. It wasn't too hard to find the hat, but had to look around first.

Since this is just a preview, I've kept the pictures black and white... And I won't say who I'm going as. I assume some of you can guess who I'm going as just from the pictures here... Albeit a male version ^^;

The shirt was quite hard to find actually. I found it just a week before I had to leave! It was the most expensive part of the costume since I had to get it from American Apparel. Thankfully there was a 15% off coupon. Also thanks to FatB for trying to help me track this shirt down. :)

I found this felt material at Daiso. I knew they had some materials for these. Good thing I went there. I found another item there as well. When I was cutting this felt, I was wishing there was an undo button...

Then I had to sew the cut out felt on to the shirt... I'm not the greatest at sewing, but it seems to be stuck there, lol.

The pants and jacket was from different Value Village location. Both for $15 each and both are in good condition! I'll be using them not just for cosplay then ^^

Ok, this is the only colour picture of the bunch. I found these wad of cash inside the jacket. I thought I found a fortune! 170 Dominican Republic Pesos! So when I got home I looked it up... It's slightly less than $5 Canadian...

These I found at Daiso. I wasn't sure where I have to find this, but somehow they had it. At first I saw it in a pot, then I found a better one in garland and then I looked again and found these separate ones in the bag XD

Interesting description on the bag. Does it look real enough?

And here I am in full cos... I'll be wearing just an ordinary white pair of shoes just because I can't be bothered by it, lol. So... Have you guessed who I'm going as yet? :) Is this a travesty or a good idea? LOL. Anyway, see you there at AX if you're going!


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