Sunday, April 12, 2009

Kyon no Imouto - Summer in Spring

Wave 1/10 Kyon's Little Sister Swim Wear Ver. [Deluxe Edition]

Yay! Finally able to take pictures of Kyon's Little Sister figure that I received recently. I actually got it April 1st, but I had so many things happening during that week that I never got a chance to take pictures of her until now.

If you didn't know, Kyon's little sister is one of my favourite characters from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya series. I've always wanted a little sister like her ever since I watched the show. So cute! Also I've gotten this question many times before, so I'll answer it here. She does not have a name, yet. The author of Haruhi Suzumiya novels have this interesting theme going on where people that have powers, Mikuru Asahina, Koizumi Itsuki, get a full name while ordinary humans, like Kyon and Tsuruya, has one name or no name at all.

The first picture shows you all the accessories that came in the box because it's the Deluxe Edition. It came with extra pairs of arms, two extra hairstyles and an extra face that winks. It's almost like a figma! Oh my... can you imagine a Kyon's Little Siter figma?? I want one!

If you came here from and expected to see three boxes then... APRIL FOOL'S! I almost did buy three of them, but I asked someone to stop me from buying three of them, through email, lol. She knows who she is.

I didn't realize that I could've put both the inner tube and the water gun when I took the pictures lol. I should've taken a look at the box first, I was too much in a rush, methinks ^^;

I guess the Deluxe Version comes with the extra parts in the plastic packaging on the left. I guess it was pretty easy for them to do it this way to differentiate between the deluxe and standard edition.

So yeah this is straight out of the box. I didn't even realize I could put the tube on her. It wasn't until I downloaded the picture that I saw this peg on her hand for the tube... But in order to put the tube you have to remove her arms and head first. So the standard version gets a twin tail.

The untied hair version. I decided to put the tube on this one. I took extra angles to show the top of the tube. Her shoulders are pretty easy to remove for easy arm replacement, but you do have to push it in tightly so that the seams aren't visible. I really love her beach flip flops!

The side ponytail version is my favourite! It's when I first fell in love with her... Conditionally speaking that is. I love her like a little sister... I swear! This is also to show you the winking face. Ain't she cute? One eye closed, one side of hair tied; that's how I thought of it when I took this picture. I've made this face into a default face when I put her back in the packaging. In order to change her face I had to remove it from the peg which was tight and putting in a new face is even tighter...

Kyon's Triple Little Sister. Made this in Photoshop. Took me a while because I had to separate three pictures from their background! Oh so painful just to make this composition... the one on the right is not even at the right angle... arrggh, so annoying. But whatever, it's just for fun anyway. Now I do have a chance to get two more of this figure, but I guess I won't since I don't have any space ^^;


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