Friday, September 24, 2010

2 Girls 1 Hentai

Uhh... I mean... "hen tie". This is my backlog blog loot post from Akihabaka. I told him before Otakuthon in Montreal started that I was interested in the Fakku shirt with the hen tie and he offered to get me one since he knows Jacob. He offered it for $20 and will ship it for free. Though later on he surprised me and told me that I won the Taito Lucky Star figures from his giveaway! What a surprise! And a coincidence XD

I like to keep the original plastic wrapping on anything so it's not dusty ^^;

I wonder what those plastic ring things on the side of the boxes? For the crane?

Looks like it's pretty accurate with Tsukasa being taller than Konata... By an ahoge at least.

I'm not too keen on the face though. Konata's eyes seem a bit too big.

Tsukasa's face is a bit long. I tried to take an angle where they look as good as possible. They do look good at certain angles.

The box in Tsukasa's hands are very well detailed! I should take a look at the original, curious what they look like. Umm... I think the camera's too good. It took a picture of that green whatever on top of the box. What is that? ^^;

Face complains aside, everything else is meticulously well done! You can read everything on that ticket on such a small piece of plastic.

Tsukasa's bag includes radio and headset in her bag.

The headset looks pretty good too. You can even see her name on the nametag... I can't get a good shot of it unfortunately.

Love the bag. So I guess the staff actually has this bag on their persons?

Konata is a staff member.

Tsukasa's charm point: the ribbon.

From the back... Konata is all hair, lol. I swear they gave a lot of details on Tsukasa more, haha.

Knee pits?
It's hard to read here, but I think you can actually read the text inside the box.

Close-up of the base.
No, I'm not trying to get an upskirt shot from the reflection of the base

his one I'm trying to get an upskirt shot... But I think they wear shorts underneath. Thanks again Akihabaka! I love the figures and the shirt ^_^


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