Friday, June 18, 2010

So hyped up!

Yesterday I went trough cosplay blogs and sites to fill the late night hours. It was quite obvious that Desucon was held last weekend. Almost every Finnish cosplay or anime related blog had an entry about it. And suddenly July seems so far away! I think I got some sort of convention envy for reading and watching people’s experiences from Desucon. Luckily, first aid for the nasty disease was lying on the floor when I got back to work. Postman had delivered our tickets to Tracon. The symptoms are bearable now. I just need to fight the urge to push everything else aside and finish our costumes.

After some investigation on different sites, it was clear that I had missed tons of great costumes. If I summarize some opinions and observations, the level of cosplay in Finland has taken a step up. The bar has been raised, I believe. Not only for the cosplayers, but also for the conventions. I still haven’t found bad critique towards the convention itself. Of course there is some, but it’s rather neutral and pretty normal for any bigger scale event.

Euro Cosplay preliminary was held at Desucon, which must have affected the level of the costumes. I checked some videos from the contest and was mostly like "Woah!", even if I didn't recognize every character. The winner of the preliminaries will attend to the championships at London MCM Expo. All I can say... Go Balthier, go!


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