Sunday, September 20, 2009

GUess who's coming AFA?????? XDD

Hey S.E.A (South East Asia) Cosplayers ~~ Guess what?


KANAME'S COMING!!!!!!!!!!!! Hohoho!!!!!!!

OKay fine, by the time this entry comes out it'd have been old news already but whatever! KANAME"S COMING!!!! The mostest bishiness Cloud is gracing our local event !!!!!

Kaname will be a judge for the cosplay competition to be held at Anime Festival Asia 2009! Look below for the official description of Kaname on the AFA website.

Renowned Cosplayer

A renowned Cosplayer of Cloud Strife from “Final Fantasy VIl: Advent Children” and Ichigo Kurosaki from “Bleach” will be one of the judges of AFA Regional Cosplay Championship and will conduct a closed door Cosplay Panel Session at AFA09.

He made his cosplay debut as Cloud Strife of Final Fantasy VIl: Advent Children at Tonari de Cosplay Convention in TFT on December 29th, 2007. Initially, he had a misunderstanding that one person should stick to only one costume, but he soon realized that he was wrong, and started devoting himself to cosplay.

Cosplay History in Japan

  • “Minade tsukuro cocofuri”, a cosplay event: image character (since May 2008)
  • “ver2.5”, a monthly cosplay culture free magazine: official model (Since May 2008)
  • “Cosmode”, a monthly cosplay magazine: featured in the article and appeared in the cover (2009)
  • “Cos cos play play”, a TV program of CS Fuji: appeared in cosplay (#20)
  • “Cos Bon Fantasy”, a cosplay quarterly magazine: appeared in the cover and the top infographic pages (Spring 2009)
  • “Kami”, a brand of character wigs (Janet Co. Ltd): wig model

Cosplay History in Overseas

  • “Anime Expo 2009” in US: participated as a representative cosplayer in Japan, reported about the event with digital movies and so on for “Cure”.
  • “International Game Costume Festival 2009” in Korea: invited as one of representative cosplayers in Japan, participated in the event and performed on the stage for the first time by giving a posing show and singing songs.

His costumes include Cloud Strife from “Final Fantasy VII: Advent”, Kurosaki Ichigo, Grimmjow Jaegerjaques and Tosen Kaname from “Bleach”, Kaito of the Vocaloid series, Portgas D.Ace and Sanji of “One Piece”, Saotome Alto from “Macross Frontier”, Benten from “Zone-00” and many more.

KANAME☆ Profile Page on Cure:

Damn! Makes me wanna join the cosmpetition too.... but the list of competitors are wayyyyy too strong \(T_T )/ *lifts up white flag*

I think I'll just concentrate on Paparazzing T_T


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