Saturday, May 9, 2009

Yuri Mania 10: Candy Boy

Candy Boy. Sounds like some kind of yaoi thing, eh? Like some kind of shota that'd be used for some guy's plaything, right? Ok, that analogy sounded bad, but this is quite the opposite. Candy Boy is about twin sisters who just recently moved into a dorm to go to school in Tokyo. But of course they're not normal sisters. They're very close sisters to the point of being lovey dovey with each other. Thus why Candy Boy is in my Yuri Mania post!

Candy Boy is one of the first few ONA around. ONA means Original Net Animation where it's released almost irregularly to the NicoNicoDouga site. Other ONA includes Nyoron Churuya-san, The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi-chan and Hetalia Axis Powers (because some people demanded that it was too offensive to be put on television thus why it's only released on the net). Irregularly because I tend to forget about it until someone does the sub for it... Because of this the animation does look good, though Danny has mentioned that it relies mostly on still pictures. I still think it looks beautiful nonetheless and it shows how much time and effort they've put in. I just wished they do more of them...

So I say this is a yuri anime, but it's not very explicit and it doesn't really show any eye candy. But it's still something fun to watch, comedy mixed with drama and romance. It's what you would call a slice-of-life anime.

Candy Boy takes Kanade Sakurai's point of view through most of the episodes. She is the younger of the twin sister, yet she is more mature than Yukino, the older twin. One would also call her a tsundere because of her cool attitude but when she's in the mood, she would be very, very cute!

Yukino Sakurai, the older sister, acts more like the younger sister because of her airheadedness and her selfishness of wanting everything from snacks, items, and her sister's feet... er, love. Although she can be mature when the need arise, like dealing with their younger sister back home. I always like it when she calls out, "Kana-chan, Kana-chan!"

She's got very flexible cheeks...

And then there's the rift who almost caused a split between the sisters, Sakuya Kamiyama, who's got a very disturbing crush on Kanade. Well not really because Kana and Yuki are closer than ever because of her meddling. She is a year younger than the twins and her family is quite rich. She tries to win Kanade over using her riches to her advantage... like building a new dorm that's especially made for her and Kana...

Oh yeah, and she's shameless too.

Finally there's the twin's younger sister, Shizuku Sakurai. She is approximately 3 years younger. She seems to like Yukino more, but in reality she wants to be close to the sisters as much as they are close to each other. She hated the fact that they had to separate when the twins moved to Tokyo, while she stayed home in Hokkaido.

All these episodes are continuous of each other... but they are released with a huge gap between them that you have to watch the previous one to remember what happened. Good thing they're only around 15 minutes each... so there's not much to summarize. I'll try not to spoil anything, but there's really not much to spoil anyway. Just warning you, s'all. I will only summarize the first two that were released chronologically so it won't take too much space.

Episode EX01: Forecast of the Future

Yuki wants to sleep with Kana...

This episode was an extra for the DVD release of Candy Boy. This takes place when Yukino and Kanade first moved into their current dorm. Kana is utterly disappointed with the size of the room so Yuki tries to cheer her up.

Prologue: Side Story for Archive
Yukino answers Kana's question of what she wants for Christmas...

I wasn't kidding about Yuki wanting Kana's feet, y'know.


People stare at Saku all the time when she's in stalking mode.

I call this episode 1 for some reason... This episode introduces the whole conflict between the sisters and Sakuya. Kanade tries not to get between Yukino and Sakuya who seem to be getting close to each other.

More to come next week, featuring episodes 1-6 and hopefully 7 (since it was released only recently). It will be a picture heavy post too.


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