Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Yuri Mania 12

Good day everyone! I am off to Boston tonight at 11:30 PM, so I will be unable to post anything for a while or hang around online because I'll be mostly at the convention, AnimeBoston. However, I can't just leave without posting one of my yuri posts! Also posted as Weekly Lily at

The above shirt is actually acquired from AnimeBoston 2007. I haven't actually worn it because the vendor told me that if I shouldn't put it into a dryer after I wash it. I might just forget this and put it in the dryer anyway... This is the shirt that initiated my search for all things yuri, so it's appropriate that I post it here eventually. When I first seen the picture I couldn't tell who they were since it was black and white... then as I saw the finished product I realized that it's Winry Rockbell and Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist!! Very surprisingly it's Winry that's taking the initiative ^^;

This will be the third year I'll be attending AnimeBoston. I'm also visiting a friend that I've met from the days when I played World of Warcraft. I think our common rabid fandom of Rei Ayanami made us real close friends even though he's way over in the East Coast and I'm in the West Coast.

Every year I give him stuff that I bought and decided I don't want them anymore... but one man's unwanted things is another's must have items! Well that and it's sorta like a belated birthday present for him.

Last year or early this year (I can't remember) I bought the Yomako-sensei oppai mousepad. It was on sale at Hobby Search. I thought I'll keep another for just in cases, but I also thought that if I didn't want it, I know my friend would. I figured I have enough oppai mousepads with Yoko and Haruka ^^;

Back of the box... what's it say there in the speech box? Yomako's oppai/padding is much bigger than Yoko's. It's heavier too... as proven in the bottom flap of the box. It's just not closing properly!

In case no one knows who Yomako-sensei is... It's an identity that Yoko uses after the end of the first arc in Gurren Lagann. She doesn't want people to know who she really is. She teaches a class of elementary age students in a small island. It wasn't until 7 years later that she return to action in her usual bikini & micro shorts sniper outfit.

This is what she looks like outside the box. Also a view from behind the oppai and a view from the top of her head. I took a few pictures just in case I feel like I shouldn't have given her away ^^;
Here is Yomako-sensei compared to Yoko. Lookit them big couple o' mountains! You can see the significant difference in this picture as well.
And here are all of my oppai mousepads compared with Yomako-sensei! Haruka seems to be the smallest compared to the other two... Maybe because Haruka was a part of a magazine premium?

And what's a Yuri Mania post without a couple of docking pictures? *Yuriyuriyuri* DOKKAN! Docking sequence complete!

Hmm... some kind of weird time-slip yuri docking? What would they say to each other before they start docking? ^^;

The two that I owned wants to dock as well! It looks like Haruka is prepared for it with her hands on her chest.

And now Haruka gets a turn with the teacher... Hot for a teacher? Yomako-sensei's oppai is just swallowing Haruka whole!

Anyhow... I will be back on Monday, 25th of May and I'm sure I'll have TONS of member news & posts on my blogroll to catch up on...


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