Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Behind the Scene of "Love is War" Cosplay PV

So you've all seen the awesome PV inuran and Zerartul came up with in my last few posts. Now, get a change in perspective and look at the making of it!

To get the best footages, inuran and team actually re-shot everything 3 times. THREE TIMES OMFG!!!!!!!! Imagine, lugging your costumes, tripods, cameras , make up box, misc photoshoot stuffs out of the house 3 times on 3 seperate days for the SAME PURPOSE/SONG!!!!!!

These videos were taken on the first shoot, which was on a very early saturday morning. You'd notice the abnormally bad video quality and that was because yours truly totally FORGOT to bring her camera that day!
I was supposed to help our Miku with her makeup that day so I kinda only remembered to bring the Make Up box and rushed out T_T.

Left without a choice, I could only film with my crappy mobile phone camera T_T. Very disappointed with myself and the quality of the video but.... oh well at least we have some behind the scene footages. Hope you guys enjoy it! Editing the video and adding those subtitles was a chore!


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