Friday, September 4, 2009

Melancholy of Saber Lily: Side B(L)

Gokige... Oh wait, can I say this under this circumstances, can I? ^^; Ummm... yes, I'm doing a different type of 4koma comic this week than what my regular readers are used to, as you can gather from the image above (from Gelbooru).

Let's see... how did this happen again? Oh yea, a conversation started in one of Danny Choo's loot posts about male figures and how someone should make a yaoi type figma comics... And I suddenly came up with two ideas right away! My mind is twisted apparently, oh but you knew that already.

This will be an intermission of my current collaboration project with Wolfheinrich, so rest assured that will continue later on. These following 4koma comics are inspired by and dedicated to my good friend Yakuri. She's got an advance screening of this, but I added a little thing at the bottom of it afterwards :P

The Melancholy of Saber Lily Part 18

As you can see this is another Endless Eight parody. The dialogues are directly from the anime or at least from the fansubs that I copied this from. Well except for the last panel, but you get the idea. I chose the number 7401 because it sorta looks like the equivalent to "YAOI" ^^;

The Melancholy of Saber Lily Part 19

Oh so that's where Saber Lily's been hanging around at. Oooh and I guess this is the first appearance of Nagato Yuki on these panels! The scene is of course reminiscent of the 5th part of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya where Koizumi takes Kyon into the enclosed space. In this one Koizumi seems to have enclosed upon Kyon! GYAAAAH!! Also another Endless Eight reference in the last panel. Did you catch it? :)

These comics are also on my other site all collected in

So did anyone get the case of the can't unsee? :P Well I have a Moe healing art for ya, courtesy of Yakuri as well. She drew this for me because I answered right to all the questions she asked in one of her blog posts. Thank you very much Yaku! Let the little sisters MOE healing begin! XD


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