As you all can see, I have given up on this community. Because it is nothing more than a shithole of perverts and showbiz rejects. And as proof... Here are examples of these sick perverted assholes that wander in conventions.
Here's a photo done by these no lives. I've been telling people about these perverts and here is a proof of their existence.

Just look how ugly he is.

Same goes with this guy.

And DAMN! Look at that belly! Too much beer. This is why you should live a Straight Edge Life. To avoid looking like this.

Just look how pathetic he is. Can't even afford his own sex toy so he does... That...

And now another ugly shitface copies fatso.

Just groping plastic boobs makes them orgasm.

Look how happy this idiot is finally being able to hold a female cosplayer.

And then we have fatso doing the same.

Stay away from these sickos... And so I ask you people... Who deserves to be dropped from the fifth floor?
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