On Tuesday, October 6th, I was killing some time before I went home from work. I was looking for an orange Tamiya paint at this mall... but to no avail. So I stayed in that mall until they closed. I ventured into Blockbuster to see if there's any game I want to play. A Saw game?? Yeah, anyway...
As I was about to drive out of the parking lot, this girl, probably in her mid-20's, stopped my car and approached to talk to me. Ideally one should not stop or open their window to strangers... but I'm a gullible moron, so I did many foolish things here. She asked for a ride a few blocks away from this Blockbuster. I was kinda hesitating and gave her a lot of excuses, but then I caved in... I thought I'd do some Samaritan work. At first she asked a ride to the closest public transportation station but changed to a specific location in Vancouver. She said and changed so many stories... like how she just got robbed, came from Williams Lake and don't know the Vancouver area, needing a place to stay for the night, etc. Not sure what to think of them until the whole event ended.
I was nauseated the whole time she was inside because she just finished smoking. I get real dizzy from cigarette smoke. I tend to hold my breath when I walk past a smoker... I can't really hold my breath the whole time in the car, can I? And as we kept talking in the car she starts asking for money... Yeah... Said something about how she's not a cop and maybe she can exchange for a "date". I just brushed it off and quickly changed topic like where exactly she's going.
Nearing our location she told me to turn somewhere and just stop at an alley... Now she's really pushing for the money, $15 to be exact. "Please please please," she kept repeating. Then she said she'll give me a [BJ/fellatio] for that money......................................
Well, I'm glad she's not some kind of nutjob who kills me in his car and then steal the car or something. But still some kind of "job", if you know what I mean.
I instantly said no. I didn't even think about it. Perhaps the first time she mentioned something about the "date" already made the hamster wheel churn to give me enough time to think. I tried to shut her up with $5 and hoping she'd get out of the car with that. She was still pushing for more, but gave up eventually.
So I'm not quite sure what to think of this... Of course as a guy, I would be thinking about how I could've got something there, but from my moral stand point of view, it wouldn't be right. Plus there are a lot of weird diseases out there. Maybe I'm feeling guilty too for not giving her that much, but I don't know how truthful she was. I was doubting her truthiness because of the amount of sob stories she was trying to push on me.
A very strange experience... Let's hope I learn a lesson from this...
Top image is reversed from its original because my car's passenger seat is on the right and the girl does not look like the 2D girl at all.
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