Thursday, September 24, 2009

Gomen Nasai...

I've been very caught up with a lot of my projects lately, from 4koma to Gundam that I haven't really read much of my comrades' blogs... So for that I apologize deeply...

I tend to leave a lot of comments on others' blogs and on, but lately I haven't had the time nor the energy. I don't even know what I do with my time either. I don't even watch that much anime nor do I play that much games. I fell behind and I couldn't catch up any longer. I hope one day to catch up again and browse all your blogs again.

I sincerely thank you all who's come to visit and supported me for this past year. I hope to get one week to just read everyone's blogs and maybe even leave a comment or ten. Just a quick update, I'm almost at that 1 year mark and I'm almost done with the Gundam project ahead of schedule. I had almost the whole day on Wednesday to get most of it done. Will post it as soon as possible ^^


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