Saturday, September 25, 2010

Looking for Singaporean Cosplayers to be interviewed!

Hihi People! Are you a Singaporean Cosplayer? Wanna be part of a history in the making(xD) and earn some small bucks in the process?

Yock Sian from NTU is currently writing a thesis about Cosplay and would need willing cosplayers as interviewee! Continue reading below for the information.

As I mentioned, I’m still looking for cosplayers to do interviews with for my masters’ thesis. The angle of my thesis is to examine cosplay as a fan activity, positioning it along other fan activities such as fanfiction writing or fanart etc.

Basically, each interview will probably be about 2 hours long, give or take a little. The time and date will be flexible depending on when the interviewee is free. I do need a quiet venue to audio-tape the interview though. As a small token of appreciation, I will be paying each interviewee $40 for their time. All information will be kept strictly confidential. I may require follow-up after the first interview but they will probably be short and only done via e-mail.

My only criteria for interviewees is that they must currently still cosplay. There is no age, race, gender or years of experience requirements. It also does not matter how frequently they cosplay either. If any of your friends might be interested or have questions about this, they can feel free to drop me an e-mail at teey0006[a] or sms/call me on my mobile 9xxxxxxx (I’m masking her mobile number for privacy reason as this blog has higher traffic flow and might not be safe. If you really must have her mobile and can’t do with the email, let me know again =D). I’ll be happy to answer the questions.



I’m busying preparing for my photoshoot later hence many apologies for the rushed entry! But go contact her if you’re keen =) She’s a nice person to talk to. And don’t worry, she’s an anime fan herself =) She won’t look at you with alien eyes :D

p/s: I ABSOLUTELY HATE ironing! Its the most hated household chore ever!!!


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