Saturday, September 12, 2009

Yuri Mania 21: Breaking through the Panels

Gokigenyou minna-san! It is another time to put some more yuri into your life! Again I've been neglecting my duty to review Kanamemo... but hopefully this will make up for it. The above photo is an unused panchira picture ^^;

This is of course another collaboration between Wolfheinrich and I. A Dollfie Dream Theater x Melancholy of Saber Lily joint project.

The Melancholy of Saber Lily Part 20

This part was kinda killing me the other night while I'm making this. Maybe there were just so many pictures to cut out from their background? Or maybe the dual panel I was doing. Looks ok, I hope. Did you notice anything in the last panel? :P

I also made a new header that might be useable for; see if Danny likes it enough to be usable as the header. Trying out more of panel breakings and adding something familiar at the end ^_^

Of course these two are on Melancholic Lily and you can see the previous ones there as well. Until next time... Gokigenyou!


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