Friday, April 3, 2009

Yuri Mania 8

Gokigenyou readers! Welcome to another session of Yuri Mania! This week I finished Maria-sama ga Miteru 4th season... Awww what a touching ending. It's kinda what you see in the above picture... ok fine those two didn't really kiss, but still hugging. It's a spoiler perhaps, but after you watched the whole season you see it coming.

I also finished Maria-sama ga Miteru 3rd season OVA. No, you didn't read it wrong. I watched the end of 4th season before I even watched most of the 3rd season... Safe to say I mixed up a lot of the timelines as I was watching both of them at the same time. This is also old news, but if you haven't heard, Nozomi/Right Stuf has picked up the license for the 4th season. So now I can't wait for the DVD specials that they always have in it. I just realized I reviewed first season of MariMite but didn't continue... Guess that's something I ought to do next week...

ANYHOW... This is also an excuse to post...

The Melancholy of Saber Lily Part 12

Last time Saber Lily found out that Haruhi has a freaking tentacle monster for a summon! And well you can sorta imagine what happens when a tentacle monster shows up...

Ah two parts in a row that I couldn't figure out a title for the comic... I had to borrow from a brand of soda. Yes, there is an actual soda called "Tentacle Grape". Look it up!

I was mildly annoyed that the tentacle was rubbing paint all over my Saber Lily figma. I hope it's removable. It's minor, but still noticable. Panel 3B was also a pain to make. I know what I wanted to do, but I guess I didn't envision how it looks because Haruhi and Saber's picture were taken separately. I took them both yesterday, then as I was making it in Photoshop, it didn't match! ARRGGH! So I had to reshoot for Haruhi's part... I also modified Saber's eyes to match the shock, though it didn't look as good as I'd hope. Anyway, the MariMite picture is a better example of what I was trying to achieve in panel 3B.


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